Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

910 West Shore Drive  

Section 21 History 1835-1922

Long Point

1953-1958 - H. T. Gieseke

    1958 Lake Directory - H. T. Gieseke - 915 Austin Ave.. Park Ridge, Ill.

1960-1961 - O. T. Smith

1981-1982 - Mrs. O. T. Smith Estate

? - Oct 2000 - Geneva M. Wagner

May 2006 - William M. Wagner

2010,Aug-2012,Jul - Geneva M. Wagner

2012,Jul-2020,Jan - Jean A King & Richard A Wagner

2020,Jan - Jerry Ryan

2022,Mar - Jerrold Andrew Ryan

2023,Mar-2024 Ryan Culver LLC

2023 - November 1 602 23 TIME OF HEARING 6:30 P.M. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: That a petition has been filed to approve variances of development standards to allow building out 2nd floor of front and rear of existing residence...

    Camden Club Lot 14

    All that part lying east of the east right-of-way line of West Shore Drive, (formally Indiana Highway #17), of the following described tract of land: beginning at a point on the west bank of Lake Maxinkuckee, 325 feet south from the southeast corner of lot known as the Rochester Club House lot: running thence south along the meander line of said lake, 37 1/2 feet; thence in a northwesterly direction 290 feet; thence in a northeasterly direction 37 1/2 feet parallel with the meander line of said lake to a point 275 feet from the southwest corner of the Rochester Club House lot; thence in a southeasterly direction 290 feet to the place of beginning, it being a part of lot number three in section twenty-one, Township thirty-two north, of range one east in Union Township. Marshall county. Indiana.