Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Names of cottages Over the Years  

Some of these cottages are known as to location and some are not as yet; as found liks will be placed to the cottage page.

Hopefully all the identities and locations of the cottages will be known and can be placed in the list of cottages and owners also - some have already.

They are also listed here as well. These cottages are listed as being on the lake in the 1881 history and gleaned from other sources also

There are post cards and other things concerning the cottages as I fine tune the pages will add these items also to the pages within the site.

1932 - October 5 – Belden cottage on East Side of lake destroyed by fire with loss of $7, 000.

Below are two pictures of cottages on the lake the first is a log cabin and the other two are photos - could the be the north shore cottages:

A-Shan-Tee - Goldsmiths of Terre Haute - West side

Acorn Heights - Long Point Dahlen-Weinstein Cottage

Airly Days - Russell Fisher - South End - log cabin built of Tamarack logs by Russell Fisher

Aubbeenaubee Park - My guess would be the Academy property and also refered to as the Culver Park.

Alpine Rose / Alpenrose - Henry Meyer of Terre Haute - Long Point

Baker Lodge (Maynard Lodge/ Fortnite)- East Shore Ln. - Ada E. Maynard-Baker-Jones

Beach Lawn - Simon P. Sheerin

Bean Pot - East Side - Wilburn Johnson

Bellewood Lodge - L B Hackett

Between The Oaks - Mordhurst Cottage

Bide-a-wee - Scott Foss.

Bonnie Doon - McQuat Cottage

Buckeye, The - Steinhilber

Butterfield - E. W. Butterfield, of Brooklyn, Indiana, built a five-room cottage
on the lake front at the Assembly grounds in 1904

Casa Contenta - O. C. Hann

Cherry Villa
Judge Morris Winfield cottage (aka Stingy Point)

Cosy Cote - Lynn B. Millikan

Cricket Camp - Joseph Strong

Duck Inn Cottage - ? W. H. Schroeder Logansport?

Echo - Willis Vajen, Geo. B. Yandes note; the Indiana Boathouse is in the backqround)

Edgewater - near Maxinkuckee Landing - Carson Cottage

Elmwood/Elmwood Lodge 1952, Walter W. Foskett

Fairview #1 (Original) - John H. Vagen / Henry Lane Wilson

Fairview #2 built 1906 John H. Vagen / Perry Griffith property

Fairwinds - John Sloane kittle

Fortnite (Baker Lodge/ Maynard Lodge) - East Shore Ln. - Ada E. Maynard-Baker-Jones

Glossburner Cottage [Glossburner]

Glen Ayr - Job Freeman - North Shore - W. O. Osborn

Grand View - 1903, A Curtis, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1919 Braman

Green Gables - Fulton - 1918 one of the Foss cottages

Green Leaves - Winslow, East side

Greenwood - Asssembly Grounds

Happy Hollow - O. C. Hornung

Halcyon Villa - H. B. Scott, Edwards
    This encompassed what is now the Ball and Bernerno cottage properties and was all one lot. The cottge sat approximately where the ball cottage sits today if it is not part of the orginial Halcyon Villa structure.

Hamewold - Henry B Heywood Cottage

Happy Landings - S A Fisher cottage Long Point

Happy Thought - Hillis

Haws, - F. M. Harwood

Hickory Crest - George Sherman

Hidden Inn ' (East) -- / Frank Lamson

Hidden Oaks

Highland House (found reference being a Hotel)

Highland View - Long Point ?A. C. Shepherd?

Hilarity Hall

Idleden - A. E. Ellsworth Cottage

Idlewild - McSheey Cottage - Long Point

Idle-ease - W. S. Duenweg [Walter S Duenweg]

Idleden - Ellsworth

Indianapolis Club

Ingleside - 1903 owned by Griffith's

Illinois, The

Ivy Cliff - Long Point ?Charles Caffyn?

