Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

A History of Culver Military Academy 1894-1956) - Charles C. Mather

Author of New Academy History Col. Charles C. Mather His brilliant writing career extends from Zieg-fold Follies sketches to nationally acclaimed articles of drama criticism. A graduate of Lake Forest College, he alsO studied at Stanford and at Harvard in George P. Baker's famous English 47 course.

Charles C. Mather Writes Notable History Of CMA

1894-1956 Story Excellent Reading

An outstanding history of Culver Military Academy lias been written by Dr. Charles C. Mather, Veteran faculty member.

Entitled "A History of Culver Military Academy 1894-1956)" the book traces the inspiring growth ofthe institution from its, first conception by Henry Harrison Culver, the founder, through Hie administration of the late Col. W. E. Gregory, the fifth superintendent.

A large section is devoted to the life of Mr. Culver and hiswzoeruebces in the vicinity of Lake Maxinkuckee. In relating these events Dr. Mather has captured the flavor of Mid-America in the late 19th century.

Henry Harrison Culver's Life

The history is organized, following the story of Mr. Culver's life, by relating to the accomplishments and problems of each superintendent.

Although Dr. Mather has gone into minute detail, his hook is far more than a chronicling of facts. It is leavened with anecdotes and comments about personalities and events over the years,

Based On Many Interviews

A large portion of I he book was gathered in extensive interviews with members of the Culver ffamily, retired and preent instructors amd employees, alumni and neighbors. Another portion was culled from first hand oobservations of Dr. Mather, who has been a Culver faculty member since 1921.

Colnoel Mather has served the Academy as an English and dramatics instructor, chairman of the English dempartment, assistant to the superintendent, and chairman or a member of many important academic committess.

Although officially "retired", he still serves the Acadent as a member of its Publi Relations Department.

The book has been reproduced by the offset method from trpewritten masters. Doubled-spaced, it runds 138 pages. Covered with simulated-leather heavy paper the book is boung with a plastice spiral binding.

It is avaiable at the Culver Inn at $2 per bopy or can be ordered by mail from the school's Publica Relations Department.