Culver I.O.O.F Lodge
1916 - Mar 9 - I.O.O.F. Lodge Is Instituted
Culver Lodge I.O.O.F. No. 491 began its carerr last Thursday night under
highly encouraging auspices.
Adam WIse, Esq., of Plymouth was the promoter and organizer.
Twenty-eight members constituted the charter list, with about ten more to
come in at an early day.
Of the twenty-eight 20 were new members and 8 transfers from other lodges.
Adam WIse was the installing officer, and the Leiter's Ford degree team of
30 members exemplified the work which was not concluded untl 2 a.m.
The following are the elective offciers:
Past Grand - A. L. Warner
Noble Grand - Frank L. Brooks
Vice Grand - H. H. Tallman
Tresurer - Chas. Newman
Secretary - W. H. Dalrymple
The following compose the membership:
Phil McLane
H. L. Werner
Clarence Hollett
Wm. Cook
John Hollett
R. H. Buttner
J. B. Hallliwell
George Speyer
Martin Heminger |
Orville Brooks
Ralph Bogardus
Aug. Wennerstrom
John McCormick
Harry Porcher
V. Altman
John Newman
Dick Newman |
Lawson Pontious
E. E. Parker
Arthur Fishburn
Walter Pnotius
M. V. Robinson
W. U. Gordon
The lodge will meet every Monday evening, beginning March 18, in
K. P. Hall - Citizen