Halloween Prank - Culver Military Academy
Sinking most of the pleasure boats, including one steamer, in Lake Maxinkuckee
Several maybe hundreds of news quips flooded newspapers all across the
country - some had a brief headline - others were just found down in
a news column of happening from around the country. Some found are:
Culver Cadets expelled
Terre Haute, Ind. Nov. 3 - A telegram recieved here from Culver says
that about 100 students have been expelled or suspended from the
Culver Military Academy for sinking most of the pleasure boats,
including one steamer, in Lake Maxinkuckee, on the shore of which the
academy is situated. The sinking was a Halloween prank. - Nov, 3 1900
Muscatine Semi-Weekly News Tribune (Iowa)
One hunderd and five of the cadets at the Culver military academy at Lake
Maxinkuckee, Ind., were summarily dismissed, on the 2d for insubordination,
the commandant declaring that it were better the bats and owls should find
refufe in the halls than that insubordination to disciplneshould gain a
foothold. - Nov. 8 1900 - Iron County Register (Missouri)
Suspended 105 Cadets
Terre Haute, In., Nov. 3, Because two students at Culver Military Academy,
located at Lake Maxinkuckee north of this city, were expelled from the school
for a halloween prank, 128 more have left the shool for their homes, 103 of the
number formally suspended, the other 25 leaving through sympathy. The school had
on the day before halloween 222 students today there are but 93 left. - Nov 7,
1900 - Fort Scott Weekly (Kansas)
Students Expelled
Hallowe'en Causes a Shaking Up at Culver Academy
Logansport, Ind., Nov. 3, - Yesterday 118 students were expelled from Culver
Military Academy, located on the shore of Lake Maxkinkuckee.
Two students were arested Wednesday for infraction of the rules of the
institution on Hallowe'en and after a courtmartial were discharged in disgrace,
and 113 of their fellow students participated in a sympathic demonsotration in
their favor as they were departing foro their homes. Yesterday the entire 113
students were summerily dismissed from the academy - Nov 3 1900 Rebublic
(Columbus Ind.)
Sixty Pass through Chicago
Chicagom Nov 2 - Sixty students who have been expelled from the Culver Military
Academy, located on the shore of Lake Maxinkuckee, Indiana, passed through Chicago
tonight on their way tp their homes. in the Western and Northwestern States.
Two students were arrested yesterday for infraction of the rules of the institution
on Halloween, and after a court-martial were discharged in discgrace, and 105 of
their fellow students participated in a sympathetic demonsytyion in their favor.
This led to their discharge - Nov. 3 1900 - Indianapolis Journal
Suspends 105 Students
Culver Miliary Academy Takes Action
Trouble Over Boy;s Pranks
Two Expelled, 105 SUspended, Twenty-five More Leave Trhough Sympathy
Only Nintey-two Pupils Remain at the Institu tion - Many May Return
Terre Haute, Ind. Nov 3, - Because two students at Culver Military cademy, located
at Lake Maxinkuckee, north of this city, were expelled from the school for a
Halloween proank 128 more have left the school for their homes.
103 of the number formally suspended the other twnety-fine leaving through sympathy.
The school had on the day before Halloween 222 students. today there are but 92
The boys who were expelled __, a "plebe", and Beck a sophomore - went out on the night
of October 30 and did not return __ taps.
This was a violation of one of the strictest laws of the institution and both boys
were sent to their homes. They prepared to leave on the night of the following day,
and bout 150 of the students held a meeting in chalep and then left for the station
to say good-by
March to the Station
Before the station was reachedonly 103 of the cadets were left in the line, and they
marched on, goving class and school ye.s. Not a store or saloon was entered and no
property was destroyed. At the station they lined up and gave their departing comrades
a rousing good-by.
As they gave their last cheer Major Gignilliat, the commandant, rode up and ordered them
back to barracks.
The boys formed in fours and marched back without a sound.
The next morning they were told that they were underarrest and later in the day placed
in close arrest.
On Friday morning the 103 who had been at the station - "out of bounds" without
permission - were assembled before the Board of Trustees, which is composed of the
three Culver brothers, and told that they were dismissed.
Twenty-five more today packed their trunks and left the institution in sympthy
Balance Ask for Furlough
The rest of the boys have signed a petition for a furlough until Christmas, and it this
is not granted they threaten to leave in a body. The majority of the students were from
Chicago and St. Louis and the others from points in the south and far west.
The boys feeel confident that they will be taken back by Christmas.
Colonnel A> F> Fleet the school's principal, amde the announcement of the trustee's
detemination in the chapel today.
The principal was much affected as he stated the resolution and explained that, even if
it were to break up the institution, obedience and observance of discipline would be
insisted on.
It was the first time in the history of the academy, he said such a thing had happened,
and the students, he believed, and been thoughtless in their actions, but the fefiance
of authority was too serious to be overlooked. Nov. 3, 1900 - Daily Palladium Benton
Harbor, Michigan
Wholesale Expulsion
Students to the Number of 115 Sent Away from Culver Academy
Chicag0, Nov. 3 - Sixty students who have been expelled from Culver Military Academy,
located on the shore of Lake Maxinkuckee, Indiana, passes trough Chicago last night
on their way to their homes in the western and northwestern states.
