Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Culver Business Snippets 1898  

1898 - Jan 7 - The editor of this paper has received notice that certain prominent men in Logansport are contemplating upon the subject of establishing a state bank in this city, and if there is any inducement offered by way of assurance that our business men and the community in general wo uld under such an institution their patronage the bank will be a sure thing. That Culver City needs a back add cannot do without one is a foregone conclusion. The Logansport gentlemen are men of ability, and have plenty of capital. Aside from being men of ability they are men of integrity and have the esteem of the citizens of |he entire city

1898 - Jan 7 Wm. Foss has moved his shoe repair shop into the building formerly occupied by John A. Campbell as a Jewelry Shop. Mr. Foss will be better prepared than ever to meet the wants of his patrons, and as he is doing first class work at the following exceedingly low prices, he is securing a large patronage: Gent’s shoes half soled, 40 cents a pair, Ladies shoes half soled 30 cents a pair.

1898 - Jan 14 Young & Keen have just placed into their foundry an up to date wood lathe, hence are prepared to do all such work in proper style. Eli Spencer is now prepared to furnish ax-handles as cheap as the cheapest. All these who desire an article of this kind will do well to call on him at Young & Keen's foundry

1898 - Jan 14 Look out for the Culver City Specialty Company in the near future.

1898 - Jan 14 Wm. Foss has moved his shoe repair shop into the building formerly occupied bv John A. Campbell as a Jewelry Shop. Mr. Foss will be better prepared than ever to meet the wants of his patrons, and as he is doing first class work at the following exceedingly low prices, he is securing a large patronage: Gents shoes half solled 40 cents a pair, Ladies' shoes half soled 30 cents a pair

1898 Feb 4 - If you want first class laundry work done, leave it at the Exchange Barber Shop, under Culver City Drug Store

1898 Feb 4 Wm. Swigart, Culver ’s famous drayman aud local ice manip ulator, has taken the contract to fill the Beeber ice house. Lake View ice house and the Vanderweele ice house at Burr Oak, and is already rushing the jobs. He secured these against all competition. He is a hustler all competition. He is a hustler and make no mistake, and will do his work

1898 Feb 4 The Culver City Construction Company have moved their plant one door south of their former location, and the Culver City Meat Market will occupy the room vacated by them

1898 feb 11 F or Sale: A first class Pool table, very cheap, Enquire at the Beeber Saloon

1898 feb 11 F o u n d : A purse containing money, between the Beeber Saloon and Avery’s Restaurant Thursday morning. Owner will please call at Harry Nichols’ on the Reed property identify same and pay for this notice.

1898 - Mar 1 - Wm. Foss has retired from the Wm. Foss has retired from the and we understand will in the near depart for North Dakota .

1898 - Mar 1 - Willie Osborn has his news stand at Mr. Thomas Slattery’s drug store where you can get any of the Chicago papers. Dont forget the place

1898 - Mar 1 - Deeds, the dentist can be found at the Lakeside hotel until farther notice. Those desiring dental work performed will please bear this in mind.

1898 - Mar 8 Last Saturday evening a number of our citizens met and discussed the feasibility of establishing a creamery in Culver , and although nothing tangible was accomplished at the meeting it was decided to hold another next Saturday evening. The farmers of this community are most earnestly requested to be present.

1898 - Mar 8 Thos. Medbourn is sole agent for the Buckeye Harvesting machine Company in this section, and now has on exhibition several machines manufactured by this celebrated company It will pay those contemplating buying a reaper or mower. to call and see them

1898 - Mar 8 We regret to state that owing to a little financial difficulty, the store of E. B. Vanschoiack’s was closed Tuesday. We are informed by reliable authority that all differences will be satisfactorily adjusted in the near future, and that “ Van” will continue business at the old stand as serene and happy as ever. “ So mote it be is the best wishes of his friends.

