1905 Business Directory Culver , Marshall, Indiana
Population, 505
- McFarland, R.C., 4 miles S. E. of Culver R.F.D. 14
- Foss, Wm. A. & Son, Main St. Tel. 1-22
- Howard & Davis, Main St. Tel. 3-2
- "Exchange", Main St. Lock Box 287. S. C. Shilling, Pres.; Millie L. Shilling, Cashier.
Barbers (leading)
- Bowers, C. S., Toner Ave. P.O. Box 5
- Poor, E. A., Mains St. P. O. Box 90
Blacksmiths and Horseshoers.
- Hines, J. A., Washington St. Lock Box 178
Books and Stationery
- Slattery, T. E., Main St. Lock Box. 211
Boots and Shoes.
- "The Cash Store", Main St. Tel. 1-26. J. Saine & Son, Props.
- "The Surprise", Main St. Tel 25 F., Hessel, Prop.
Builders' Hardware.
- Ferrier, J. O., Jefferson St. Tel. 2-36
Boot and Shoe Repairing
- Foss, Wm. & Son, Main St. P. O. Box 34.
Carpets, Rugs, &c.
- "The Surprise", Main St. Tel 25 F.
Cement Block Manufacturer
- Osborn, John, Main St. Lock Box. 184
Cement Sidewalk maker
- Spencer, Eli, Cass St. P.O. Box. 26. Tel.
Cigars, Tobacco, &c.
- Bowers, C. S. Toner Ave. P.O. Box. 5
- "Bradley Hotel", Toner Ave. P. O. Box 88
- Hill, Stephen, Toner Ave. Tel.
- Overman, Wm., end of Lake St. Tel., 34
- Slattery, T. E., Main St. Lock Box. 211
- Stahl & Co.. Main St. P. O. Box 8
- "The Cash Store", Main St. Tel.1-26. J. Saine & Son, Props.
- "The Surprise", Main St. Tel 25 F., Hessel, Prop.
Coal Dealer
- Ferrier, J. O., Jefferson St. Tel. 2-36
Cothier and Outfitter.
- "The Surprise", Main St. Tel 25 F., Hessel, Prop.
- Howard & Davis, Main St. Tel. 3-2
- Slattery, T. E., Main St. Lock Box. 211
- Saine, J. & Son, Main St. Tel. 1-26
- Hessel, F., Main St. Tel 25.
Contractors and builders:
- Easterday, L. R. Cass St. P.O. Box 27
- Keen, A. A. Scott St. P.O. Box 163
- Zechiel, J. H., Ohio Ave.
Contractor (Cement)
- Spencer, Eli, Cass St. P.O. Box. 26. Tel.
Contractor (Brick and Stone)
- Spencer, Eli, Cass St. P.O. Boc. 26. Tel.
Contractors (Painters)
- Garn, G. W., Main St. Lock Box 38
- Voreis, G. W., E. Scott St. Lock Box 202
Contractonr (Teaming)
- Warner, A. L., Lake View Ave. P.O. Box 24
Crockery and Glassware
- "The Cash Store", Main St. Tel. 1-26. J. Saine & Son, Props.
- "The Surprise", Main St. Tel 25 F., Hessel, Prop.
- Norris, N. S., Main St. Office hours: 8.30-12, 1-5.30 P.O. Box 85
Doors, Sash, &c.
- Ferrier, J. O., Jefferson St. Tel. 2-36
Dray and Transfer Line
- Warner, AL. L., Lake View Ave. P.O. Box 24
Druggist and Pharmacist
- "Culver City Drug Store", Main St. Lock Box 211, Tel. 31. T. E. Slattery, Prop.
Dry Goods, &c.
- Porter & Co., Main St. Tel. 38
- "The Cash Store", Main St. Tel. 1-26. J. Saine & Son, Props.
- "The Surprise", Main St. Tel 25 F., Hessel, Prop.
Electrical Supplies
- Saine, Harry, Main St. Lock Box 200. Tel. 1-26
Electrical Contractor
- Saine, Harry, Main St. Lock Box 200. Tel. 1-26
Flour, Feed Grain, &c.
- Collier Bros., On Vandalia R.R. Lock Box. 173.
Furnace Work
- Armstrong, H. A., Main St. Lock Box 196. J. S. Gast., Mgr.
Furniture, &c.
- Easterday, W. S., Main St. P.O. Box 63, Tel. 2-15
Funeral Director, Embalmer
- Easterday, W. S., Main St. P.O. Box 63, Tel. 2-15
Grain Elevator
- Dillon & Medbourn, On Vandalia R.R. P.O. Box 40.
Grist Mill (Custom Work)
- "Maxinkuckee Lake Mills", on Vandalia R.R. Lock Box 173 Collier Bros., Props.
Groceries and Provisions
- Porter & Co., Main St. Tel. 38
- Stahl & Co.. Main St. Tel. 5
- "The Cash Store", Main St. Tel.1-26. J. Saine & Son, Props.
- "The Surprise", Main St. Tel 25 F., Hessel, Prop.
Hats, Caps, & c.
- "The Cash Store", Main St. Tel.1-26. J. Saine & Son, Props.
- "The Surprise", Main St. Tel 25 F., Hessel, Prop.
Hardware, &c.
- Weiss, J. F., Main St. Lock Box 210
Harness and Horse Clothing.
