Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Maxinkuckee Assembly or Assembly Grounds  

Names associated with the area are - Gould Grove & Coomb’s Park.

___ Foote (he was father-in-law to Gould
__ M. G. Gould

The area on the 1880 plat map.
The area on the 1898 plat map.
1899-1906/1907 Assembly Grounds
    The Christian church has purchased fifteen acres of eligible ground at Lake Maxinkuckee for assembly purposes. - Aug 2 1899 Logansport Pharos Tribune

The Maxinkuckee or Culver Assembly Grounds was established in 1899. It has been refered to as the Chautauqua Assembly Grounds; Also other names found and known for it are: Maxinkuckee Park, Maxinkuckee Assembly and Maxinkuckee Summer Assembly.

The organizer was Elder J. V. Coombs. It was owned by the Maxinkuckee Assembly of Christian Church and was leased to the Assembly Association.

On the front of the 1901 program the main office is listed as: 712 Majestic Building Indianapolis, Indiana

It was established to afford a Chautauqua for people of the Christain church, and all others; where rest, recreation, boating, bathing, fishing etc., could be had. A Chautaugua devoted to lectures, addresses, concerts, and entertainments of all kinds, intended to interest and uplift; a Chautauqua that had nothing of convention nature - everything intended to make one feel rested.

The assembly grounds was located South from Davis Street and was bounded by Main Street on the west and the Lake on the east down to present Culver Masonic Cemetery. Possibly including what is the "new" section as it did not exist then

Gould had the property and before him, Foote had it. Foote bought the Hawk place where Duddleson lives. M. G. Gould owned the Assembly ground, and before him, his father-in-law, old Elder Foote, a Baptist preacher
    1913 0 Jul 3 - Picture os Old Residents - Mrs. John Hawk has a tintype of Grandfather Foote who owned the land 40 years ago, which is now Ferriet's additon...Grandfather Foote and his wife havr been dead many years. Their daughter Mrs. Robert Gould inhereited the land and sold it to the Macinkuckee Assembly Association. The Gould's removed to Buffalo N. Y....

It contained 26 acres and boasted 1500 forrest trees and 800 feet of lake frontage and the finest view from "Observatory Point" the map of today that shows the area the assembly entailed - everything east on Main Street

The Assembly had its own steamer pier, beach, R.R. station and in 1905 maintained its own Post Office. There was a tabernacle, croquet & tennis courts, cottages and a hotel - the Ralson and was first known as Maxinkuckee Inn; a Hotel Annex and camping grounds, which were patroled.

"Observatory Point" was located at the south end of Maxinkuckee Park - the assembly grounds. This could possibly be the high point at the end of Peru Court - before dropping straight down to the 'Hole' at Arkon Street at the east end of South Street where the ice houses were.

Ten years early Henry Harrison Culver had founded the first Chautaugua of the area - Culver Park. But this venture only last a season. The area then was used for the Agriculture fair and became the Culver Military Academy in 1894.

While the "Assembly" existed there was an over abundance of assorted classes, performances, and workshops that took place during each of the summer seasons which attracted from across the United States many of the well-known speakers and religious figures of the day

The issue of 30 June 1899 Culver Herald announced - IT IS A SURE THING. The Christian Church Assembly to be Located at Culver.

1899 - Jul 7 - Rev. J . V. Combs commenced the construction of a cottage in the Gould Grove last week, and to-date he and his family are occupants of the same. We call this quick work.

1899 - Jul 7 - The Assembly will begin Thursday, July 20th, and continue eight days. Mr. Coombs is now on the grounds in his new cottage.
To date he has secured the following speakers: Rev. John T. Brandt, Bishop Becker, of Ohio, Prof. Hagaman,Mich., L. J. Beauchamp, Ohio, Pres. Jenkins, Dr. Ames, Prof. Huston, Prof. Reese, Rev. J. O. Smith, of Chicago, o Male Quartette, and au Elocutionist, while others will be announced next week.

