Early Abstracts of Lake Maxinkuckee, Index
Lake Maxinkuckee is located in the fractional sections of 15, 16, 21, 22, 28, 27 and 34 of Township 32 North
Range One East; and the property was considered lakefront.
This page will be the listing of the original Abstracts of the property Around Lake Maxinkuckee. I have taken what I
designed for the early landowers and taken some of it off except for the land patents; as this is where most abstract
will start at.
The abstracts will be listed under the proper section below and by current address. It is hoped that anyone having an
orginal abstract whether partial or complete will be willing to share it and its genealogical and historical content
for the history of Lake Maxinkuckee - its cottages and its people.
Also the which is believed to be the original survey map for the
area of 1834-5. The 1830-1840 plat map as presented on
its own page. And also here as I have sectioned it down to North - East - South and West; this looks to me to be an
original mapping done for the U. S. Government land patent office for means of issuing land patents for the area. A
summary of the early landowners for the lake area from Marshall
county records. And the Indian
Villiages .
The largest land patent holder of Lake Maxinkuckee was James F. D. Lanier - all his patents are listed below. Here is his own
autobiography and here is a compiled
biography from history sources on Indiana.
There is some abstractions of names only from abstracts that can be useful clues.
I will scan originial abstracts and burn a copy to cd for anyone who is willing to contribute them to the site and history
of Lake Maxinkuckee; (you specify cut off date/page) but will scan whole abstract and put on cd. Even tho many will probably
duplicate data I will put each up in full for the genealogical and historical value contained within them as well. For now
I will limit this project to the following sections of Culver or Union Township: fractional sections of 15, 16, 21, 22, 28,
27 and 34 of Township 32 North Range One East.
Below are enlarged areas of those sections surrounding the lake divided down to North, East, South and West; by clicking on the image a larger
version photo only will come up.
Section 16 - Northwest
Section 16: 500.90A (North shore town and academy)
No land patents were found for Section 16
Abstracts/Deeds Section 16 -

Section 15 North East
Section 15: Lot 1 - 41.75A
Section 15 Lot 2 - 32.25A
Section 15 Lot 3 - 57.88A.
Section 15 Lot 4 - 47.30A
Land Patents for Section 15: >
William Thompson obtained the land patent for
the East half of fractional fifteen in township thirty-two, of Range one, East
containing 344 96/100 acres on 10 August 1837.
James F. D. Lanier obtained the land patent
of the North West quarter of Section fifteen which would of been 160 acres; also
a part of this patent was the East half of the South quarter of Section 17 which
would of been 80 acres for a total of 240 acres on 30 June 1837. With other land
patents listed on this page James F. D. Lanier owned
1129 10/100 acres of land around the lake.
Abstracts/Deeds Section 15 -
Section 22 - East:
Section: 22 Lot 2 - 45.45A
Section 22 Lot 3 - 45.45A
Section 22 Lot 4 - 55.70A
No land patents for Section 22 was found; by early Plat Map this were Indian Reservation; as
was a portion of Sec. 27.
Abstracts/Deeds Section
Section 27 - Southeast:
Section 27 Lot 1 - 49.70A
Section 27 Lot 2 - 34.31A
Section 27 Lot 4 - __.__A
Land Patent Section 27
James F. D. Lanier obtained a land patent
for the Fractional Section Twenty seven. Acreage is undeterminable by the
certificate for this piece of land. This patent also contained land in sections
Twenty, Twenty one and Twenty eight for a total of 793 32/100 acres total.
Abstracts/Deeds Section 27
Section 21 - West:
Section 21 Lot 1 - 52.41A
Section 21 Lot 2 - 41.92A
Section 21 Lot 3 - __.__A [41.49]
Setion 28 - Southwest:
Section 28 Lot 1 - __.__A
Section 28 Lot 2 - 26.60A
Section 28 Lot 3 - 39.16A
Section 28 Lot 4 - 51._0A
Section 28 Lot 6 - 36.6_A
Land Parents Sections 21 & 28:
James F. D. Lanier obtained a land patent
for the Fractional section Twenty one. Acreage is undeterminable by the
certificate for this piece of land. This patent also contained land in sections
Twenty, Twenty seven and Twenty eight for a total of 793 32/100 acres total.
An abstract states the patent date of 26 February 1836 for section 21 and the
acreage for this section as 155.82A. This abstract of this area being
James F. D. Lanier obtained a land patent
for the Fractional section Twenty eight. Acreage is undeterminable by the
certificate for this piece of land. This patent also contained land in sections
Twenty, Twenty one and Twenty seven for a total of 793 32/100 acres total.
Abstracts/Deeds Section 21
Abstracts/Deeds Section 28
Section 34 - South
Section: 34 Lot _ - 32.__A
Section 34 Lot 2 - 48.90A
Section 34 Lot 7 - 37.30A
Land Patents for Section 34:
James F D. Lanier obtained the land patent
the North half of section thirty four which would of been approximately 118 79/100
acres; with this was the East half of the North East quarter of section thirty
three which contained 80 acres for a total of 198 79/100 acres on 30 June 1837.
With other land patents listed on this page James F. D. Lanier owned
1129 10/100 acres of land around the lake.
Abstracts/Deeds Section 34