Preliminary Architects Drawings For Proposed Grade Schoolx
1950 - December 20 - Preliminary Architects Drawings For Proposed Grade School |
Pictured above is the first floor plan of the proposed new Union Township Grade School
Building (clicking image will produce a larger one) |
and below is the plan for the second floor. (clicking image will produce a l
arger one) |
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The detailed preliminary plans show that the front of the building will be located 14 feet back
of the present sidewalk, Lower grade rooms, as can be seen by the drawing, a re located on the
first floor. In the north wing are shown a re c re a t ion room the second floor and the farm
shop on the first floor. The Trustee's and Principal’s offices will be located on either side of
the main entrance.
The first and second floor wing shown at the front providing shown at the front providing for just
10 rooms can be constructed for a cost of $247,500 The wing to the north would in crease the
construction cost to $384,500. The auditorium which is shown would provide for seating 900. The
cost of is estimated at $30,000. The plans and method of financing will be discussed at a public
meeting to be held this evening, at 8:00 p. m. in the Community Building.
1952 - April 23 - Architect's Perspective of New Grade School Building

Pictured here is the perspective of the new grade school building by Architect
LeRoy Bradley of Fort Wayne.
Workis progressing rapidly on the north wing of the building which was started
early this year.
The perspective is from School Street at the north east corner.
The L-shaped room structure will be modern in every sense of the word and
co,pletely fireproof.
It will take the place of the present grade school building which was erected in
the early 19000's and was condemmed several years ago by the STate fire Marshall.
The present grade school building will be razed when the north section of the new
building is completed.
The east section of the building will connect on to the present high school building.
A recreation roon, an agricultural shop, an audio-visual room, and commodious
classrooms are among the fine features of the structure.