1899 - Jul 14 - The Maxinkuckee Assembly will open upon July 20th and close on the evening of the 26th instant.

Prof. J. V. Coombs,the superintendent, has secured some of the very best talent in this country to lecture and otherwise entertain those who attend. These meetings promise to be of great educational interest to the citizens of this vicinity, and should be atteuded by every person who delights in literary entertainments of high character.

An elaborate program will be issued which will give a full text of the proceedings.

It is estimated that at least 4,000 people will attend these meetings daily, which means a good deal to Culver.

The Maxenkuckee Assembly will open on the evening of July 20th with; The Passion Play. Christ in Art; by Jno L. Brandt, in his moving picture dramas, from the birth of Christ to his ascension. Twenty complete continuous scenes pass before the audience with perfect life motion, besides more than 100 beautiful colored transparencies, holding the audience spellbound with their sublime and impressive realism.

Friday evening be will given panoramic scenes of Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii and the Philippines. It will only cost 50 cents to witness these beautiful scenes aud hear twenty other lectures aud entertainments. Everybody should attend.

the Hearld's commentary on the assembly:

The Maxinkuckee Assembly.

The editor of this paper has heard severul people speak disparagingly of the Maxinkuckee Assembly which opens here on the 20th inst. Some of those that take particular pains to speak in strong terms against it are members of churches, who should at least have charity toward all andmalice toward none, if they live up to the teachings of Christ.

This assembly is not a money making scheme, but is simply promulgated by men who desire to establish a literary institution in our midst which will not only be of lasting benefit, but for a very small sum give our old and young people an opportunity to listen to lectures from men of national reputation.

Christ advocated no particular church, hence in our opinion earnest Christian work on the part of any religious organization should meet with the hearty approval and support of all religious people, irrespective of church or creed.

The assembly will bring a great many bright people here aud hundreds who will come for the express purpose of helping to support a worthy cause. Just think; for only 10 cents admission you can attend any of these meetings and have your soul filled with good things, told by men of eloquence aud grand intellectual ability.

Hence, lay aside prejudice and take in the great feast before you and you will never regret it. - 14 July 1899

1899 - Jul 21 - Tbe large tent at the Assembly grounds was raised Monday. It will seat about 800 people ... The Assembly opened last night, with a splendid lecture by John L . Brandt. To-night he gives his great Moving Picture Lecture on Battle Scenes and our New Possesions. The admission to this great lecture is only 10 cents. Usually the fee to such a lecture is 50 cents. Season ticket people really only pay about 2 cents to hear this lecture

1900 Mar 2 - J . V. Coombs, Philip Vorhees and J. C. Gwinn were here last week looking after after making improvements upon the Assembly grounds. We are informed that there will be a large hotel erected, a tabernacle aud several cottages erected as soon as the weather will permit. Carpenter Obenchain build a cottage for J. C. Gwinn upon the grounds and will commence work as soon as possible. It is said that a large force of men will be put to work cleaning up and beautifying the grounds

1900 Apr 13 The Maxinkuckee Assembly Association
    Was incorporated at Indianapolis last Saturday under the laws of tbe state of Indiana with a capitol stock of $10,000,$5,000 of which was taken at once. Aa Indianapolis man will be president of the association with J . O. Ferrier of this city, treasurer.

    Plans for the building have not been fully matured, but there will. be a main building of about 70x70 with probably an addition of about 20x40.

    Work will begin on the tabernacle about tho 1st of June. This building according to present plans will be located in the field near the north west corner of the grove.

    J . V. Coombs of Indianapolis, Philip Vories of Logansport and J . 0 Ferrier of Culver compose the building committee.

    The first meeting of the association for 1900 will probably begin the 27th of July and last about three weeks.

