Cottage Transfers & Notices For Sale
NOTE - In researching have found some intersting Cottage discriptions and prices
tho may never be able to identify the exact location - one can see what they were
sold at - some were even advertised as "For Trade"
1881 - Aug - Rev. W. E. Loucks has purchased a lot at Maxinkuckee adjoining the land
of G. W. Burrow. The ground is 8Ox290 feet. - - Logansport Pharos Tribune, Friday,
August 19, 1881
1882 - jun 22 George Forgy has sold to Messrs. W. H. Johnson and M. Winfield a fifty
foot front on Lake Maxenkuckee. They will build a handsome cottage within the next few
1882 - Jun 29 - M L Enyhart to Jacob Carver, Maxenukuckee property, $800 - Argos
1882 - O A Kraus to M H Scott, Maxenkuckee property, $150
1886 - Dec 8 - Messrs. Charles and Edward Schurmann returned yesterday from Plymouth. They
have bought a lot in Maxinkuckee, and will build a small cottage. - Indianapolis Journal
1887 May 17 - Mr. W. O. DeVsy, who is building a summer residence at Lake Maxikuckee
has placed a new steam yacht upon the lake for personal use - Indianapolis Journal
1890 - May 24 - A. P. Jenks has purchased a lot adjoining H. J. McSheey's cottage at
Maxinkuckee, on Long Point. - Logansport Pharos Tribune
1899, Mar 29 - Will Obenchain, the carpenter, has bought a home at Culver City, and will
remove there the middle of April. The tract contains 6 acres and fronts the lake south of
the Winfield cottage
The Property recenty purchased by Will Obenchain, at Lake Maxinkuckee, is known as the
Maw [Mow] property. It is understood that he will engage in fruit raising. - 17 Apr. 1899
Logansport Pharso-Tribune
1889 Jul 22 Frank Rice has traded his cottage at Maxinkuckee for a lot on the Lake owned
by George B. Forgy, and will at once erect a large summer residence.
1900 - May 24 - Edward B Porter and wife to J. Wesley Smith lot at Lake Maxinkuckee 1800
1900 Oct 11 - Edward B Porter and wife to John Wesely Smith lt at Maxinkuckee 600
1902 - Jan 9 Anna C. Vagen etal to Eliza J Capron lot at Maxinkuckee - 200,
1902 - Apr 17 Catharine Parker to James W. Wilson lot adj. Lake Maxinkuckee
1902 - Nov. 20 Cha. R. Green and wife to John A. Schumaker, lot at Lake Maxinkuckee, 1000
1903 July 2 - Harry M. Noble and wife to John McCormick lot at Lake Maxinkuckee
1903 - July 16 Curtis Stanley by ex to Alice M. Creed lot at Lake Maxinkuckee $100
1903 - Oct 8 - John W. Cromley and wife to Edgar M. and Paul M Thayer lot at Lake
Maxinkuckee, $500
1903 - Dec 24 - J L Bartlett and wife wd to Hervey Bates, a 5 a e of Highway in lot 4 o
f s 22, t32 r 1 ; 400
1904 Apr 21 - Geo, B. Yandes of Indianapolis , has purchased the Willis Vajen
cottage and will have it remodeled and refurnished so it will be one of the finest around
the lake
Geo. Yandes, of Indianapolis, arrived at the lake Wednesday. He recently bought, the Willis
Vajen cottage and will have it remodled before the season opens. May 5 1904
1904 - May 5 - E. Smith of Indianapolis, has purchased the Varney cottage and there is a
possibility that he will convert his two cottages into a hotel
1904 - Jul 7 - E. F. Obenchain of Logansport. has purchased the A. P. Jenks cottage on
Long Point, and has taken possession
1904 - Jul 7 - W. h. Henderson of Indianapolis has purchased ground of Stephen Edwards and
erected a cottage which is a model and a credit to the lake
1904 Aug 6 - A E Ellsworth of Lafayette has purchased the Burford cottage in Indianapolis
1904 - Sep 22 - Miss Jennie Darnell has a nice flowing well and a second one under
way on the lots she recently purchased
1906 - May 3 - John H. Vajin w d to Alfred M. Ogle lot in lot 2 in Maxinkuckee sec 22-32-1
1906 - May 10 - ELizabeth and H. C. Chandler wd to Stepehen Edwards and wife lot in lot 3
Maxinkuckee sex 27-32-1-
1906, May 17 - Susan Zechiel to SS Chadwick Lot 5 Chadwick's Ammended plat Loong Point 32-32-1- $519
1906, May 17 - Jennie D Darnell to Edward T Hazeldine part lots 10 and 9 Sea Beach place,
Maxinkuckee 22-32-1- $2800..
