Culver Schools 1920 - 1929
Franklin Overymer again helped finanace the building of the local school as found in Corwins - One Townships Yeserdays:
He also subscribed generously to the fund for the erection of the high school building in 1920.
1920 - March 20 - Our New School Building Now Under Constrcution
Work has begun on the new township high school under the foremanship of Mr. Phillips, representing the general conrtractor,
H. H. Achemire of Auburn. Mr. Phillips, wife and sone are living in Mrs. Geo. Garn's house on West Jeffeson street
Now is the timem to decide the question of erecting a seperate building for the heating plant. It is regarded by many citizens
both in town and contry, as a mistake to permit the new building to be completed with the heating plant installed in the main
Aside ffrom the question of saftey the room (24x42) occupied by the plant is certain to be needed in a few years for school purposes
When the change become inevitable there will be considerable expense invovled in tearing up and converting the space to school
purposes. This can be saved now if the plant is installed in its own building
There will also be an economy in the saving of insurance, for the rate on the entire property will be higher if the boilers go into the
main building.
While it is not apprehended that there will be danger of explosion of the boilers, such a calalmity many lives would be scrificed.
This would not happen if the boilers were in a seperate building. Further more there will be noise from escaping steam when a pop
valce opens, and there would also be more or less dirt where the coal supply is kept in the main building
A seperate building will cost about $10,000. Under the law this amount cannont be raised by taxation as the building limit has been
reached in the $110,00 contract.
But if our people will take hold of the matter by furnnishing the money and renting the building to the township a wasy out will
be provided. This will be legal as the state tax commission has informed the trustee.
If steps are taken in the matter, now, is the time before the inside work on the building is started.
Is there bot the public spirit that will prompt our people to raise the comparatively small amount of $10,000 required. It
will not be a gift, but an investment which will return a fair interest on the money.
1920, Mar 31 Seperate Heating Plant Goes
Convinced that it would be a regat mistake to permit the new township high schioll to be completed without providing for a seperate building
for the heating plant a numner of citizens of the town and country have come forward with the required $10,000 and will erect the
building, renting it to the township.
Notice has been sent to the contractor and the work will proceed as the other building construction goes on.
1920 graduates were Zella Albert, Ruth Behmer, Glenn Behmer, Mary Alice Buswell, Mildred Roberston, Marion Crandall Tuttle, Reyonld Crossland,
Elise Curtis Lake, Eve Fishburn Wells, Mildred Irwin Stetbacker, Alice A Overmyer, Margaret Shilling, Lawrence Rollins, Ruby Shrock, Kathyrn Parker,
Harold Robinson, Grace Romig Paul, Esther Van Vactor, Carl Warner and George Stabenow
1920, Dec. 8 — Bricklayers have started work on the 60 foot stack of the school boiler plant . It will take from
eight to ten days to complete the job.
1921 – New 3-story Culver H.S. Building dedicated. |
1921 graduates were Margaret Quivey, Charles Baker, Hilda Busart, Roth Cline, Bryon Cook, Borothy Crossman, chester Hosimer, Zeno Miller, Zelda Bell,
Harry ROss, Forrest Shaw, Paul SNyder, Burford Boreis, Thelma Warner, and Rose Buswell
A ruling which effected all indiana schools found in the 11 July 1921 issue of Logansport Pharos-Tribune -
Indiana schools with an attendance of less than twelve will not be reopened under rules established by
the state department of public instruction to govern the distribution of $400,00 in State air to the
financially poorer schools as provided by the Legislature.
In part the rules require:
1. That the small schools which were abandoned last year because of attendance below twelve shall not be reopened.
2. That schools which had an attendance of twelve or fewer children during the past school year shat not be continued
this year except by approval of the State superintendent of public instruction, after petitions have been filed with the
state Department.
3. Minimum wages are established for high school teachers.
4. All elementary school must score at least fifty points on a basis of 100, includind tirty-two points required of all first and
second class schools, on the score cars approved by the State board of eduatation in its June meeting.
