886 W. Shore Dr.
Section 21 History 1835-1922
Long Point
1928 - 1939, Jul - Clarence L Baker
1928 - Jul 28 - Clarence L. Baker and Blance Baker vs. James F. Lanier etal to quiet title.
1939 - Jul 19 Clarence L Baker and wife to Ivan. M. Walker and Doyln H. Walker
tract on Maxinkuckee L Lake WD $1.00
? 1945-61 -
Ivan Walker
1958 Lake Directory - Ivan Walker - 886 West Shore Drive, Culver.
1979-81 - Walker Property
1970's early - Thomas K. Walker II;
1982-1987 -
Dr. R. E. Swint
1989-2001 - John L. Beghin
probably - John L. Beghin, MD Orthopedic Surgery Orthopedics, Phoenix Spine
Consultants Phoenix, AZ Education: MD - Indiana University (Indianapolis,
Indiana) Internship - St. Vincent Hospital & Health Care Center (Indianapolis,
Indiana) Residency, Orthopedic Surgery - University of Texas / Southwestern
Medical Center (Dallas, Texas) Board Certification: American Board of Orthopedic
Surgery, Certified Staff Privileges: John C. Lincoln Hospital North Mountain &
Deer Valley
Jul. 2000-2003,Jun - Peter J. Miller & SouthPac Trust International Inc
? - May 2003 - Peter J. Miller & Cook Islands, Trust<
2003,Jun-2024 - Robert J. & Patricia Brandstatter
Robert Brandstatter President of Central Paving Inc. Logansport, In.
Beginning at a point on the West bank of Lake Maxinkuckee 437 1/2 feet from the Southeast corner of the
Lot known as the Rochester Club Lot; thence along the meander line of said lake 37 1/2 feet; thence in a
Nothwesterly direction of 290 feet; thence in a Northeasterly direction 37 1/2 feet parallel with the meander
line of said lake to a point 387 1/2 feet from the Southwest corner of said Rochester Club Lot; thence in a
Southeasterly direction of 290 feet to the place of begiing, being a part of Lot No. Three (3) in Section No.
21, Township 32 North, Range 1 East, and being the South Half (S 1/2) of Lot Thirteen (13) Camden Club,
and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot No. 12 of Green's
plat to Long Point, thence South 78 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds East Two Hundred eight and Ten
Hundredths feet (208.10') to the shoreline of Lake Maxinkuckee; thence Northeasterly along said shoreline
thrity-six and eighty-six hundredths feet (36.86'); thence north 78 degrees 31 minutes 30 seconds West Two
Hundredths feet (215.70') to the East right-of-way line of West Shore Drive; thence South 23 degrees 13
minutes 50 seconds West Thirty-six and ninety hundredths feet (36.90') along said East right-of-way line to
the point of beginning. ALSO, Commencing at the Northwest corner of Lot No. 12 of Green's Plat to Long
Point; thence North 78 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds West thirty-one and zero hundredths (31.00') to
the West right-of-way of West Shore Drive and to the beginning; thence North 23 degrees 12 minutes 50
seconds West thrity-six aqnd Ninety-hundredths feet (36.90') along said right-of-way line; thence North 78
degrees 31 minutes 30 seconds West Forty-nine and forty hundredths feet (59.40') to the point of
beginning, situated in lot No. 3 Section 21, Township 32 north, Range 1 East Situate in Union Township,
Marshall County Indiana.