1906, May 17 - Elizabeth and H C. Chandler to Stephen Edwards Lot in Lot 3 Maxinkuckee
23-31-1 $50
1906, May 17 - Stephen Edwards to Richard T and Mary H Iewin Lot in Lot No 3 Maxinkuckee
27-31-1- $50
1906 - May 17 - SUsan Zechiel to S. S. CHadwick lot 5 Chadwick's amended plat Long Point
21-32-1 $519
2 AUg. 1906 - Jennie D. Danell ot Mary Traut lot in lot 3 Maxinkuckee, $600
1906 - 4 jul Charles W. Traut has purchased the Darnell cottage on the "West side of
Lake Maxinkuckee. - Logansport Pharos Daily
1906 Jul 5 - Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Traut of Logansport have purchased the Daenell cottage
on the west side.
1907 - Aug 8 - John W> Cromley and wife wd to Overmyer & Kline Lot Maxinkuckee Lake 278
and 34-32-1 $300
1908 - Feb 6 - Marharet Gould to C K Plan, 1/2 lot Long Point $400
1908 - May 28 - O. C. Horning of Terre Haute who has purchased the Hippplehauser cottage,
is making some improvements in the shape of the porches and concrete walks.
1908 - Jun 18 Mr. and Mrs Oto Horning of Terr Haute are cosily settled
in their cottage owned by Otto Hiipplehouser
??1905 - Aug 31 - Mr. Oto Hipllehouser Prop. and Editor of the Terre Haute Journal has
purchased the Maxin and Wade Cottage on Long Point.
1908 - JUl-23 - Pauline Voto George Peeples, right of way in sec. 22, Union , $30
1908 - JUl 30 - J. W. Cromley has erectec a cottage of his lake front at the south end
of the lake where he expects tp spend some of his leisure time fishing and hunting
1908, Aug 6 - G Forgy to Mary Snider, a part of two lots in Logansport Setlement, $1800
1908, Aug 6 - Mary SNider ot Lottie Rice , a part of two lots in Logansport Setlement, $1800
1908, Aug 6 - F. Rice to Olie Rice, a part of lot in Logansport settement $5
1908, Aug 6 - Olie RIce to Lottie Rice , a part of lot in Logansport settement $5
1908, Aug. 6. George Peoples to Clemens Vonnegut, lot on lake front, $2827.00
1911 Nov 9 Dr. Parker has exchanged his lake front cottage to J. W. Nutt
for the latter's house opposite the post office.
APRIL 11, 1912 The Van Schoiack 8O acres at the southeast end of the Lake
has been sold to a Chicago man. The owner, Mr. Vaughn of Logansport, reserves
two 100-foot lots on the Lake.
1913, Feb 20 - Cornelia Daggett etal to Mary L Taylor, pt lot 2 in sec 27 Union, $2250
1913 - May 29 - WM. Wallace to C H Pierce, pt. Lot 6 VanSchoiack's subd in sec 27
Union $1
1913 dec 25 Elza Cromley and William Hays have bought of Charles Myers a
lake front strip for $150. The lake frontage is 250 feet and the depth
is 300 to 400 feet NOTE: this could be the South PLymouth Street area
1915 - Nov 4 - E. Vanschoiak to Nell and Grant Vanschoiack, und. 1-8 of 21 lots in
sect 27, Union, $1000
1916 - Warren Spitler to Isadore Hessel 10 lots on Long Point. $!.
1916 - Aug 24 - Otto Stechan to W. B. Beebe in lot 1 sec. 22 Union $4200.
1919 Apr 30 - East Side transfers
The George B. Yandes cottage has been sold by the heirs, the Misses Robinson to an
INdanapolis man named Kettles. It is understood that the Misses Robinson will not
desert the lake as a summer home, but will buy property and put up a smaller cottage
The heirs of George Peeples have sold the 35 acres farm to Mr. and Mrs Clement
Vonnegut who have begun improving it by sinking another well, installing a water service
to be operated by hydraulic ram, repainting.
1919 May 14 - The Peeples farm which was recently purchased by Clemens Vonnegut,
has been named "The Hollyhocks". The wealth of these noble floweres on the place
which alays attract the attention of the passer by makes the name very appropriate one.
