880 W. Shore Dr
Section 21 History 1835-1922
Long Point
? ____ & - Mrs. Curry Barnes
1937 - Jun 2 - Effie N. Barnes - Frederick G. Gompf {Drompp} - N 50 ft. Lot 12 Greenes Plat Long
Pt. WD $1.00
1935-1949 - Frederic &
Lucille (Barnes) Drompp,
Barnes Family
They sold out and built a new cottage at
274 S. Shore Dr.
1949 - Jul. 5 - For Sale - Summer home on Long Point. Completely modern. Partially
furnished. Can be used as year around home. Possession Immediately. Call F. G. Drompp
Culver 510-J1 or Logansport, Indiana 3337 - Indianapolis News
1950, Sep 6 Mr. and Mrs Dutch Yeagley (Paul and Caroline) have moved to their
home on Long Point.
They owned "The Grill" from Ot. 1948- Aug 1950 at
112 S. Main St.
1951 - May 16 - Mr. and Mrs Payl Yeagley of Indianapolis spent
Sunday at their cottage on Long Point.
1950,Sept- ? -
Paul R. Yeagley
1958 Lake Directory - Paul R. Yeagley - Thornleigh Drive, Indianapolis, Ind.
1960-1 -
Robert J. Mc Cutchens
1979 - Mrs.
John F. Christman Jr.
1982-93 - Mrs. John F. Cristman/
Geo. N. Costantine
? Nov. 2008 - Brenda L. Constantine
Nov. 2008-2013 - George N. & Brenda L. Costantine
2024 - Brenda L. Constantine