Beauty Shops-
1927 - Helen's Beauty Shop
1928 - Elite Beauty Shop, (opposite Home Theater. Culver)
1928 - Mar 7 - Special during March - Permanent waves $8.00. including one hot oil
treatment and one finger wave. Elite Beaty Shop, Phop 241, Miss ALice Daily, prop. |
1953 - Nov. - Announcing The Opening Monday, November 30 BEAUTY SHOP at corner of Forest Place
and Lake Shore Drive COMPLETE DEAUTY SERVICE Amy Lou Anderson, owner Amy's. Beauty bop 409 Forest Place
Phone 251-R. |
1949 - Mariettas Beauty Salon
Cleta's Beauty shop ?-1927-1938 - Cleta Easterday
1940 - Se 11 - Bess Easterday Buys Cleta's Beauty Shop - Miss Bess Esterday is now the
owner of Cleta's Beatuy Shop, which she bought or Rosalie Lower, effective last Monday.
Louise Stout will continue as manafer, with Cleta Berger as assistant
Bernice beauty shop - 1930-?
1930 - Aug. 27 - Mrs. Hazel B. Allman and Mrs. Bernice Allman Umbaiugh as proprietors, opened Aug.
22, on the second floor of the State Exhange Bank Building.
1935 - March 13 - Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blanchard have purchased the Bernice Beauty Shop of Hazel
Alleman and took over the business last week.
1931 - Nov. 11 - Mikesell Trades Home for
Siepman Business Building
A business transaction was completed last week whereby Raymond R. Mikesell traded
his home at the corner of Lake Shore Drive and State street for the Emil Siepman building
on Main Street. Mr. Mikesel and Mr. Siepman expect to mover their househld goods this week,
but Mr. Mikesell has no plans for the one half of the building now used by Mr. Siepman. The
other half occupied by Miss Alice Daily's Beauty Shop.
Alice Beauty Shop - ? - 1944
1944 - Apr 26 - Mr. and Mrs Edwin Umbaugh, of Argos have bought the Alice in the
State Exchange building of Miss Alice Ridgeway
1944 - Jul 26 - Changes Beatuy Shops - Mrs. Mary Alice Hill will become manager of
Helen's Beauty Psrlor next Monday after serving in a similar capacity for the past
nine months' at Cleta's and being previously associated with the Silhouette
Cleta's Beatuy Shop will now be known as Bernice Beauty SHop and will be
operated by Mrs. Bernice Umbaugh and Miss Dorothy Alice Stachowski.
1956-1958 - Barb's Beauty Bar
1956 - May 2 - Barbs Beauty Bar to Open Soon
Miss Barbara Price, a 1955 graduate of Culver High School and the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs Harold R. Price of 617 Pearl Street, has chosen this community to set up
her Beauty Salon
Miss Price is a graduate of Ravenscroft School of Beauty at Fort Wayne where she
was enrolled in Styling classes and took advantage of the Stylist Shows from New
York, Detriot and Chicago. After taking her State Board examination in
Indianapolis she worked as a licensed beutitian at Leath's Beauty House in Fort
Now tha she has qualified as an experienced operator she has returned to Culver
and plans to open Barb's Beauty Bar at 116 Norh Main Street.
THe exact opening date will be announced in a later issue of the Citizen.
By Jan 14 1959 moved to 110 E. Washington St.
Village Beauty Shoppe
Hair Kare
Isobells Beauty Salon
Silhouette Beauty Salon
Vanity Fair beauty the depot
BUys Beauty Shop
Mrs. SPangler of Elkhary has taken possession of Vanity Fair
Mrs. Bryon Spangler has purchased the Vanity Fair beauty parlors near the Depot.
Mrs. Spanglers comes from Elkhart where she has in the same kind of of work.
She tookpossession of the shop on Monday morning.
Mrs. Lummis former proproetpr of the beauty shop, will remainCulver for about a month
and then will go to the east where enter the same kind work