1920 - Sep - 8 - Ethel Mordhurst etal to Nellie M. Mackey, two lots in
VanSchoiack's lake fron subdivision, $3,200.
1920 Sep. 29 F. W. Shidler of Indianapolis last week purchased of Mrs. Edward Taylor
her north cottage on Sunset Knoll . The Shiders who have occupied the cottage for the
last two season, contemplate extensive improvements on the property which has a 90 foot
frontage. The consideration was $7,000
1922 - Apr 5 - George M Sherman has sold his east side cottage to Charles Massena
1922 - May 10 - D. C. Jennkins to Sunnymeade Realty co. lots 5 and 6 Murray subd. Lake
Maxinkuckee $1
1922 - Sep 20 - H. L Hennimg... Mr Henning has also sold an East side lot to Wesley E.
Shea of Indianapolis for $1000.
1922 - Sep 20 - Mrs. Edward Taylor of Indianapolis has sold an East Side cottage to David
T. Smith of Indianapolis for $3900.
1922 - Oct 25 - The Keen agency reports the sale of the D. C. Jenkins property at the south
end of the lake to S. E. Medborn for $5,000
1922 - Nov 1 - Charles Massena to J. J. Barnes lot on Long Point, $1300. <
1923 - May 16 - Sale of Long Point Proerty - The property owned for many years by E. W,
Johsnon of Terre Haute has been sold for $5000 to Wm. Brieux of Logansport
1924 Aug 27 George Cornelius to Ada Maynard East side Maxinkuckee lake property, $5500
1928 - Aug 22 - William English Wheeler and husband WD to Margaret H. Bliss, Lake Front
Lot in Lot 1 in 22-31-1- $1.00
1928, Oct 10 - Buys Cottage - W. M. Osborn has purchased the cottage on Long Point
belonging to J. H. Himmelberger. This cottage is located on the northern point of Long Point
and is consoidered one of the finest on the lake
1917 - Nov. 14 - Isadoe Hessel to J. Himmelberfer, five lots on Log Point $2100
1917 - Nov. 14 - W. E Spitler to J. Himmelberger on lot on Long Point $450
1917 - Nov. 14 - D M Gleason t J. HImmelberger Lot on Long Point #1200
1922 - Sep 20 - Mr. Henning has also sold an East side lake lot to Wesley E.
Shea of Indianapolis for $1000.
1922 - Sep 20 - Mr edward Taylor has sold an last side cottage to david T. Smith of
Indianapolis for $3900.
1933 Mar 22 - Myron COsler to Mary Wooard lot 22 Vab Schoiacks sub. WD $2,500.00
1933, Sep 27 - ELizabeth E Marmon to Earl W. Heller - Lot 9 Vonnegyt's Sub. Div W.D. $1
1993, Sept 27 - Lucy Uhle Bender to Marie Bender Burwell - Un. 1/2 Lot 15 N of Long Point.
W. D. $1
1934 - Jan 3 - Richard G. Pierce to A.da R. Vogel, part lots 4 and 5, and strip adjoining, VanSchoick add., Lake
Maxinkuckee $4,000
1934 - Jan 3 - John N. Judah et al to Ralph H. Mowbray, tract commencung at corner of
Juldah lot, $1.00
1934 - Feb 15 - Raymond Williams purchased the Harry Medbourn cottage at Lake
Maxinkuckee, near Walker's point last week. - Indianapolis Star
1935 - Jan 23 - Myron E. Cosler, Trustee and Grace W, Cosler to Mary C. Wooward, lot 22,
VanShoaisk's third sub., WD., $1
Mary C. Wooward to Myron E. Cosle and Grace W, Cosler, lot 22,
VanShoaisk's thrid sub., WD., $1
1935 - Jan 23 - Herbert H. and Edith B. Rice to Myron E. Cosle and Grace W, Cosler, lot 11,
Rice's sub.; lot 2, section 27-31-1-, CCD, $10.00
1939 - Jul 12 - Six acres of land on the west shore of Lake Maxinkuckee have been improved
by Harry medbourn, who is offering the area for sale as a hotel site.