    1898 - Apr 15 - Mr. E. B. Yanschoiack was in Plymouth Monday and stood a three hours test before several legal lights and the result of the whole business will be that in the very near future he will be transacting business again at the old stand as serene and happy as ever. It is said that the evidence showed that nothing was done by Mr. Vanschoiack relative to placing mortgages to protect his own but what came strictly within the letter of the law, hence there is not a particle of danger of his being defeated in the final wind-up before the court

    1898 - Apr. 29 - We are pleased to state that E. B. Vanschoiack is again transacting business at the old stand. The store was reopened Saturday afternoon. We understand his business affairs has or will be satisfactorily adjusted Read what he has to say in another column

1898 Mar. 8 I will now receive laundry either at the Keller barber shop, or at my home, in the Seatesr’ building. Erza Koontz.

1898 Mar 8 Mr. Weaver, of South Bend, is in town and we understand will immediately opeu up the meat market in the Bradley building near the depot. He conducted said market last season.

1898 Mar 25 Andy Voorhees is proprietor of the saloon opposite the depot and has already cashed up fur his city license for the year. Andy promises that the management of the place will be strictly first class and remarkable improvements will take place. A new and commodious beer garden will be erected on the latest modern plan, which will possess every convenience for private parties. Only the best grade of goods will be kept. Call and see for yourself.

1898 Mar 25 Mrs. E. M. George will receive a splendid line of new millinery goods this week. Everything in this line will be first-class in every partic ular and will be sold at prices to suit the times. This will be the last stock of spring and summer goods she will sell in Culver , as the balance of the goods will be moved to Three Rivers, Mich., about the latter part of June, as Mr. George will positively leave Culver at that time. Those desiring tin ware and novelties of all of kinds will reap a rich harvest at this great closing out sale, This is no humbug sale, but goods will go regardless of cost in order to save moving expenses. Call early and secure bargains.

1898 - Apr 1 - The Culver City Construction company is now doing a rushing business. It has added new and up-to-date machinery, hence is prepared for every emergency in the line of repairing machinery; also bicycles repaired on short notice

1898 - Apr. 29 - Mr. Samuel Medbourn is now the owner of the old Nussbaum & Mayer building. Me will at once repair the same and place it in first-class condition for rent.

1898 Sep 16 - Than Gandy, we understand, will dispose of his entire livery outfit at auction, the first Saturday in October, and will retire from the livery business. Enoch Mow, the old reliable liveryman, has rented the barn and will move his livery stock from Royal Center. He has been in the livery business here before and we believe he missed it when he sold out and moved away. We extend to him a cordial greeting and bespeak for him a liberal patronage

1898 Sep 30 Next Saturday Enoch Mow will take charge of the Gandy livery barn. Aside from conducting a livery he will make a specialty of auctioneering.,

1898 - Oct 14 - Location of Porter & Co.
    Herman A. Seyferth wishes to say good by to all his friends in and near Culver, on Saturday, Oct. 15th. As time is precious, and he cannot see each one seperately, he will be at Culver, opposite, Porter and Co's store at the band stand, on the above date from 3 til! 4 o’clock. As he is not liable to return again before the experation of his time of enlistment, he wishes to greet his many frieuds young and old with a hearty hand shake

1898 - Oct 28 - The farmers are onto the fact that the Lake Milling Company makes up to date flour

1898 Nov 4 - For first class steak and meats of kind, at reasonable prices, go to the Peoples’ Market.

The new meat market in the Shaw building is now open and doing business. The market is fitted up in grand style and has one of the best refrigerators in the state.

1898 Nov 4 - Oct Enoch Mow took possession of the Gandjy livery barn last Saturday. He left Saturday evening for Roval Center where he will make preparations to move his family to this place.

1898 Nov 18 - Dr. Geo. H. Hollister, of Cleveland, Ohio, has located in Culver , and will permanently reside here. He and, his family will occupy rooms in the Osborn block, where he will also have his office- He is a graduated physician, and comes highly recommended. He is not wholly a stranger here, as he and his amiable wife spent the winter of ’95 in Culver . He is now ready for business, as his card in another column will certify.

1898 Dec 16 Lake Milling Co’s flour is now on sale at the Peoples Meat Market. Also Corn Meal and Buckwheat Flour. S. D. Laden, Prop.