1899 - Jul 20 - Messrs. W. T. Giffe and Frank M. Kistler have received invitations to attend the Christian church assembly at Lake Maxinkuckee tomorrow, the occasion being the observance of "Patriotic Day." Mr. Kistler is on the programme for an address in the morn- ing and Mr. Giffe's address will be made in the afternoon - Logansport Pharos Tribune

1899 July 21 - Opening of the Assembly.
    The Maxinkuckee Assembly opened Thursday evening with the large tent packed by our citizens and cottagers to witness the great Passion Play by John L. Brandt.

    The audience was completely captivated, fascinated, and dumbfounded at the marvelous exhibition of moving figures representing Christ, his disciples, aud followers from his birth to resurrection and ascension. The whole scene was very pathetic and extremely realistic.

    In that two hours, those present learned more of the goodness of Christ, and what he suffered for humanity, than they could learn in a life time from any other source. No one witnessed this great drama but what felt in every pulse of the body extreme pity and exalted yeneration toward the greatest of all, Christ. Pen and tongue cannot depict to humanity the awful reality of Christ's sufferings as pictured to the audience on canvass, hence those failing to be present, lost the greatest treat of their lives.

    Every night until next Wednesday evening which will be the closing of the Assembly, you will be treated to rare entertainments, for the small sum of 10 cents

1899 T. J. Legg delivered a address today before the Christian church assembly at Lake Maxinkuckee. Rev. Kendrick and Mr. Legg are also among those who will make addresses tomorrow - Logansport Pharos Tribune

1899 July 28 - The Maxinkuckee Assembly is over.
    It was a success from the start to the finish.

    The entertainments and lectures were high grade. The talent was costly, but it forebodes what is to come.

    The attendance was not large at the beginning, but at the end there was not room to accommodate the people. Hundreds stood around the entrance last Wednesday night.

    Mr. Coombs, the President, is planning now for next year.

    Several cottages will be built and a number of lots have been sold.

    Prof. Coombs has gone to Winona and may go to Chautauqua next year to study assembly work

1899 Aug 4 - After the Assembly
    The Assembly is over, and most people are pleased.

    We had only ten days to lay all plans and arrange the program. Another year we can do much better.
    My desire is to establish a first class Chautauqua here. I am not particular as to who does this. If any company desires to take charge of the management I am quite willing. I put $5350 into my entertainments and lost money. I have single handed purchased the park.

    I have that much faith in the future of the Assembly. What faith have you?

    If this Assembly becomes a permanency, the citizens must give it their support. This year was an experiment.

    If I continue the management, the people within fifty miles of the lake must erect a tabernacle that will seat 1200 or 1500 people. Quite a number have consented to assist.

    The ground will be platted and lots will be for sale on very reasonable terms.

    Permit me to thank all of you for your kindness and support. J. V. Coombs, 15 Virginia Ave., Indianapolis

    In the Newly Incorporated Maxinkuckee Assembly Association.

    The Maxinkuckee Assembly Association was incorporated at Indianapolis last Saturday under the laws of the state of Indiana with a capital stock of $10.000, $5,000 of which was taken at once.

    Plans for the tabernacle building have not been fully matured, but there will be a main building of about 70x70, with probably an addition of about 20x40. Work will begin about the first of June. This building, according to present plans, will be located in the field near the northwest corner of the grove.

    J. V. Coombs of Indianapolis, Philip Voorhees, the lumberman of this city, and J. 0. Ferrier of Culver compose the building committee.

    The first meeting of the association for 1900 will probably begin the 27th of July and last about three weeks Logansport Pharos Tribune

1900 Jun 29 - Rev. Cartrell of Indianapolis, was in Culver Monday and Tuesday looking after the interests of the assembly grounds. He speaks in the highest terms of the lake and its surroundings.
    Lumber has arrived for the new tabernacle at the assembly grounds, the building's dimensions to be 70 x 90 feet.

    Work of construction was commenced upon the same Thursday morning and it is to be finished so as to be ready for the assembly meetings which take place July 28 to August 13 inclusive

    It is also rumored that a hotel will be erected to accommodate those desiring rooms.

