Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Culver I.O.O.F Lodge

1916 - Mar 9 - I.O.O.F. Lodge Is Instituted

    Culver Lodge I.O.O.F. No. 491 began its carerr last Thursday night under highly encouraging auspices.

    Adam WIse, Esq., of Plymouth was the promoter and organizer.

    Twenty-eight members constituted the charter list, with about ten more to come in at an early day.

    Of the twenty-eight 20 were new members and 8 transfers from other lodges.

    Adam WIse was the installing officer, and the Leiter's Ford degree team of 30 members exemplified the work which was not concluded untl 2 a.m.

    The following are the elective offciers:
        Past Grand - A. L. Warner
        Noble Grand - Frank L. Brooks
        Vice Grand - H. H. Tallman
        Tresurer - Chas. Newman
        Secretary - W. H. Dalrymple

    The following compose the membership:
        Phil McLane
        H. L. Werner
        Clarence Hollett
        Wm. Cook
        John Hollett
        R. H. Buttner
        J. B. Hallliwell
        George Speyer
        Martin Heminger
        Orville Brooks
        Ralph Bogardus
        Aug. Wennerstrom
        John McCormick
        Harry Porcher
        V. Altman
        John Newman
        Dick Newman
        Lawson Pontious
        E. E. Parker
        Arthur Fishburn
        Walter Pnotius
        M. V. Robinson
        W. U. Gordon

    The lodge will meet every Monday evening, beginning March 18, in K. P. Hall - Citizen