1922 classes opened on Sept 8th and commencement was on April 24th.
The daily program for 1922 was also outlined. |
1922 - instructors were: Deane E Walker, U S History & civic; Deveda Deerhake, Latin & Mathematics; Hildred Moss, English & French;
Dorothy Reed, History & Botany; Ransom Zechiel, Science; Grace Buswell, Music & Art; Edna Stahl, 1st grade; Milded Busarrt, 2nd grade;
Rose Moss, 3rd grade; Mary Mawhorter, 4th grade; Ediwinna McFarland 5th & 6th grade; ELsie crossland 7th & 8th grade.
1922 graduates were Robert Baker, Helen Chivington, William Cooper, Harold Easterday, Ruth Campbell, Norman Lain, James LaMunion, Frances Marsh, Verl
Mc Feely, Clifford Overmyer, Roy Overmyer, Jesse Pettis, Oren Sauter, Sameul Shearer, Fern Snyder, Ralph Wickizer, Eva Pettis and Nellie Mikesell
The 1922 year book announces that the schools of Marshall county are planning to organize of the Six-Six year plan for 1923
and an outline of courses for grades 7-12 |
1923 graduates were Grace Andres, Hervey Bartlett, Grace Miller, Russell Currens, Voyle Emigh, Wilma Eisenhard, Thelma Grossman, Helen Kennedy, Fern
Palmer, Bernice Snyder, Leta Osborn, Clurel Mikesell, Thelma Scott, Mildred Willmore, Wesley Wade, May Warner, Ellen Marsh and Walter Wiseman
School location and buildings as of 1924. |
1924 graduates were Maurice Baker, Bessie Baker, Mildred Bartler, Ruth Rudd, Alice Busart, Ray Cook, Merl Crabb, Alvin Crump, Zeltal Deck, Robert
Ewald, Dollie Reed, John Services, Helen Timmons, Kathyrn Woley, Violet Lohr, Howard Flath, Grace Henderson, Kurt Holmquist, Paul Humboldt, Floyd
Jones, Martha Ault, Margaret Koontz, Mary Cook, Edward Overmyer, FLorence Page, Verda Romig, Glen Vories, Palmer Whitted, Mildred Ditmire.
1925 graduates were Charles Banks, Clarence Banks, Donald Behmer, John Bigley, Marie Busart, Josephine Cook, Rebecca Bartlett, Norman Heminger,
Glen Jones, Frances Kurtz, Forrest LaMunion, Cecil Overmyer, Pearl Page, Mary Reed Berglund, Maurice Shumaker, Herman Siepman, Jack Speyer, and
Madge Tuesberg.
Jesse L. Tombaugh, four years superintendent of the Akron schools, next fall will take up new work as Culver school superintendent, it has been learned.
From the numerous applicants for the position made vacant by the election of Culver Superintendent, Deane Walker, as county superintendent, Mr. Tombaugh
was elected superintendent of the Culver schools for the coming year.
Mr. Tombaugh has a splendid record for scholarship, having received an A. B. degree from Indiana University some years ago and last year received his
A. M. degree from Columbia University. In addition he has completed the major portion of his Ph. D. degree in Chicago University. In each of the two l
atter institutions he has been elected to the Phi Delta Kappa franternity in reception of superior scholarship.
Besides having had teaching experience in lesser positions, he served as township principal of Chester township, Wabash county, one year, principal of
Union City schools one year, also principal one year and superintendent four years of the Akron schools - News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday,
June 18, 1925
J. L. Tombaugh served as second principal of Culver High until 1929.
1926 graduates were Gladys Cromley, Victor Benedict, James N Bolin, Chales Buffington, Ruth Hewitt, Kathyrn Cummings, Greta Hallberg, Mary Hawk, Wendell
Henderson, Caroline Patton, Edith Holmquist, Norman LaMunion, Arthur Mikesell, Violet Overmyer, Edith Pine Overmyer, Mildred Burns, Richard Roberts,
Walter Shaw, Buella Sickler, Johanna Siepman, Bernice Stevens, Ads Thompson, Leoma Wade Bishop, Martha Wener, and Mary Werner.