1937 - Aug 4 - Sells Lake Cottage - Mr. and Mrs. L. Luckenbill of Leiters Ford, have
sold theit cottage on Lake Maxinkuckee to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pearson, of Evansville
1939 - NOv. 22 - Effie Barnes to Doris B. Hillis Lot 11 Greens Plat Long Point Maxinkuckeee WD
1942 - Sep 16 - Madora M. Millikan,decd. AD to Gaylord B. Milikan etux tract on Lake
Makinkuckee in Lot 1 in 22-32-1 and Lot 5 Vonnegut s subdivision.
1943, Jul 28 - Helen Heywood Lews and Montgomery S. Lewis etal WD to Emmitt R. and
LaVernge A. Tuck, lot fronting on Lake Maxinkuckee in lot 3 27-32-1 ALso easement in
right of way 15 feet wide on north and east sides of above tract and right of way
leadin east to county road on south lin of lot 3
1944, Oct 25 - Ethel Hulman to Ralph C. and Jean Wickizer, Lot 1 Long Point
1945 - Jun 27 - Lots in new Ada Farrar addition on State Road 17 and the South Shore of
Lake Maxinkuckee are now available. Prefect sand bottom bathing beaches, plenty of shade,
private road rear of lots, always adequate pure spring soft water, no surface water, no
land drainage, not subject to droughts. Truely an lake, with an assured future. Walter
A Wise, Lauer Bldg. Plymouth, Ind.
1945 - Dec 19 - Lots Now Open For Sale - In the Ada Farrar-Daughery Addition to
beautiful Lake Maxinkuckee. All lots have 50' frontage on the lake and are at
least 170' in depth. All have shade and all now open for sale are marked at each
corner with iron pipe. All lots restricted as to cost of building and distance
from the lake shore at which ther can be constructed. - Phone 412, Plumouth or
See J. W. Riggens, Culver.
1947 - May 21 - Ben W. and Florence E. Oberlin to Arthur W. and Bettie G. Kiesling, tract
fronting Lake Maxinkuckee situate in lot 3 of sec. 21 and lot 1 of sec 28-32-1
? 1927 Jun 4 Walter and Oma Pearson to Archie J. and Hazel G. Kahl, part Lot 3, also
part Lot 2 Murray's sub division in 28-31-1
1947 - Oct 20 - For Sale - Beatiful Log Cabin with complete furnishings located on
Lake Maxinkuckee, South Shore Drive, Culver, Ind. Spacious living and dining room; 3
bedrooms, kitchen and bath. $20,000 by owner. Garth Scott, Noblesville, Ind -
Kokomo Tribune (Indiana)
1948 - Mar 14 - Mr. and Mrs. Otto C. Hornung of the Craft-Tuller flats have purchased
the property known as the Otto Hipplehauser cottage on Lake Maxinkuckee. The cottage is
located on the side of the lake known as Long Point and will be extensively repaired this
spring and made ready for the occupancy of the Hornung family this summer. Mr. Hornung is
also negotiating for a motor boat for his family for use at the lake. With the puchase of
the Hipplehauser place the Hornung family join the already larf colony of Terre Haute
people who have summer homes at Lake Maxinkuckee and spend the heat Months there. - Terre
Haute Tribune (Indiana)
1948 - Oct 20 - For Sale - Lake Maxinkuckee - 2 br. cottage, nicely located, good
condition, near outlet, Long Point, sealed, stool, sink. G. E. Garage, extra ground,
pier, boat.. Harley L. Ashton R 2. Culver - Citizen
1952 - Apr 30 - Lake Maxinkuckee - Permanent Home Locatd East Shore. Built 1948.
Completely modern four bedrooms. Large terrace overlooking lake. 1,000 magnificent shrubs
and trees. Shuffle board cour. Two-car garage with sportsman house attached and many other
unusual features. Shown by appointment by owner. Price $45,000. Hoosier Brokerage Compant
31 Eat Georgia St. Indianapolis, Indiana - South Bend Tribune (Indiana)
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Treichler of Indianapolis, who recently purchased the Mrs.
Helen K. Dean, cottage on
the East Shore, have taken up their summer residence here.
Other newcomers to the lake are Mr. and Mrs.
George Graffis of Logansport, who have
purchased the Oscar E. Bransky
cottage on the East Shore.
1955 - Mar 30 - W. H. Stensgauard Buys Schilling Lake Caottage
- Morton and Helen Downs, aggressive local realtors have sold
the Oliver Schilling cottage at the south end of Lake Maxinkuckee
to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stensguard of Chicago. Mr. Stensguard is
affilitated with his father in the advertising buisnes in the
Windy city. An Academy graduate, he has many friends in this area -