910 West Shore Drive
Section 21 History 1835-1922
Long Point
1953-1958 - H. T. Gieseke
1958 Lake Directory - H. T. Gieseke - 915 Austin Ave.. Park Ridge, Ill.
1960-1961 -
O. T. Smith
1981-1982 - Mrs. O. T. Smith Estate
? - Oct 2000 - Geneva M. Wagner
May 2006 -
William M. Wagner
2010,Aug-2012,Jul - Geneva M. Wagner
2012,Jul-2020,Jan - Jean A King & Richard A Wagner
2020,Jan - Jerry Ryan
2022,Mar - Jerrold Andrew Ryan
2023,Mar-2024 Ryan Culver LLC
2023 - November 1 602 23 TIME OF HEARING 6:30 P.M. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE:
That a petition has been filed to approve variances of development
standards to allow building out 2nd floor of front and rear of existing residence... |
Camden Club Lot 14
All that part lying east of the east right-of-way line of West Shore Drive, (formally
Indiana Highway #17), of the following described tract of land: beginning at a point on
the west bank of Lake Maxinkuckee, 325 feet south from the southeast corner of lot
known as the Rochester Club House lot: running thence south along the meander line of
said lake, 37 1/2 feet; thence in a northwesterly direction 290 feet; thence in a northeasterly
direction 37 1/2 feet parallel with the meander line of said lake to a point 275 feet from the
southwest corner of the Rochester Club House lot; thence in a southeasterly direction 290
feet to the place of beginning, it being a part of lot number three in section twenty-one,
Township thirty-two north, of range one east in Union Township. Marshall county. Indiana.