Clark Funeral Home Matchbook - Salesman Sample
A matchbook advertising the Clark Funeral Home at "6th & Monroe, Culver , Ind."
However, we do nknow that there has never been a 6th street or a Monroe Street in Culver
We also know that during the time period that there was only one funeral home in Culver -
the Easterday Funeral Home.

This matchbook cover has again appeared on Ebay and the explatation that is offered there is that: 'This is a
salesman's sample (flat)'. It states that it contained no matches but the Striker was attached.

Now the question is who possibly was a salesman for the Superior Match Co. of Chicago who had
a Culver connection and decided to use "Culver , Ind." and the fictious streets and funeral home name and phone
number on the matchbook cover?
The Superior Match Company was founded by Harold Meitus in 1932 in Chicago, Ill, and manufactured Union
Label Advertising matchbooks. The company was an an integral part of the American match industry one source states
that it is now defunct and yet another states it as still a working match company (that artice is dated 1997). It is stated
also that the Chicago Match Co (went out of buisness in 1968), merged with Superior Match Company - it seems that
information about the comany is confilcting between sites.
It is said that matches were Matches were $18.75 per case of 2,500 for many years, with a $5 commission
There is to be a guide as follows: Guide to the Superior Match Company matchbook advertising catalog and sales
representative's forms, 1958-1960 in the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Duke University
Durham, North Carolina 27708-0185 USA