- Foss, Wm. A. & Son, Main St. Lock Box 34
Harness Repairing
- Foss, Wm. A. & Son, Main St. Lock Box 34
Hides, Pelts, Tallow &c.
- Walter, D. G., Main St. Lock Box 88.
- "Bradley Hotel", one Blk W. of Vandalia Depot. P.O. Box 88 Tel. 4. E. J. Bradley, Prop.
- "Hotel Morris", Main St. Rate $1. P. O. Box. 117. Tel. Mrs. Margaret Morris, Prop.
- Hill, Stepehn, Toner Ave., one Blk W. of Dept. Tel.
- "Lake Side Hotel", two Blks. W. of Depot. Lock Box 176. Tel.-3 John S. Bush, Prop.
- "Palmer House", N. Side near Academy. Rate $2, $2.50. Both Phones. F. D. Lamson, Prop.
- "The Chadwick House", one mile S. of Culver Station, 1 1/4 miles N. of Arlington Station, N. end of Long Point. R.F.D. 1 Tel. 2. S. S. Chadwick, Prop.
Ice Cream Manufacturers
- Howard & Davis, Main St. P.O. Box 126
- Slattery, T. E., Main St. Lock Box. 211
Insurance (Life)
- "State Mutual Ins. Co.", Main St. P.O. Box. 63. Tel. 2-15 W. S. Easterday, Agent.
Insurance (Fire)
- Osborn, John, Main St. Lock Box. 184.
- Walter, D. G., Main St. Lock Box 88.
Ladies' Furnishings
- "The Surprise", Main St. Tel 25 F., Hessel, Prop.
Livery, Feed and Sales Stables
- Hayes & Sons, one Blk W. of Dept. Lock Box 172. B. Tel.
- McLane & Co., Jefferson St. Tel. 1-36
Lumber, Lath, Shingles, &c.
- Ferrier, J. O., Jefferson St. Tel. 2-36
Lunch Rooms
- "Bradley Hotel", Toner Ave. Tel.
- Hill, Stephen, Toner Ave. B. Tel.
- Howard & Davis, Main St. Tel. 3-2.
Meat Markets.
- "Culver City Meat Market", Main St. Lock Box 88, Tel. 15 D. G. Walter, Prop.
- Stahl & Co., Main St. P.O. Box. 18, Tel. 5
Merchant Millers
- "Maxinkuckee Lake Mills", on Vandalia R.R. Lock Box 173 Collier Bros., Props.
Millinery (Leading)
- Zechiel, Miss Elenora, Main St.
- "Culver Citizen", Main St. J. H. Koontz & Son, Publishers.
Notary Public
- Morris, Oliver, Main St. P.O. Box 17
Notions &C.
- Hessel, F, Main St. Tel 25.
- Saine, J. & Son, Main St. Tel. 1-26.
Paints, Oils, &c.
- Slattery, F. E., Main St. Tel. 31
Painters and Decorators.
- Garn, G. W., Main St. Lock Box 38
- Voreis, G. W., E. Scott St. Lock Box 202
Painters and Paper Hangers.
- Garn, G. W., Main St. Lock Box 38
- Voreis, G. W., E. Scott St. Lock Box 202
- Zechiel, Chester L., Ohio Ave.
Photographic Studio
- Keen Bros., Toner Ave. B. Tel. (Pingree Flash Light Machine) (Makers of the Celebrated Culver Military Academy Pictures)
Physicians and Surgeons
- Parker, E. E., over Bank, Main St. Office hours: 8-10 a.m., 7-8 p.m. Lock Box 203. Res. Tel 42
- Rea, O. A., Main St. Office hours: 8-11 a.m. 2-5 p.m. Lock Box 205 Tel. 7 (Surgeon fo C.M.A.)
- Wiseman, B. W. S., Main St. Office hours: 3-5, 7-9 p.m. B. Tel.
Picture Frames &c.
- Easterday, W. S., Main St. Po.O. Box 63
Produce, (Butter, Eggs, Po ultry, &c.)
- "The Surprise", Main St. Tel 25 F., Hessel, Prop.
- "The Cash Store", Main St. Tel. 1-26. J. Saine & Son, Props.
Queensware, &c.
Stahl & Co., Main St. P.O. Box. 18, Tel. 5
Real Estate, &c.
- Osborn, John, Main St. Lock Box. 184.
- "Bradley Hotel", Toner Ave. P.O. Box 88 Tel. 4 E. J. Bradley, Prop.
- Hill, Stephen, Toner Ave. B. Tel.
Roofing, Spouting, &c.
- Armstrong, H. A., Main St. Lock Box 196. J. S. Gast., Mgr.
Sewer Pipe, Drain Tile, Brick
- Ferrier, J. O. Jefferson St. Tel. 2-36.
Stationary, &c.
- Stahl & Co., Main St. P.O. Box. 18, Tel. 5
Tin and Sheet Metal Work
- Armstrong, H. A., Main St. Lock Box 196. J. S. Gast., Mgr.
Toilet Articles
- Slattery, T. S., Main St., Tel. 31
Wagon Maker
- Hines, J. A., Washington St. Lock Box. 178
Wall Paper, &c
- Slattery, T. S., Main St., Tel. 31
Well Driver
- McFarland, R. C., 4 miles S. E. of Culver . R.F.D. 14.
Wines, Liquors, &c.
- Overman, Wm., End of S. Lake St. Lock Box. 199 Tel. 34.