Aug 29, 1928, Culver Citizen
Baby In Bath - Cake In Oven - and a Peddler at the Door
These Culver Merchants named below do not distu rb you at such unreasonable hours to "force"
the sale of their merchandise
These Culver Merchants named below with allothers, on this page - help you pay rtaxes and keep
this town going
High pressure selling methods may pay certain pr ofits to the business which cares not for the
good-will or of rendering real service to its customers. The peddler who appears at your door
is but one small cog in the higher up mahine that drives - drives to bring in dollars at any
Such methods applied by any local store in Culver would soon result in the closing of its doors
forever - because you would not tolerate the peddlers' practice dominance by local merchants.
Weigh the facts. What the peddler and the mail-order house offer, are compared to you own local
merchants and tradesmen.
The peddler and mail-order house pay no local taes; assume no community responsibilities; own
no property here; care not if your property investments decrease in value; whether our town grows;
whether jobs are plentiful - or wages get better. In fact, they care only for their own profit.
Therefor, do you thin it amiss that we call to you attention the improtance of doung all of your
trading at home? There isn't a merchant in Culver who does not directly and indirectly contribute
heavily to our present and hoped for prosperity. Think of these things - also think - - -