Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Culver Business Snipets 1897  

1897 Jan 15 - The final meeting of stockholders of the Maxenkuckee Agric ultural Association is called for Saturday Janl. 23. A f ull attendance is desired as this meeting must wind up and settle the affairs of the association so far as its indebtedness is concerned

1897 Jan 15 It is said that Win. Wilson, the blacksmith, will make extrusive improvements upon his shop in the spring. He will raise the building on a level with the street and have it graded right to the shop I f others wo uld follow suit that live south of the post office on the east side of the street, it wo uld improve the appearance of the street wonderf ully.

1897 Jan 29 At a meeting of the stockholders of the Maxenkuckee Agric ultural Association last Saturday, it was decided that the stockholders sho uld be assessed and the i ndebtedness of the association be paid. 1897 Jan 29For Sale - - A first class saloon and restaurant at the Vandalia Depot in Marmont. For partic ulars call on or address C. C. Beaber, No.365 Sycamore street, Logansport, Ind

1897 Feb 6 - W a n t e d .— A man who; desires to enter the hardware business can find a rare opening for a partnership in a hardware by addressing this paper. Some capital required. Business good and. prospects immense.

1897 Feb 6 C. C. Beaber of Logansport, was in town Wednesday, superintending the filling of his ice house, preparatory to commencing business again in this place about the first of June

1897 Mar 19 H. A. Cook & Co., formerly of South Bend, have rented the store in the Koontz building and will open a drug and grocery store about next week. Their goods have arrived and are being placed in position. The Herald extends to them a welcome

1897 Feb 6 - D. H. Smith & co are putting a stone foundation under the wilson blacksmith shop

11897 Feb 6 Feb Today (Friday) Nathaniel Gandy will open and be ready for business. Hais secured the barn near the old Nussbaum & Mayer store, and has fitted the same up with a first class liverv outfit. He invites you to call and see for yourselves

1897 April 23 - J. C. Kuhn, of the firm of J. 0. Kuhn & Son, clothiers, Plymouth, was in town Thursday.we understand he will soon open a clothing store in this city. If this is the case, the Herald

1897 April 30 It is a fact that Kuhn & Son, of Plymouth, have rented the Cromley store room in the Cromley block and will open a clothing store in Culver in the near future. They intend to give our citizens great bargains.

1897 May 7 It was decided at a meeting; of the Maxinkuckee Agric ultural Association Monday afternoon, to pay off indebtedness so far as the money wo uld go already collected by assessment.

1897 May 7 C. C. Beeber and family arrived in Culver Monday evening- They will occupy their residence near the -depot during the summer. Mr. Beeber will open up his Saloon about the first of June.

1897 May 7 E. W. Roberts, who has been conducting a hardware in this city the past year, closed up his business last week, vacating the building he occupied. While in business, he won a host of friends, and but for lack of capital, to put iu a first class stock, wo uld have done a paying business. We still adhere to the fact that “an up to date’’ hardware co uld command a good trade and is one of the great necessities of the town. We understand that Mr- Roberts will devote his entire time selling farm machinery.

1897 May 7 Cemetery Improvement. - All those who are interested in beautifying and improving the appearance of Culver Cemetery are re quested to meet at the cemetery Monday May 10th, at 8 o’clock a. m. money has been collected for the purpose of paying for team work and shovelers and those desiring to furnish teams, and those desiring to shovel sho uld be on hand said day. Graves are to lie remodeled, and grounds cleaned up. This work sho uld be accomplished before Decoration Day, and every person in this vicinity sho uld take an interest in anything that will improve the appearance of our cemetery. A beautif ul and well kept cemetery are indications of c ultured progressive citizens, and we feel that our citizens will realize the urgent necessity of the work to be performed, and will turn out en masse.

1897 May 7 M. F. Mosher has in contemplation the erection of a building, which will be finished in an elegant manner, and used for dressing rooms for bathers and wardrobes. I t is a move in the right direction.