    The management purposes giving an excellent program this year, in fact it will surpass anything of the kind ever given in Northern Indiana. - culver Herald

    The lumber for the new tabernacle at the assembly grounds on the west side of the lake just south of Culver has been delivered and work on the construction was commenced last week.

    The dimensions of the building are 70 by 90 feet and is to be finished in time for the assembly meetings which take place July 29 to August 13 inclusive.

    It is also rumored that a hotel will be erected to accommodate those desiring to remain on the grounds during the meetings.

1900 Jul 20 The Maxinkuckee assembly opened today and closes on the evening of the 26th inst. Logansport Pharos Tribune

1900 July 23 The Maxinkuckee assembly will be opened next Saturday at Culver and continue for one month. T. J. Legg of this city is superintendent and director. A new hotel and other accomodaions for the gathering have been constructed.

    To be Held at Lake Maxinkuckee Next Saturday.

    The Maxinkuckee Assembly hotel has recently been completed at Lake Maxinkuckee, a short distance from Culver. The hotel contains 120 rooms and has an octagonal auditorium, where all services will be Held.

    The Assembly Association was recently incorporated with a capital stock of $10,000 and has its head office at Indianapolis and the board of directors consists of: President, J. V. Coombs of Irvington; vice president, Dr. W. E. Collins of Flora; secretary, W. E. M. Hackleman of Irvington; treasurer, J. 0. Ferrier of Culver; superintendent, T. J. Legg of Logansport; directors: C. G. Can trill, Dr. S. H. Creighton, J. C. Meek, T. J. Shuey, Richard Voorhees, William Redman, L. T. Van Cleve and W. H. Kerr.

    The first annual meeting of the association will begin on next Saturday and will continue until Aug. 13. The programme contains lectures, entertainments, an evangelistic congress and a Prohibition encampment, and as speakers and others who will appear before the assembly it mentions the Rev. Samuel M. Janes of Toledo; Will Cumback of Quincy; Lee Morrow, state Prohibition evangelist; Charles Eckhart, Prohibition nominee for governor, and others connected with the Prohibition movement; Clinton N. Howard, Ransom H. Randall of Chicago, and the Rev. J. P. Lictenberger of Buffalo, N. Y. Prof. W, E. M, Hackleman will have charge of the music.

    One of the features of the programme will be days devoted to the two leading political parties. On Democratic day; the opening day of the session - George Fred Williams is expected to deliver an address, also B. F. Shively of South Bend, and Senator Winfleld of this city. The next day will be Dedicatory day. On Republican day - Aug. 4; Congressman Dolliver of Iowa will be the principal speaker. Frank B. Shutts of Aurora, and J. Frank Hanly of Lafayette are on the programme to speak. Other special features are also announced. - Logansport Pharos Tribune
1900 july 27 - THE OPENING DAY.
    First Session of Maxinkuckee Assembly - Large Crowd Present. The Maxinkuckee Assembly opened its session yesterday, and the speakers for tomorrow, Democratic dav will be Judge M. Winfield of this city; George Fred Williams of Massachusets, and Benjamin F. Shively of South Bend. Quite a number others will attend from here.

    The programme for the meeting, which lasts until Aug. 13, has been completed and contains an interesting series of lectures, concerts and other entertainments. Among those on the programme are Mayor Samuel M. Jones of Toledo; ex-Governor Will Cumback; 0. W. Stewart, national chairman of the Prohibition party and Clinton L. Howard, the reformer.

    Saturday, Aug. 4, will be Republican day, when Congressman Dolliver of Iowa and J. Frank Hanly of Indiana fill be present.

    The assembly's board of directors follows: President, J. V. Coombs, Irvington; vice president, Dr. W. E. Collane, Flora; secretary, W. E. Hackleman, Indianapolis; treasurer, J. 0. Ferrier, Culver; superintendent, T. J. Legg, Logansport - Logansport Pharos Tribune
1900 July 30 - DEMOCRATIC DAY.
    Appropriately Observed at Maxinkuckee - Hon. M. Winfield Presided.

