918 W. Shore Dr.
1835 |
1835-1837 Plat Map
Section 21 Lot 1 - 52.41A
Section 21 Lot 2 - 41.92A
Section 21 Lot 3 - __.__A [41.49]
James F. D. Lanier
of Jefferson county, Indiana on 30 June 1837 was issued the
certificate #7339 the East half
of Section twenty; Fractional Section of Twenty One; Fractional Section of Twenty
Seven and Fractional section of Twenty eight containing 793 32/100 acres.
1876 Plat Map - no names on it for this section |
1880 Plat Map
W. J. Myers 17.85A
M. G. Gould 23.92A; 56/57A
E. Parker 27.42A
J. Filer 10A
C. Filer 39.40A
G. A. Durr - Lot 2
A.C. Shepherd Etal J. Green [James Green ] |
From the Logansport Daily Journal page 3 dated Aug. 27, 1882:
All the preliminaries for the extension of the Logansport branch of the
Vandalia railway
to Lake Michigan have been satisfactorily adjusted, and upon compliiance with a few
easy conditions the contact will be closed, and the work will be commenced and
pushed to completion.
Readers of the Journal are familiar with the route of this line to Marmont (Maxinkuckee),
and will have no difficulty in following it to South Bend and the lake...
With these advantages before them, our citizens are asked to consider one of the
conditions above named, which condition is that the right of way shall be furnished
free to the new line thorugh our county. The estimated cost of this right of way is
from $7,000 to $10,000 and it is proposed to raise the amount by subscription. A
consideraable portion of this subscription has already been secured, and a committee
appointed for that purpose will make an effort to raise the remainder during the
present week...
1883 - Oct 6 - The Vandaiia railroad company commenced laying iron at Marmount a d
ay or two ago, and-withln a short time the tract will be completed from Maxinkuckee
lake to the Nickle Plate railroad, a distance of about three miles,- Logansport Pharos
Areas in corporated into Culver
N. Gould
M. Grubs 10A +
B. Easterday 38.40
MR. Smith
J. Green [James Green ]
Rochester Club
Long Point
South Long Pont
| |
1908 Plat Map |
1922 |
1953-60 -
0. T. Smith
1958 Lake Directory - 0. T. Smith 918 West Shore Drive, Culver
1985 - 2005 - Mrs. O. T. Smith Estate
O T Smith tree surgery & Lanscaping
with address of 918 W. Shore |
2005 Lake Directory - 2 seperate address
of 918 & 922 West Shore Drive. |
2006-7 - Mrs. Lynn Crist
? - 2009, Jun - - Shore Drive LLC.
2010 - Aug Old dwellings were razed
918 W.
Shore (Old ) was combined with into this and the address of
922 W. Shore was eliminated.
2009, Jun - 2020 - John M. and Julie Lynn Crist
LN 250' S OF SE COR LOT 1 ROCHESTER CLUB TH S29-42-18W 75.58' TH
N75-51-00W 233.10' TH N24-49-48E 73.98' ETC