Admiral Togo
1905 - Jul 8 - "admiral Togo"To Be At Maxinkuckee
New Auto Boat for Naval Instructor is Named After Japan's War Hero
Summer School is Opened
Nearl Two Hundred Cadets, Many From Indianapolus, Enrolled for Opening of Term
(By Star Special Service) - Culver, Ind. July 7 - The CUlver Summer Naval School,
which has the distinction of being the only inland naval school in the country,
opened its fourth sesson today with an enrollement of 184 cadets from twenty-five
states and territories: A;sala, Mexico, California and Massachusetts representing
the extreemes.
The Culver Summer Naval Scholl is equiped by the United States Navy Departmen with
man-of-war cutters, and the drills are conducted very similiar to those at Annapolis.
The school is in session during the summer, and its intention is to afford b ys a sort
of ooooooganized vacation
The Navy Department has recently sent to the school two more cutters making a total of
The academy also ohas just added to its euiopment a boat which will be a nine days'
womder amongst the craft at Maxinkuckee.
It is a $2,500 auto boat, which will be used as the instructor's launch of flag boat
during the cutter drills.
The twin sister of this boat, the "Violet Louise", won the Great Lakes Challenge Cup
at Chicago on June 24.
The boat at CUlver is to be christened the "Admiral Togo".
Another feature of the cadet life at Culver this summer is the new bathing pier, fitted with
diving platfpr, spring boards, swinmming harness for beginners, tings trapese, water
po;o courtsand shoot-the-chutes.
The following cadets are registered from Indianapolis: W. R. Alexander, D. F. Rigger,
C. W. Bliss Jr.. F. M. Fauvre, J. M. Fauvre, D. Findley, L. H. Lieber, F. H. Merryman,
H. D. Minich, N. A. Perry. W. H. Simmons Jr., B. R. VanCamp, L. B. Wynne and N. T. WYnne.
Indianapolis Star.
1905 - Jul 13 - Odd School Begins
The Culver Summer Naval school which has the distinction of being the only
inland naval schoolin the county opened its fourth session Saturday in an
enrollment of 184 cadets from 25 states and territories, Alaska, Mexico,
Claifornia, and Massachusetts represtenting the extremes.
The CUlver school is equipped by the Unidted States Navy Departmet by
"man-of-war" cutter and the drills are conducted very similar to those at
The school is in sesson during the summer, and its intention is to afford
boys a sort of organized vacation.
The academy has also just assed to th equipment whet will be a wonder among
the craft at Maxinkuckee. It is a $2,500 auto boat which will be used as the
instructors launch or flag boat.
It is fitted with a twenty horse powere Lamb motor, and has a speed of from
seixteen to twenty miles an hour.
The boat was an exhibit boat at the St. Louis fair and is to be christened the
"Admiral Togo". - Bremen Enquirer (Indiana