Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Prohibition vs. Church Members  

Mr. Editor: Tho Prohibitionists have consumed three days at the Assembly, and during the day and evening sessions speakers scored without fear or favor church members because they do not vote as they pray, and more especially have said speakers censured the McKinley administration relative to its acts toward the canteen, and also as to its attitude in allowing beer and rum to follow its civilization into its foreign possessions.

While we deeply deplore the fact that this is done, and that in making heathen drunkards is a mighty poor way to civilize them, we most emphatically believe that charity should begin at home, and would suggest that the “prohibs” confine their work toward reform in America, and let the foreigners take care of themselves.

For years this so-called temperance party has agitated against the saloon keeper’s business, yet there is just as much whisky sold to-day as there was a year ago, and will be, so long as church members do not vote as they pray.

In our opinion a different system of fighting the saloon should be adopted. Because men do not vote as they pray, only proves the old adage true, that “ great minds differ.”

Because our brothers, deacons and preachers walk up and vote the Republican or Democratic ticket along side of saloon keepers and brewers, is no criterion that that they are not honest m their convictions that their parties will do all in their power to regulate the l liquor question.

Now, in our opinion, education and education alone must be the great weapon to fight saloons with; and this hope of doing away with the evil must lay in the power of the rising generations.

Sunday schools should be the great bulwarks of education on the subject of temperance.

Children should be systematically taught that a drunkard is one of God’s lowest creature , and that total abstinence is the only safety-valve to keep them from the pit of intemperance.

Just as well to try to turn the earth into green cheese as to try to convince a man who is a deep-dyed Democrat or Republican, that his party is not doing all in its power to regulate the saloon question. - Exodus

Aug 10, 1900 - Culver herald