944 W. Shore Dr. - Idlewild / Suits-Us
Section 21 History 1835-1922
Long Point
1885 - Jun 6 - H. J. McSheehey, of the Logansport Cronicle, has built a handsome
summer cottage and a boat hous at Maxinkuckee lake. Jime is one of the fortunate
ditors and always catches the largest string of fish. - South Bend Tribune (Indiana)
1919, Mar 5 - Minnie McSheehy etal to Perry Moon Maxinkuckee Lake Cottage property, $2,000.
1919 - Jun 25 - Perry Moon and L. E. Harshman of Logansport, who purchased the
McSheey Cottage formerly known as Idlewild, have repainted and generally renovated
it this spring. It is now open for the summer...
1919, Mar - ? - Perry Moon & L. S. Harshman
1918 - Aug 28 - The McSheehy cottage, Idlewild, recently purchased by Perry Moon
of Logansport, now shows a nameboard on which the owener proclaims to the passersby
the this cottage "Suits-Us"
1919 - Sep 10 - Mr. and Mrs. Perry Moon and Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Harshman closed
their cottage, Suits-Us and returned to Logansport the first of the week
1953 -
Perry Moon
1953 - Jan 7 - Mrs. Perry Moon of Logansport, Long Point cottager
for many years, died Tuesday in Flordia
1964 - Perry Moon Estate
1955 - May 7 - SALE, MAY 7 1955 Cottage At Lake Maxinkuckee
Located on west side of lake on State Road No. 17 and Lake front.
This cottage was formerly owned by PERRY MOON and is being sold by the devisees
under the Last. Will and testament of Perry Moon for the purpose of closing the
Cottage has four (4) bedrooms, one down and three up. Bath and partial bath down.
Living room, dining room, kitchen, large screened in porch overlooking lake, rear
screened in porch on side of house facing the State Road 17. Kitchen equipped with
cabinet sink unit. House equipped with large electric water heater and will be sold
completely furnished with furnishings for all rooms as are now in said cottage,
including an electric refrigerator, electric stove, porch furnishings, complete pier
and boat.
This cottage will be open for inspection by anyone desiring to inspect the same on
Wednesday, May 4, 1955, between the hours of 2 and 7:00 o'clock P.M. (D.S.T.)
The sale will be conducted at the office of Honna Small, Attorneys-at-Law, 208 Fourth
Street, Logansport, Indiana, at the hour of o'clock A.M. (D.S.T.) on May 7, 1955. The
Sellers reserve the - right to reject any an'd all bids and will not be responsible
for any accidents to any persons while inspecting or viewing the premises.
Possession upon completion of sale.
Vendors to furnish a merchantable or insurable title. The Cass County State Bank
Executor of the Estate of Perry Moon, Deceased Walton, Indiana-Phone 2235 Hanna
Small Attorneys for Estate 208-4th Street, Logansport, Ind. Phone 3158. |
1956-79 -
Donald O'Neill
1958 Lake Directory - Donald D. O'Neill - 2325 E. Broadway, Logansport, Ind.
1981-92 - Mrs. Donald O'Neill / John O'Neill
1993 - Oct 2002 - Brain J. & Karen A. Battersby
Oct 2002 - Jul . 2003 - Gregory J. & Virgina V. Hahn
Jul . 2003 -Jun 2008 - Culver PROPERTIES LLC
2005-2007 Gregory Hahn (Lake Directories)
Jun 2008- Oct 2008 - Steven C. & Kelly N. Bodner
S C Bodner Co Inc West 62nd Street Indianapolis, IN 46278; Steven C. Bodner now
President of SC Bodner Company is carrying on the family tradition. Mr. Bodner
graduated from the Vanderbilt University Civil Engineering School in May of 1979.
After Graduation, Mr. Bodner entered the development business.
Oct 2008 - 2009 - 944 West Shore LLC -
Business Name: 944 WEST SHORE LLC
Creation Date: 09/10/2008
Inactive Date: 10/16/2014
2016 - Aug. 26 - Was
surveyed and
combined as a part of
948 W. Shore. -
"LEONARDS View Subdivision Lot 17" listed under 948 W. Shore is
"Transfer from: HAHN GREGORY J & VIRGINIA V HW... Legl Desc: CAMDEN
CLUB LOT 17 S1/2" and "Removing house next door to add master
suite, garage, and "open front porch (OFP)". Aerial view after the
demolition and building. |
2016 - Nov. - Thus was demolished sometime After the survey.