    George Fred Williams of Massachusetts was the principal speaker Saturday at the opening day of the Maxinkuckee Assembly, which was observed as Democratic day.

    An immense crowd filled the new tabernacle and the address delivered by Mr. Williams, dealing with the issue of imperialism, met with frequent applause. He compared the conditions of the country with thai of the time of Alexander Hamilton, and said those in charge of the affairs of the government are the same in principle as those of Hamilton's time, and that both sought to establish arisocratic republics.

    Following the spaeech of Mr. Williams, C. 0. Drummond of Plymouth addressed the assembly.

    Judge Winfield of this city presided at the meeting.

    In the evening an open air concert was given by the band, orchestra and Culver Quartette.

    Yesterday the dedicatory sermon was delivered by ex-Governor Will Cumbiick. The Hon. Samuel M. Jones of Ohio delivered an address on "The Golden Rule in Politics" at the afternoon services.

    Today the Prohibition encampment commenced and lasts until Logansport Pharos Tribune
1900 - Aug 3 Maxinkuckee Assembly -
The Maxinkuckee Assembly was formally opened last Saturday evening, but Saturday afternoon the democrat had the day and about 500 people assembled at the grounds to listen to the speeches of geo. Fred Williams of Boston, Hon .C. P. Drummonds of Plymouth, candidate for attorney general, and Dr. bower of Elkhart, candidate for congress. imperialism, trusts, etc freely discussed.

Music was furnished by the Culver city cornet band.

Saturday evening was given over to a musical concert by Harrington's orchestra of South Bend; songs by the Assembly chorus, composed of about 65 of Culver's sweet singers, vocal solo by prof. Smith, violin solo by Miss Emma Herrington, a song by the Culver quarter, and an interesting lecture by j. v. Coombs entitled "A flight across the continent."

Sunday morning at 10:30, Ex-Gov. Cumback delivered the dedicatory address on "This Present Life."

Sunday afternoon Sam M. Jones, Mayor of Toledo, O., addressed a large and appreciative audience on "Non-Partisan Politics". Mr. Jones is the originator of a new king of politics in which a man is not bound to any party but is free to vote his convictions, irrespective of parties, political bosses etc. he is a very interesting speaker and held the undivided attention of his audience for over two hours.

Sunday evening the usual musical concert was given followed by a short sermon by j v coombs and an address on "Art in social life" by Sam Jones

The county prohibition convention met at the assembly grounds Wednesday afternoon and nominated the following ticket:
    treasurer - Thomas Tribby, Center
    sheriff - p. A Barnes, Walnut
    assessor - A ruple, West
    Surveyor - j M schroeder, polk
    commissioner 1st district - Martin stickle, German
    Commissioner 2d district - Wm. Alleman, Walnut
    Councilmen at large - e p conway, walnut; noble nell, bourbon; peter cummins, center.

    councilman 1st district - George Keller, bourbon; 2d distinct - Hiram hom, Tippecanoe, 3d district, louis shatford, west; 4th district, Jesse Williams center.
the encampment at the assembly was a grand success, especially in the respect of having goof speakers evening sessions were well attended.

Oliver w Stewart, national chairman of the prohibition party, gave an excellent and powerful address Wednesday evening at the assembly grounds. Quincey lee morrow, stat prohibition evangelist, also gave several fine addresses during the encampment

The republicans will meet at the assembly grounds next Saturday. It is expected that there will be a full attendance. Addresses will be made by hon. j. Frank Hanley of Lafayette, Ex gov. Wm. S. Taylor, of Kentucky, Hon. H. G. Thayer of Plymouth, and Hon Fred Landis, of Logansport. Admission free.
culver herald

1900 Aug 10 - a thirty-six room hotel has been eerected at the assembly grounds. the architectural design is up to date in every particular. A porch extends entirely aound the east, south and west sides of the building on the first story, and a similar porch on the second. aside from the hotel several up to date cottages have been erected

1900 Aug 10 - Tho Prohibitionists have consumed three days at the Assembly - Prohibition vs. Church Members

Repubican Day
    Saturday was Republican day at the Assembly, and although a man of national reputation as an orator was present aud discussed the issues of the day, the crowd was limited and euthusiasm lacking to a painful degree.