Jollawalla - West Shore - Allie Jones

Katydid - Sarbers [1766 East Shore Drive ]


Kearn - Assembly Grounds

Kwitcherkikin - Rice

Knoll (Sunet Knoll), The - Rice

Langgolf cottage - 1931 - Assemby Grounds

Leaning Sycamore - Cosler

Locust Bluff - A. H. Springer

Lookout - (West Side) - Howell

Manana Hervey Bates / Charles E Coffin Cottage see also Portledge

Maple Grove - Norris cottage

Marigolds, the Kittles aka Pow Wow see Fairwinds

Martin Box, The - L. B. Martin of Terre Haute

Maynard Lodge (Baker Lodge/ Fortnite) - East Shore Ln. - Ada E. Maynard-Baker-Jones

Meadow Lodge - W. E. Shirk

Melba - The - Jones cottage [Francis W. Jones]

Northmead - (built c 1910) - William Wallace Fulton

Oaks, The - North Shore - Ed Schuermann, Indianapolis

Oak Dell - E. W. Johnson owner in 1903 on Long Point
    IN THOSE DAYS OF OUR YOUTH With The Spectator 20 Yearn Ago!... “Ed Johnson has been compelled to change the name of the cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee from Terre Haute to Oak Dell. After a fire which destroyed his first summer home he changed the name to Terre Haute. But as strangers, attracted by the name on the front of the cottage, continued to call with requests for the beverage that has made this town famous, Mr. Johnson thought it was going beyond the limit. ‘They can’t tell me there is nothing in a name,’ he says. 'But it is strange that when any one gets away from Terre Haute and sees the name it can’t mean anything but that beer is for sale.’ Since Oak Dell has adorned the front of the Johnson cottage he has not been bothered by thirsty visitors.” - - Terre Haute Saturday Spectator, Saturday, August 08, 1925, Terre Haute, Indiana

Oak Knoll - T. Medbourn, M. R. Cline

Oak Lodge - 1952 - Gloris Shegan (East)

Oak Terrace - A. J. Murdock - cottage after 1892 fire

Oakridge - Assembly Grounds

Orchard House- Marmon

Palo Alto - Hazeldine?

Parsonage, the - ? W. W. Parsons?

Pleasant Point

Pine Tree - Benedict Cottage North of Aubbenaubbee Bay, near Council Fire Circle.

Portledge - Charles E. Coffin

Pottawattomie Reservation or Pottawatomie Wig Wam - Mc Donald Cottage

Pow Wow - Misses Robinson

Rest Easy - (West Side)

Rest Haven - Demas Deming / L E Waterman

Portledge - Charles E. Coffin

Roost, The - Conzelman Cottage, the Roost on left -
North Shore on Aubbenaubbee Bay after the Palmer House
T. Conzelman, St. Louis, Missouri; 1904 "Buckskin Landis"

Scoville Cottage - long Point

"Seaweed" - 1952, Earl H. Blanchard

Seldom Inn

Seven Gables

Shady COve - Long Point area

Shady Point = D. A. Sanders

As stated in Lake Maxinkuckee: A Physical and Biological Survey
it was located in front of the Arlington Station and adjacent
to the Arlington Hotel grounds. This was formerly known as the
Duenweg cottage.

Shady Bluff - Wheeler's,

Shady Oaks - Cal C. Chambers

Shanty - North shore

Ship-House, The - Shaneberger

Sign ofthe Oriole, The - Ketcham cottage

Sleepy Hallow - Theodore Locke

South View - Herz Cottage - North shore between park and CMA

Squirrel Inn / Squirrel Lawn (East) - T. H. Wilson

Palmer House

Suits-Us lSuits-Us - Perry Moon & L. S Harshman

Sunny Side - - ?J. E. McFarland? - East Side

Sunset - The - Bardsley cottage West Shore Lost Lake

Sunset Knoll - north cottage of Mrs. Edward Taylor

T Will Do

Teepee, The - McDonald

Terrace View - west side Campbell

Terre Haute

Trails End - H. G. Shaffer Cottage

. Two Oaks - Plank Cottage
. Villa Carl - Charles Monniger

Villa Venitia

Wabun - a Hazeldine Cottage


Wapanca Hall - W. H. Fulton

Week-wee-ton-sing (Wind-Among-th-Tress) - E. T. Hazeldine Cottage

West Point - Willis C. Vagen

Willowdale - ?? W. H. Fulton ?? / Wright-Willowdale Cottage / Vogel & Collins - E. Shore
    Dr. and Mrs. O. C. Vogel and children and Mrs. Floyd Collins left SUdnday to take possesson of their summer cottage, Willowdale on Lake Maxinkuckee. Dr. Vogel will return here after 15 days. - Jun 21 1920 Evansville Press (Indiana)

Willow Spring - J. M. Dresser - 2276 East Shore Lane (1905 Rector)

Winitip - F. C. Murphey,

Windy Waters - 2420 East Shore Lane - Cornelius

Withes, The - Hazeldine
Windermere (Windmeyer)

Winitip - Frank C. Murphy
Withes, the

Woodbank - William Jacob Wood later Rasmussen Cottage