Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Map of the Clubhouses & other points of interest  

This a list of some of the clubs that are known to date. Locations are from different sources and from a map that David Burns had pin pointed the weed patches, fishing holes by the names he had tagged them by what he had called them by and he had also pin pointed the places of some of the locations for the clubs. By the time I found the map in the carport - it was beyond saving I took what I could read off of it and placed it onto the small map that was found in the "An Early History Lake Maxinkuckee "

In an article on Lake Maxinkuckee from the Anderson Herald in 1881 this is found:


    There are now five clubs house on the lake, some of them capable of accoomdating from seventy-five to one hundred gueests; about adozen pretty cottages, and a score of tents. When all these places are filled, as they have been s ince the middle of July, it makes quite a little village.

    The clubs are composed of from ten to fiften shareholders, shares costing from $100 to $250, according to the house location, etc. The stockholders are then entitled to transportation and board at very low rates. Some of the clubs being out of debt, receive boarders except quests of members; others not so well situated financially, are taking boarders to enanble them to get a more independent footing; some of thises make the great mistake made by every hotel at a summer resort, viz: taking a greater number of guests than they can accommodate, and at times such luxuries as rest and quiet are unknown.

    The clubs are the:
      "Highland" and
      "Bay View" from Indianapolis;/ol>
        "Peru House"
        and "Lake View", from Plymouth,
        and a small club from Logansport.

This map can be added to - (click for larger)

1877, May - The Maxinkuckee boating Club will build a boat house and breakwater, and paint the club house - Indianapolis Star.

1879 - Jul 4 - Two fine culb houses have been built this season at Lake Maxinkuckee, and handsomely furnished. There have alson been two or three fine sailboats put on the lake. The two clubs have already expended about $5,000 - Bristol Banner (Indiana)

1879 - Maxinkuckee Lake
    Has an excellent discription of the Peru and Lake View Club Houses; mentions the Old Plymoth Club House, and Rochester Club House and lists the sailboats

1880 - Indianapolis Boating and fishing club
    The opening of the new club house of the Indianapolis boating and fishing clug at Lake Maxinkuckee, will take place July 6 - Indianapolis News Jun 21 1880.

1885 - Jun 6 - A stock company of Mr. A. D. Toner and others is building a club-house 49 feet by 139 near the east little depot which will contain a restaurant and a large hall suitable for a rink and and balls it can be filled with cots in and emergency Indianapolis Journal

Aubbeenaubee Yacht Club
    Formed in August 1901 at Edward's boathouse.

Bay View Club aka Bay View Hotel

Bird Sanctuary Fish Club (Sanctuary Club)

Camden Club

The Echo Club

Halcyon Club

Highland House
    1878 J. E. Heller and other men from Indianapolis started the Highland House, but the idea was abandoned. He remodeled it and into a house and used it as a summer residence until he died. It is said his son E. W. Heller built a permenant cottage on it about 1933. Said to be the property at 1054 E. Shore Dr.

Hilarity Club ~~ Hillarity Hill ~~

Hoodoo Club

Indiana Club

Indiana Boat Club aka Indiana Boat House

Indianapolis Club

Indianapolis Boating and Fishing club (Indianapolis Hunting and Fishing Club )
    "Hilarity Hall." is not to be confused with 'The Hiltarity Club', as it is stated that "It was formed by Indianapolis business men and on 24 June 1896 it was offically opened"

Jungle Club

Lake View Club aka Plymouth Club
    Formed by Plymouth Businessmen in 1873. Moved to the North Shore in 1875. The original clubhouse later became McQuat residence

    W as sold to the Vandalia Railroad, was remodeled or rebuilt and became the Lake View Hotel

Logansport Neighbor Club

Maxekuckee Annual Outing Club, of Indianapolis

Maxinkuckee Club (Kreizberger Hotel)

Maxinkuckee Fish & Game Club

Conservation Club

Maxinkuckee Boating & Fishing Club - 1875
    Formed 1875, (Plymouth Businessmen) could this be the same as the Lake View Club, as it was from the same year? Club house later became McQuat residence.

    The Maxinkuckee boating club will build a boat house and breakwater, and paint the Club hose. - May 7 1877 - Indianapolis News

Maxinkuckee Country Club
    The golf course opened sometime in 1908.

Maxinkuckee Yacht Club

Peru Club
    The Peru Club was organized in 1878-9. It disbanded several years before 1908; or around 1905 it is said.

Plymouth Club - the 1st club/clubhouse of the lake - (Clubhouse later became McQuat residence) (Lakeview Club)

Rediculous Club

Rochester Club
    Formed ? and disbanded about 1895. Several Rochester people formed the club and erected a club house on Long Point; being the first building on Long Point. After disbanded the club was made into a double cottage in 1905.

Rochester Club

Sanctuary Club ( Bird Sanctuary Fish Club)

Shady Point Club
    Shady Point-Club - Former members of Shady Point Club at Lake Maxinkuckee please get in touch with 0. W. Kissinger. or Paul Barnett at once. - Logansport Pharos Tribune, Monday, May 11, 1925, Logansport, Indiana