    J. Frauk Hanley, of Lafayette, was the speaker, and his address was an able one from a Republican standpoint.

    Owing to the fact that the south-bound train, which is scheduled to arrive in Culver at 1:14 was two hours late, the great politicians of Plymouth arrived on the scene too late to make any remarks.

    The Culver City Baud furnished excellent music for the occasion.

    The fact that the great tabernacle was not filled is evidence that the issues of politics have not troubled the people very forcibly as yet
1900 - Aug 17 - The second session of Maxinkuckee Assembly closed Sunday,
    Thirty-four lectures were given and ten entertainments.

    The Assembly closed with fine prospects. It paid up all its debts and has a bright future.

    Next year there will be many improvements made.

    The new board of officers are: President, J. V. Coombs; Vice President, Dr. Collaue; Secretary, W. E. Hackleman; Treasurer, J . O. Ferrier.

    The Indiana Lectureship and Evangeallic Congress will meet here next year.

    The programme next year will run over four Sundays and some of the best talent in the land will grace the platform.

    Ten lots were sold for cottages , and next year all the lake frout will be filled with cottages .

    Flora brought the largest colony this year, about 60 people; Indianapolis came next with 35, and Lebanon next. The atteudance from Culver was light, and from Maxinkuckee nearly nothing.

    The interest in the community should be increased next year. It is greatly to our interest to have lecturers of national reputation brought to us, and it is cheap to have the privilege of attending three lectures for ten cents

1900 july 31 - THE WEEK'S PROGRAMME
    For Maxinkuckee Assembly - C. 0. Fenton One of the Speakers.

    The Maxinkuckee Assembly has opened its summer season with a good attendance.

    This week offers a varied programme. The Prohibitionists opened a three days'convention yesterday. The chief speaker was Quincy Lee Morrow.

    Among the speakers for today are M. W. Harkins, C. 0. Fenton of thiscity, Charles Lockhart, Prohibition candidate for governor, and J. S. Wade, candidate for reporter of "the supreme court.

    An open parliament will be held tomorrow and O. W. Stewart, national chairman of the party, will speak. Railroad day will be observed on Thursday, and T. J. Shuey will lecture in the evening on "Man and His Mission."

    The convention of the Church of God will meet on Friday. Republican day will be on Saturday, when the state committee will send several speakers

    Great Preparations Being Made for the Meeting.

    The Maxinkuckee Assembly will begin July 24 and continue nineteen days.

    In preparation for tne event, the Standard Publishing Company, Ira Rooker, Dr. Callane, J. V. Combs and Lee Morrow are erecting cottages and the Vandalia Railroad has put in a station and checkroom.

    Also a new fleet of boats will be put on the lake.

    This year there will be forty prominent lecturers and a number of summer entertainments.

    Prof. De Louis Smith and his orchestra will have charge of the music.

    The Nethercutt family of Logansport,
    the Valentine family of Indianapolis,
    Quincy Morrow and family,
    T. J. Marlatt and son of Covington,
    J. V. Combs and family of Indianapolis,
    C. G. Cantrell of Cincinnati, the manager of the hotel,
    Miss Grace Bland of Irvington, and
    Professor Smith are all on the grounds.

    The following are some of the speakers:
    Professor Dickie, Michigan;
    Hon. Frank Regan, Chaplain- in-Chief Bruner, Chicago;
    Prof. Lowe, Heidelburg University;
    Eugene Knox.
    J. E. Wiley,
    Dr. Harlow,
    Z. L. Sweeney,
    Mrs. Carrie Nation,
    C. C.Redgrove, A. McLean,
    and twenty others.