1897 May 28 Tuesday J . C. Kuhn & Son moved their stock of clothing back to Plymouth.

1897 May 14 - It is understood from outsiders that W. S. DuPea has decided to go into partnership with F. M. Mosher in the bath house business.

1897 May 21 Andy Voorhees. of Logansport, will open next week a first-class lunch room in the Beaber building near the depot.

1897 May 21 H. Oyler has moved his shoe repair shop into the building first door south of Meredith’s store, where he is better prepared than ever to accommodate his patrons.

1897 Jun 11 M. F. Mosher has just completed a handsome bathing pavilion near the Mosher boat house which is just what has been needed a long time. The rooms are so arranged that both gentlemen aud ladies can don their bathing suits in the utmost privacy. The house is also supplied with bathing suits of all sizes both for men and women

1897 Jun 11 C- C. Beaber opened up his saloon at this place upon the 7th inst... C. C. Beaber has erected a very handsome and commodious beer garden in the rear of his saloon

1897 Jun 18 Dr. Jaeger now occupies the Kreuzberger Park building and Captain Cook, C. M. A. occupies the cottage [Shanty] vacated by the Doctor. 1897 Jun 25 Comractor Walter completed a fine boat house for Dr. Hoovey upon the east side of the lake last Friday

1897 J ul 8 Mr. V. P. Kirk, an attorney of wide experience, has opened au office over the Culver City Exchange Bank, aud is now ready to transact all business both iu the law department real estate and life insurance. Mr. Kirk has made up his mind to permanently establish an office here, and we appeal to all the citizens of this vicinity to place their business in his hands, as we are confident he will perform the duties involved with perfect satisfaction . He has held many offices of trust, and was the city attorney of Madison, Ind., for five years aud has practiced law for 15 years, aud has also served as special judge upon many occasions. Remember he is an essential and much needed man, and sho uld and must receive a liberal patronage

1897 Jun 11 The central office of the Central Union Long Distance Telephone Co.,has been located at the Colonade Hotel. Hence if you desire to converse with a friend in St. Louis, Mo, you can do so for five minutes for the sum of $1.25. Or if you desire to chat with an old acquaintance in New York City you can do so the same length of time for the sum of $4.00. Then if you have a little business to transact with a person in Indianapolis you can be accommodated for the small sum of 6O cents. In fact you can converse with a person in any city east of the Mississippi river at a rate of three quarters of a cent per mile. Culver will have 13 phones in all which will be located in the various business houses and hotels.

1897 Jun 11 D. A. Bradley moved from Plymouth to this city Tuesday. He will open a estaurant in the Kreuzberger building near the depot.

1897 - Jul 30 - The Winona Creamery,of Winona, Ind., has established a branch agency and depository in our city. They occupy the wareroom back of the Nussbaum Mayer building W. H. Mathew is acting as agent and keeps a plentiful supply of Ice Cream and creamery buter on hand all the time. This creamery enjoys the reputation of making the finest goods in the country. Their ice cream and butter are free from any distasteful and harmful ingredients and are of the highest quality. Orders left at the office or residence of Mr. Mathew or placed in tlie mail will receive prompt attention. Goods for sale by retail dealers.

1897 Sep 10 D. A. Bradley and family are now located in their new quarters in the Kreuzberger building near the depot. He proposes to conduct a first class restaurant and grocery, and all acquainted with Bradley knows where they can procure a square meal. He will also will keep lodgers

1897Nov 5 We understand that Culver has only two saloons at present, J . K. Taylor having retired from business

1897 Nov 19 John Osborn, the banker, is now sole owner of the magnificent brick block on the west side of main street, having purchased Dr. Jaeger’s interest. in connection with this, there are two more lots on the south belonging to the same, on which he contemplates erecting two more buildings the same size as those occupied by Vanschoiack and Slattery, in the near future.

1897 Nov 19 Notwithstanding that the John Osborn Shoe Store has not been in existence but a short time, it is receiving a large patronage and is destined to be an important factor in tIhe shoe business in the county. The fact that customers of every grade and shade can find just what they want at this store at very low prices, is the great incentive that draws the people there.