George Bush Yandes
George Bush Yandes Birth: June 7 1838 Indianapolis Marion county Indiana
Death: February 15, 1913 St Petersburg, Flordia burial: MAR 1, 1913 Crown
Hill Cemetery Indianapolis Marion County Indiana |
George B. Yandes Dies in St. petersburg, Fla.
Nieces expected to arrive today with body.
Career as Business Man
word has been received of the death of George B. Yaneds of this city at his
winter home at St. Petersburg, Fla. yesterday morning. Death was due to angina
His three nieces, the Misses Anna Belle, Mary and JOsephie robinson, were with
at the time of his death. The niees, with the body, were expected to arrive here
this afternoon.
The funeral will probably be held here Satuday at the family home, 122 East
Michigan Street
Mr. Yandes was the last of the family of Daniel Yandes, who came to Indianapolis in
1821 from Pennsylvania. As the elder had $4000 at that time he was looked up as a
man of wealth. George Yandes's grandfather and grandmother were both natives of
Germany and the sturdy qualitied they possessed were transmitted in their children.
daniel Yandes died in 1878 at the age of eighty-five
Born in Federal Square
George B. Yandes was born seventy-four years ago last June in the Daniel Yandes home,
which had been built in 18137 on an acre of ground at the noetheast corner of what is
now the Federall Square. This was a p lain, substantial two-story brik. On a part of
this lot, in 1863 the First Presbyterian church was erected, which in turn gave place
to the federal building.
Mr. Yandes obtained his early education at the Marion county Seminafry, which occupied
a place in University Square, neat the present location of the Harrison monument. He
afterward attended Brown Universith. On his return from college he engaged in business
with his father, who dealt in hides and leather on the north ide of washington street,
two or three doors from the site of the present Washington Hotel. This store has an
immense hide hanging on one sifde of the entrance and on the other was a tall pile of
Develops into Banker
After possibly twelve years with his father , George became a member of the old firm
of Sinker, Davis & Co., boiler makers.He afterwards became presient of th Citizen's
National Bank, which closed its business in 1885. In 1892 he became vice president of
the Indiana National Bank, a postition from which he retired three years later,
continuing as a director until last July, when he retired that he might be entirely
free of business cares.
Mr. Yandes was a clearf headed business man, but knew the buren that comes with large
wealth. some time before t he death of Mr.Yandes's eldest brother, simon Yandes, that
brother told him that he intended to leave hime (George) a consoiderable amount in his
will. Mr. Yandes protested that he would not have it., hat he had all the money he could
possibly core for, and that he would not be burdened with it. It is due to this fact
propbably that the philanthropic bequests made by SImon Yandes were larger than they
otherwise would have been
Went South for WInter
For some years Mr. Yandes had spent the greater part of the summer at Lake Maxinkuxkee and
his wintrs in Flordia.
James Yandes, a brother, died at St. Paul, Minn, several years ago. A sister Katherine Y.
Fletcher widow of the Rev. ELijah T. Fletcher, diedn some months ago at Walnut Hills,
Cincinnati; another sister was Miss Elizabeth Y. Robinson, whoe three daughters were at Mr.
Yandes bedside at his death.
He was well known to all the older business men of this city and well likes for his
unostentatious ways and his quiet humor.
James A Hamilton has been in charge of Mtr. Yandes's business affairs at his office in the
Newtown Claypool buildiing for several years - Indianapolis News Feb 26, 1913
1913 - Feb 27 - Many Culver friends of George B.Yandes will hear wil sorrow of his
death which occured suddenly on Tuesday at St. Petersburg Fla. Mr. Yandes and his
nieces the
Misses Robinson,
have been members of the Lake Mainkuckee summer colony many Years.- Culver Citizen
1913, Mar 6 - George Yandes left and estate estimated at $1,000.00 - Culver Citizen
1913 - Mar 13 - Church Gets A Million
The will of the late George B. Yandes disposed of an estate worth about $1,500.00
The will procides that all of the estate, which consists of about $1,000.00 worth
of real estate and about $500,000 worth of personal property, shall be placed in
trust, except about $150,000 which is given direct.