    L. L. Carpenter will conduct the services in memory of Henry R. Pritchard.

    Professor Deweese of Lexington, Ky., will give the Bible talks

1901 - Jul 12 The Purposes of Maxinkuckee Assembly Fully Explained, the some events for 1901 assembly_grounds/ MAXINKUCKEE PARK.
    J. V. Coombs, Ira Brooker, Standard Publishing Company, and the Assembly are erecting new cottages

    Quincy Lee Morrow and family, Mr. Valentine and family of Indianapolis are on tbe grounds.

    The Vandalia has established a station at the park.

    C. G. Cantrell and the hotel managers will arrive in a few davs. De Loss Smith is preparing music for the opening night.

    Mrs. Carrie Nation has written that she will deliver two addresses in addition to the elegant program announced in catalogue.

    Dr. Harlow of Kansas will give three Hypnotic entertainments. No one should miss these exhibitions.

    John E. Wily will lecture on “The Trial of Christ,” Sunday Aug. 4.

    Secure catalogue at tbe drug store. If you can carry a big poster to some town, or country point, get it at drug store.

    The hotel and annex will be filled during the assembly. Let all of us do our best to make Maxinkuckee assembly on of the best in the state

The third season for the "Assembly Grounds" was held from July 24 to August 12, 1901 - the officials were: J. V. Combs, Pres.; D. E. Callane, Vice Pres.; W. E. M. Hacklelman, Sec'y; and J. O. Ferrier, Treas. The bulletin for that year.
1901 - jul 31 - The Maxinkuckee Assembly is in session this week with a goodly attendance and many noted lecturers and other attractions - Logansport Pharos Tribune

1901 Aug 3 - Carrie Nation. Coming- Carrie Nation, the famous joint smasher, is said to be due at Lake Maxinkuckee on Sunday, Aug. 4 it is announced that she will address the announced that she will address the Logansport Pharos Tribune

1901 - Aug 18 - Maxinkuckee Assembly Officers. At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Maxinkuckee Assembly, held Saturday, the following officers were elected: President, Dr. W. E. Callane. Flora; vice president, Richard Voorhees, Flora; secretary, A. Mt Hoptman, Logansport; treasurer, J. 0. Ferrier, Culver; : superintendent, T. J. Legg, Logansport

Ralston Hotel  

It was a large three story frame building with a two story porch and a basement entrance at lake level - it sat about 20 feet from waters edge as depicted in this old postcard.

1903 - June 11 - The Maxinkuckee Assembly Will open August 6th and last until August 31st this season, The program bids fair to surpass anything hereto given at this well known chautauqua.

1903: The fourth annual Maxinkuckee Assembly was held on August 6th - 31st, 1903 - officials were: W. E. Callane, Pres.; A. M. Hootman, Sec'ty; and T. J. Legg, Supt. Stockholders were to have met August 6th and the board of directors August 6th. The program leaflet from the Maxinkuckee Assembly.

1904 - Apr 28 - The Maxinkuckee Assembly Association has purchased the Assembly grounds consisting of about twenty-six acres, of James V. Coombs and wife. The consideration was $3000

1904 - June 16 - Last Thursday morning, a spark from a passing engine set fire to assembly grounds for the winter. The pier was entirely consumed and the flames were making rapid headway for the ticket stands when by the timely arrival of the section gang, tire was put out

cottages were built on the Assembly grounds. In '04 there was mention of the "Oakridge" cottage, also the "Greenwood" and the Kearn cottage. In the summer of that year, E. W. Butterfield, of Brooklyn, Indiana, built a five-room cottage on the lake front at the Assembly grounds.

1905 - Apr 20 - Arrangements Completed for Next Session. July 20 to August 10.

Prof. Eli Miller was President; H. G. Hill, General Manager; Eva L. Leslie, pianist; ; Mr. Frank A. B_, Secretary; in 1905. One of the last assemblies was the Art Show of 1905.