1927 - Apr. 20 - Shall We Gove The School Children Their Just Rights? Here
are the Proposed Improvements |
1927 graduates were Boults Altman, Velma South, Frances Behmer, Laura Brooks, Dorothy Cromley, Chance Crouch, Viola Crump, Maurice Curtis, Delpherd Decker,
Ferlo Leicht, Eleanor Eisenhard, Abner Ewald, Wayne Flagg, Ida Hartle, Harry Hawkins, Helen Hawkins and Carl Henderson. Scott Hopper, Ethel Houghton,
Dale Jones, Jazel jones, Raymond Lowry, Kathryn Menser, Robert Mc Kinley, Thelma Railsback, Lucille Riggens, Merril Scruggs, Margaret Siepman, Louis
Simmons, Anna May Smeltzer Cultice, Lewis Snyder, Louise Strang, Anna Steprich, Ruth Tiedt, David Whitted and Donald Zechiel.
1928 graduates were Morris Banks, Dale Benedict, WIlliam Bogardus, Richard Boter, Carl Busart, Alice Conner, Earnest Crabb, Edna Crump, Elizabeth Hallberg,
Anna Ruth Hildebrandt, Harold Houghton, Elvin Kaley, Lester Kimmel, Dormane Mikesell, Paul Newman, Margaret Morris, Cieta Osborn, Josephine Parish,
Goldie Patesel, Abe Pura, Wayne Shoemaker, Glen Snyder, Anna May Curtis, Maxine Voreis, Robert Werner, Ruth Werner and Jane Wooldridge.
1929 - Local Public School become Twp. Floyd M. Annis, became the thrid principal of Culver High School and
was still serving in that in 1948
1929 graduates were Edna Andrews, Earl Blancahrd, Thomas Bogardus, Inez Chapman, Lyman Crump, Tatiana de Blumenthal, Katherine Emigh, Evelyn Fisburn,
Max Foster, Charles Goheen, Edna Goheen, Lotis Grace, Alice Hoggan, Roger Houghton, Lucile Lake, Galen McIntire, and James Marshall, Helen Medbourn,
Harry Olverious, james Olverious, Mary Riggens, Rancy Rossow, Genevieve Sales, Robert Sales, Dwight Snyder, dorothy Wade, Cleta Zechiel, Zin Zechiel,
Dorothy Stevens, Gladys Van Schoiack Leo Vergin and Glen Voreis.
Basketball was played on the second floor court until increasing enrollmen required that space to be used for classrooms. Basketball was then played in
the narrow confines of Crook's Hall untill the Community Building was built behind the school in 1929.
But it was soon evident that the gymnasium in this new building was too small and that the space was needed for class rooms, so the Community Building was
erected and dedicated in 1929 with a basketball victory over Plymouth. The following article was found:
Culver, Ind., Nov. 30. - One more week of good weather will make it a certainty that the new township gymnasium will be ready for the dedication game with
Plymouth on Dec. 17.
The sheeting on the roof has been completed and with enough more good weather to complete the housing in, the workers will be able to do enough of the
interior work to make the gym useable, although not complete, of course.
When completed the gymnasium will be the best in Marshall county and among the best of any in the state for a town the size of Culver. It will accommodate
a crowd of 1,400 people with a good view of the floor from all seats. - The News-Sentinel, Saturday, November 30, 1929
Community Building |
1929 - Dec 18 - Township Dedicates
New Gym.
1836 - 1899 ~ ~
1900 - 1909 ~ ~
1910 - 1919 ~ ~
1920 - 1929 ~ ~
1930 - 1939 ~ ~
1940 - 1949 ~ ~
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1970 - 1979 ~ ~
1980 - 1999 ~ ~
2000 to Present ~ ~
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