Culver High School History Index
Culver School History
1836 - 1899
Culver School History
1900 - 1909
Culver School History
1910 - 1919
Culver School History
1920 - 1929
Culver School History
1930 - 1939
Culver School History
1940 - 1949
Culver School History
1950 - 1959
Culver School History
1960 - 1969
Culver School History
1970 - 1979
Culver School History
1980 - 1999
Culver School History
2000 to Present
Note: Latham Lawson & William F. Mills wrote a brief history for the 1986 Marshall County History
The start of a detailed history of the Consoldiation process was done by Judith E. (McKee) Burns for the
Class of 1970 twenty year reunion held on Saturday, June 30, 1990 at Glen L. Overmyer's Home on
State Road 17 (Burr Oak) again in 2021 the class held their 50/51 reunion and the booklet was updated.
This was published in a booklet distributed to class members.
Other information came from various sources such as yearbooks and old issues of Culver Citizens - spellings
were left as was in the articles for names.
School Transfers Index
District Schools Union Township
The Culver Choraleers
"Punch and Judy" Program Grades 1-6
1939-1940 Basketball Scorecard
1938-1939 Basketball
Players Profiles Index
Herman Sayger - Culver High School Basketball Play
Eunice Schrimsher, Crossing Guard
1960 - Feb 3 - Reorganization Of County's Schools
Studied - No Consolidations Yet
1960 - May 18 - Reorganization of Schools is Clearly Explained -
3 Communities in Merge Plan.
1960 - Aug. 3 -
Aubbeenaubbee twp Fulton county
Indiana Consolidation.htm
1960 - Aug. 17th - Proposed Scholol Consolidiation
discussed by 100
1960 - Aug 24 - Reorganization of Area Schools Again Discussed -
2nd meeting
1960 - Aug. 31 - Great Fear of Culver Losing Its High School -
Consolidation Plans Hit Snag
1960 - Oct 12 - Three-County School Plan
Still Alive
1960 - Nov. 2 - Notice of
Resolution of Consolidation of Schools.; dated 11 Oct 1960.
1960 - Dec 1 - Argos Reflector - Schoool Reorganization Committee
Awaits Word from State on Plan.
1960 - Dec 14 - Reorganization Committed
Adopts Preliminary Plan - Groups Sets Up School Districts
1961- Apr 12 - School Heads
Meet For Reorganization
1961 - Aug 2 - Culver School Plan to
Regroup Is Rejected
1961 - Sep 20 - North Bend Still Up In Air In School Dispute
Reorganization Is
Under Fire
1961 - Sep 20 -
Marston United
School Corporation Established
1962 - Feb 7 - Proposed School
Reorganization Pan is Approved - New Corporations Effective July 1
1962, Sept 19 -
P.T.A. rejects
the "Marston Consolidation Plan"
1962 - Dec 26 Officials to Meet to
Discuss School Consolidation
1963 - Oct 23 - Aubbeebaubbee Patrons
Object to Building Plan. - Reasons to Unite 7th & 8th grades of corporation at
Aubbeenaubee school fall of 1964
1964 - Feb 26 - a choronological transcript thereof
of the
North Bend
Opposition to Merger
1964 - April 1 - Culver Community School Plan is
Approved by State.
1967- June 22 -
"Tippecanoe Twp.
to be annexed into Culver Schools"
News Articles
1868 -
pioneer school house of the town
ISP Review & Culver High School
An Early History
of Culver Elementary Sghool Mrs. W. O. Osborn
Culver Grade School
1938 - Aug 24 Plan
New School
Building with $80,000 Grant
1939 -
Federal grant declined
1946 - Jan - 30 - Grade School
Building Condemened
by State for Use After Present Term.
1946 - Sep 18 - State Tax Board Gives Approval to
Sinking Fund For New Grade School
1950 - March 29 - School Officials
Retaining Bradley as Architect for the New Grade Building
1952 -
Preliminary Architects
Drawings For Proposed Grade School
1952 - Grade Students
Take up Residence
in Completed Wing of New Building
1952 Culver Elementary
Moving InPhotos
School Playround
1968 Culver Comuunity High School Building
News on Pending
New CCHS Building - 196_ to 1968
New High School - 1968
Frank McClane
William F. Mills II
Raymond J Ives
Robert Rust
Maxinkuckee 1913
Maxinkuckee 1919
Maxinkuckee 1920
Culver Elementary School1983-1984 Yearbook
1969-1970 CCHS Calvacade
Culver Elementary & Junior High Year Book 1977