And so it is that we read in the news of the seventh of December, 1905, the following sentence: "James V. Combs has filed a suit for foreclosure of a mortgage on the Maxinkuckee Assembly grounds."

The end came to the Assembly Grounds in Nov. 1905 when J. V. Coombs filed suit on the mortgage.
    1905 - Nov. 30 - New Suit Filed James Y. Coombs vs. Maxinkuckee Assembly, Foreclosure mortagage pn real eastate. - Weekly Repbulican, (Plymouth, Indiana)
      1906 - Jab 4 - In the case of James Y. Coombs against the Maxinkuckee Assembly to foreclose mortagage judgement was rendered against the defendant fot #3,686.38 and foreclosure of mortgaged premises.

In 1907 is was sold and subdivided into lots becoming Ferriers Addition.

Ferrier's Addition
Ferrier's Addition 1908

Ferrier's Addition 1922

As you notice below the area refered to as Ferrier's Addition does not cover the area that was said to have entailed the entire Assembley grounds only partial the upper two-thirds abd the lower third which includes the cemetery is represented by other people private proptery owners and the Wm. R. York Subdivision; of course Mr. Ferrier could of sold these propertiess off to the respected people.

A news article in the Culver Citizen stating J. O. Ferrier had purchased the assembly ground property.
    CULVER - Culver CitizenJ. O. Ferrier's purchase of the old assembly grounds on the west shore less than two years ago has proved the wisdom of the buyer. He has sold enough lots to pay for the land and has 60 lots remaining which he says he can sell outright any day for $6,000. - Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 15, 1909

It is said that in April 1910 that there was a small fire in the kitchen on the Assembly Grounds and that it was put out by the bucket brigade made up of neighbors and guests. Cause of the fire was an exploding lamp that had been left burning by one of the occupants.

Then in 1911 little over a year later it burnt to the ground and only a few pieces of furniture is said to have been saved from the hotel. The cause of the fire was the kitchen stove.

David Burns had related many times that the assembly grounds hotel was divided in half and 2 cottages was made out of it and that a person by name of Murphy or Orpha Mc Farland had lived in one of them - but if it burnt in 1911 - how could this be?.

The Tabernacle or Auditorium was wrecked, torn down, and sold out, the same year that the Assembly hotel burned down, it is said but this account of its demise is found:
    1909 - Jun 17 - End of the Tabernacle
      The old Tabernacle, a building 70x90, with a seating capacity of 600 or 700, erected in the plamy days of Maxkinkucee Assembly, was sold last week by J. O. Ferrier to George Davis and S. E. Medbourn for $150.

      Davis will use his half in the construction of a house to be located ont $150 lot which he purchased of Ferrier, while Medbourn's share will go into a barn.

That was the year Ferrier platted the ground in building lots and lake front sites, forming the 'Ferrier Addition'. "He was the proprietor of a town addition of 89 lots, known by his name", says McDonald, referring to Ferrier. This addition was quite rapidly settled. It was accepted by the town board. It was nicely laid out, and the lots sold readily

Later, a large portion of the land was platted by J. O. Ferrier. Streets were cut through, and were given Cuban or Spanish names. This is the area as it looks today; the first showing only names of the streets; the second the lot lines

Most or all of this except for the old portion of the cemetery was the Assembly ground area border by Davis on the North, Main on the west, West shore Drive on the south and the lake on the west.

The name "Assembly Grounds" seems to have stuck around for this area a long time after even to it was plated out and street names given.

An example is Jim and Agnes (Thomas) Burns ration books issued during World War II they bear the address of "Assembly Grounds, Culver, Indiana"; at this time they lived on Peru Court

After the "Assembly" failed an attempt was made to keep the chautauqua alive. In the early 1900's the famed Redpath Chautauqua National Organization seriously considered establishing in the Culver area but plans were abandoned. But it is said that some form of the Chautauqua's remained into the 1930's era being held on the vacant land at the corner of Plymouth and Washington Streets where the town hall sits today. these if found mentioned will be detailed under Chautauquas