Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

992 W. Shore Dr.  

Section 21 History 1835-1922

Long Point

?-1954 - Ben Oberlin

1954 - July 28 - Open House Draws 800 To Oberlin's On Long Point

    Ben W. Oberlin's new and attractive summer home on Long Point was sold to one of the first of nearly 800 persons to attend the open house over the weekend.

    The purchaser is English-born N. E. Bateson, deputy director of research and development of the Pullman-Standard Car Mfg. Co. at Hammond. [1000 W. Shore}

    Erected in two month's time by Malone Industries of Niles, Mich.,

    Mr. Oberlin is about to build another house on the adjacent 50-foot lot at the west 1002 W. Shore .

    Of the five recently available Long Point lots Mr. Oberlin has now purchased two, E. W. Shafer has bought the two [986 W. Shore and 990 W. Shore] adjoining his present cottage, and the Middleton family of Mentone is the new owner of the odd one. [992 W. Shore]

    Kline's lent the appliances for the open house and a local furniture store provided the other furnishings. discovered.

1954-1993 - Richard E. Middleton
    1958 Lake Directory - Richard E. Middleton - 992 West Shore Drive, Culver-

? - Jan 1999 - "Ed" Edward P. and Juanita M. Rickman co...

Jan 1999 - Jul 2003 - "Ed" Edward P. and Juanita M. Rickman

Jul 2003 - 2024 - Ann M. Sobzcak


    PARCEL I Lot Number Four (4) in Chadwicks Second Amended and Corrected Plat of Chadwick's Subdivision of Long Point in Section 21, Township 32, North, Range 1 East Union Township, Marshall County, Indiana

    PARCEL II Easement for ingreess and egress for the benefit of Parcel I as created in a certain deed dated September 20, 1928, recorded September 28, 1928 in Deed Record 102 page 291 over and across the following described real estate: Commencing at the point Northwest corner of Lot Number Two (2) in Chadwick's Second Amended and Corrected Plat of Chadwick's Subdivision of Long Point in Section 21, Township 32, North, Range 1 East running thenece in s Southwesterly direction along the South line of Lots Numbered Four (4), Five (5), and Six (6) in Chadwick's Second Amended Subdivision of Long Point in Section 21, Township 32, North Range 1 East, Marshall County Indiana; from thence running in a Southerly direcion along the East end of a 16 foot driveway to the Northeast corner of Lot Number Seventeen (17) in the said Chadwick's Second Amended and Corrected Plat of Chadwick's Subdivision of Long Point in Section 21, Township 32, North, Range 1 East, Marshall County, Indiana from thence running Eastwardly to the Northwest corner of Lot Number Eleven (11) of the Rochester Club Addition to Long Point (Maxinkuckee) in Sectio 21, Township 32, North, Range 1 East from thence in a Northeasterly direction crossing the West line of said Lot Number Two (2) of Chadwick's Amended and Corrected Plat of Chadwick's Subdivision of Long Point in Section 21, Township 32, North, Range 1 East Union Township, Marshall County, Indiana to a point 25 feet North of the Southwest corner of said Lot Number Two (2); and from thence continuing in a Northerly direction, terminating on the North line of said Lot Number Two (2) at a point 30 feet East of the beginning point.