Mr Yandes remembered in the will many of his distant relatives
The greater part of the estater, of $1,000,000 is placed in trust for the benefit of
the Presbyterian church in Indiana. Two-thirds of the income from this portion of the
estate will be paid to the church for the use of home missions and the other
one-third and the income form an additional $35,000 will be paid for the benefit of
the Sunday School work of the church in Indiana
Many orginazations, including the Salvation Army and the Pnetecost BAnds of the World,
will receive various sums. The bequests fo charity are as follows:
Young Womens Christain Association, | $10,000 |
Resuce Mission, | $ 5,000 |
Charity Organization Society, | $10,000 |
Indianapolis Home for Friendless Women, | $ 5,000 |
Pentcost Bands of the World, | $ 5,000 |
Colored Young Men's Christian Association, | $ 5,000 |
Methodist Episcopal Hospital and Deaconess Home, | $ 5,000 |
American Sunday School Mission of Philadelphia, | $50,000 |
Among other bequests not tied up in trust funds are To Anna B, Mary Y and Josephine
Robinson, the testator's nieces, $10,000 each. There are other small bequests to the
amount of $11,000
Among the trust funds created are $100,000 the income from which is to be paid to
Anna B., Mary Y and Josephine Robinson. $150,000 is left in trust to other relatives
George Bush Yandes, did not marry was the son Daniel Yandes and Anna Wilson
who came to the site selected for Indianapolis in 1821 the children of Daniel
Ann were:
Simon Yandes - born Jan. 5, 1816 near Uniontown. Fayette County, Pa unmarried lawyer
James Wilson Yandes born Dec. 19, 1817, in same county Fayette County, Pa, died Oct. 30,
1885, at St. Paul, Minn married April 29, 1851 Fanny Bliss Button she died March 28, 1884.
Mary Yandes born Feb. 27, 1823 Indianapolis, Ind., married to John Wheeler, Sept. 8, 1842,
died Sept. 5, 1854, in Indianapolis, Ind.
Catherine Yandes born Sept. 3, 1825 Indianapolis, Ind., first married to Andrew M. Carnahan,
June 1, 1848, who died Feb. 20, 1850, and she was married Sept. 11, 1856, to Elijah T.
Fletcher, who died August 24, 1877.
Daniel Yandes, jr., born April 11 1830 Indianapolis, Ind., died June 30, 1846 Indianapolis, Ind.
Elizabeth N Yandes Birth: 6 Feb 1833 - Marion, Indiana Death: May 1904 - Indianapolis,
Marion, Indiana married Joseph R Robinson born about 1831 New York
George Bush Yandes (twin to Margaret) b June 7, 1838 d Feby 25, 1913 in St Petersburg, Fla,
banker & Financier. Never married -
Margaret Yandes (twin to George Bush) b June 7, 1838
There were several other children who died under two years of age
Daniel Yandes and His Family. By his grand-daughter,
Annabelle Robinson, Mary Yandes Robinson, and Josephine Robinson.
Published by R. E. Banta, Crawfordsville, 1936. Pp. 205, illustrated
The Catalogue of Brown University
By Brown University pg. 14
George Bush Yandes Indianapolis In 29 Benevolent St
Indianapolis Directory and Business Mirror for ...
George B clerk w Yandes & Co bds 64 n Penn
Name: George B Yandes
Location 1: office 3 Phoenix Block
City: Indianapolis
State: IN
Year: 1889
Location 2: 84 E Michigan
Indianapolis City Directory, 1889. Indianapolis, IN: R.L. Polk and Co., 1889.
Name: George B Yandes
Location 1: Office 3 Phoenix Block
City: Indianapolis
State: IN
Year: 1890
Location 2: 84 E Michigan
Indianapolis City Directory, 1890. Indianapolis, IN: R.L. Polk and Co., 1890.
Greater Indianapolis: The History, the Industries, the ..., Volume 2 By Jacob Piatt Dunn
... The business of the Indiana National Bank has increased very greatly since the
new building was erected... Mr Coughlen served as vice president from 1882 until 1894
being succeeded by George B Yandes who was incumbent of the office until 1896...
A Genealogical History of the Dunlevy Family: Don-Levi, Donlevy, Dunleavy ...
By Gwendolyn Kelley Hack 114-117
George B Yandes born June 7 1838 Indianapolis Ind where he now resides ...
George B Yandes was formerly president of the Citizens National Bank of
Indianapolis and afterwards vice president of the Indiana National Bank of same city
Manufacturing and Mercantile Resources of Indianapolis, Indiana: A Review of ...
CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK OF INDIANAPOLIS ... The Board of Directors consists of...
George B Yandcs ... The officers of the Citizens National are George B Yandes President
... Mr Yandes is a native and lifelong resident of Indianapolis and one of our most
highly esteemed and public spirited citizens ...
Commemorative biographical record of prominent and representative men of Indianapolis and
vicinity, containing biographical sketches of business and professional men and of many of
the early settled families, 1908, Publisher Chicago : J. H. Beers & Co