Two students were arrested Thursday for infraction of th of the rules of the insitution
on Halloween, and after a court martial were discharged in disgrace.
Then 115 of ther fellow students participated in a sympathetic demonstration in their
favor as they were departing for their homes, Thursday night.
Yesterday the entire 115 student s were summarily dos mssed from the academy, after
telegraphic correspondence between Colonel A. D. Fleet, commandant of the school and
the trustees at St. Louis -Nov 3, 1900 - Rock Island Argus (Illinois)
Skies A Culver Cleaaring
Authorities are Upheld in Action Dismissing Several Unruly Boys
Chicago, Nov. 6 - The skies at the Culver Military academy, Lake Maxinkuckee,
Indiana, have cleared.
There will be no more censure from parents of the cadets who were recently
dismissed and it is prohable all or bearly all will be reinstated it application
for the consideration of individual cases is made.
A committee which went to investigat the matter at Culver, as a result of a
meeting held here SUnday evening returned yesterday and made an exhaustive
Col. Fleet, the superintendent, and the academt authorities are uphel in their
action or dismissing the boys and the parents are advised to refrain from further
threats and charges againt the institution.
George C. Sanborn, who acred as chairman of the exciting meeting in CHicago,
further in an interview c0rrects the impression allowed to get out that men
who went to Culver to secure the facts formed a regularly appointed committee.
Instead he points out that they went of their own violition, nacing the interest
of their sons and of the institution alike at heart - Nov. 6, 1900 South Bend
Tribune (Indiana)
105 Cadets Dismissed
Faculty of Culver Military Academy Expels One-Half of Their Attendance - - -
Much DIssatisfaction Results
The wholesale expulsion of cadets at the Culver Military Academy at Maxinkuckee Lake
is creating no little excitement all over the country, many of the leading dailies
making extended notices of the occurences.
It seems that two cadets were absent from the barracks Hallowe'en night, and in
accordance with the rules which forbade the abesence of any cadet after 7 o'clock,
they were given the extreme penalty for this infraction.
On the night of their leaving Culver, 105 cadets left the Academy grounds unobseved
and repaired to the depot to bid their unfortunate fellow cadets good bye.
Their absence being soon discovered, an officer was at once sent out to find them, and
found them as stated at the depot, placing the entire 105 under arrest.
They were held in confinement until Friday morning whenthey met in Chapel, when after
a short talk by the commandant, Col. A. F. FLeet, he made known the decision of the
faculty, that they should all be dismissed.
The cadets were furnished tickets to their different homes by the Academy authorities.
Parents of the boys held an indignation meeting at the Grand Pacific Hotel in Chicago,
also at Indianapolis, many of them looking upon the action of the authrities of the
Academy as high handed, and were pronnounced in their denunciation of the extreme
measures taken to disipline the boys for what they considere a mere infraction of the
We uote one of them as saying in an interview that "It was a summary and brutal
proceeding and I think the school authorities shoud be condemned for their Actions".
Many of the parents of the expelled cadets say that the Commandant should of notified
them of the intention to dismiss the offenders and that the boys should not have been
forced to leave on such short notice and with so little money.
Taken all in all it is to be regretted.
Of course it will be admitted by all intelligent people that insubordination is the one
thing which could not be tolerated in a military school, but we are inclinded to make a
difference in willful insubordination and a boyish prank.
It is to be hoped that the sentence of the faculty may be somewhat modified and that
the stigma attached to the expeled student may be removed.
LATER: Since putting the above in tpe there ha ve been new developments in the matter.
Thecommittee of fathers at the CHicago meeting of the parents of the dismissed cadets
have visited the academy and have come up to the unanimous conculsion that there was no
alternative for the faculty except the dismisaml of those guilty of insubordination.
We quote the language of George C. Sanborn (who's son was dismissed with the others) in
reference to the lletter sent to each on of the parents of the dismissed cadets, hy the
committee sent to Culver.
"I have such confidence in the jud gement of these gentlemen and their unbiased
statement of the case that I shall ask for the reinstatement of my boy, and shall be
prefectly satisfied with the decision of the academy authorities, and if taken back shall
not object to any reasonable punishment which in their judgment they feel may be necessary
to impose upon him for diodedience of the rules. After talking with these gentlement I
believe with them that the dismissal of the boys was the only measure consistent with the
discipline of the school, which every parent knows is absolutely necessary to the welfare
of his boy".
The committee recommended that parents make a personal and individual appeal for the
reinstatement of their boys, but some of them will not be re-instated on accounty of
previous marks of demirt and of conduct after dismisal.
The verdict of the committee was that the boys were entirely in the wrong and that
dismissal was the only logical conculsion - Nov 8 1900 Argos Reflector (Indiana)
3 Decades later another prank involving cadets sinking a boat or boats invovles the
cannon and a billard/ golf ball...
it has not been decided if fact or myth
and a