Defeat Petitions To Hike Values
More Than 200 Attend Hearing
More than 200 articultae Union Township taxpayers, the largest crowd in the Circuit
Court Room at Plymouth since the Johson murder trail ten years ago. Monday
afternoon heard STate Tax Board Hearing Judge Herbert Holmes throw out Union
Townships Trustee and Assessor Glen S. Tubbets' petitions to boost the valuation
on 202 lake front lots.
Not Legally Advertised
Lake Maxinkuckee Association Legal Committe Chairman Fred Hanna, Logansport
attorney, presented his opening remarks that the hearing was not legally advertised.
According to Mr. Hanna, Indiana law states that notice of such hearing to be
posted at the Assessor's office and at another publice place. It was allefed that
Mr. Tibbetts neglected to comply with this provision at his office in the Culver
School building.
Before ruling on the objector's pea, Mr. Homes listened to over two hours of
Mr. Hanna, in presenting the property owners' viewpoint said the Lake property
now pays 27% of the total property tax in Union Township. Under the propesed
re-assessment this same property would bear 34% if the total
Cites Laws of Conflict.
Attorney Hanna also pointed out, using an aerial map of the Lake that not all of
the water front property was included in the increase.
The Lake Association's other attorney, Don O'Niell, of Logansport, sited several
laws which seened to be in confilct with the Assessor's aims.
The Lake Association also presented comparative figures for lots in town, near
town, and farms in Union Township. In all casses, Lake property was valued at
many times that of similar lots not on the water.
Mr. Tibbetts stated that he was only trying to do his job, and that he honestly
felt that Lake lot values are to low.
Mr. Tibbets protested against the Lake Associations interference in the case,
saying that they had the money to fight it, when he did not. Mr. Tibbets
also said that his honestu had been questioned in many of the letters which
he received pertinent to the case. He also d enied that there any political
mootives involved.
Mr Tibbets also critiicized the Lake Association for not reporting improvements
to individual properties and also for not reporting on pleasure boats owned by
many Association members.
President Krafft Speaks
William R. Krafft,
president of the Association, disclaimed any responsibility for the foregoing maters
by stating the original purpose of the Association as setout in its by-laws.
Also heard for the Association and as property owners, were
Dr. Leonard Reuter,
Dr. Kenneth K. Kranning,
Cass County Auditor Richard Gohl,
Sam Medbourn,
Dan Rice,
O. K, Galloway and
Ray Gass.
Frank Schmight spole at considerable length in support of the Assessor, dwelling
mainly on a comparison of farm values as opposed to Lake Maxinkuckee Lots.
Judg Holmes was assited by Fred H. Kuhn, Plymouth, field representative for the
State Tax Board.
Research for the Lake Association was done by
Mr. Gohl,
Mr. Hanna,
Mr. O'Neill,
Harry Edgington and
Lake Association Secretary Don Trone.