the Culver woman's Christain temeprance Union was organized April 8, 1903, with six members. It now numbers
ten members. The orginization, although small, has done some practical Christain Work. They have distributed
several hundred leaflets along temperance and other lines of reform, placed a "wall pocket" in the Culver railway
depot for the reception of goods and wholesome literature, gave eight dollars to the Hadley Industrial Home at
Indianapolis, ind. the union has aslo furnished the public library with seve volumes of Scientific temperance physiology,
also some temperance story books for the children. they are now trying to enlist the interest of the people of Culver,
especially the youg people, in a reading room for the coming winter. Miss ELizabeth duddleson is one of the most active
in leadership and promotion of the cause of temperance in the town of Culver.