Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Index for cottages and land owners, Plat Maps  

I am changing to an all in one page for the listing of the lots and owners and plat maps - I believe this will be a greater asset to the site - and allow easier access to all the pages and maps involved and give a reference point of what the site contains also.

To quote Bob Rust from A Historical Review Grace United Chruch of Christ Culver , Indiana 1885-1985:

    In the 1880's developement of lakeshore properties began. One parcel of 100 ft. frontage lots south of Maxinkuckee Landing were offered for $200 to $300 each. Earlier a 160-acre farm, South Shore, Lake Maxinkuckee brough a record price of $2.00 to S5.00 per acre. In 1906 Long Point lots were offered for $6.00 per frontage, and in 1921, a 65-ft. East Shore lakefront lot sold for $1,200.

I hope to connect everything from the 1876 plat maps forward but that will take time and much more research.

This is probably an incomplete listing probably of cottage lots and owners - but this is what was listed on the plat maps of 1830/40, 1876, 1880, 1898, 1908 and 1922 and what I am able to decipher of it. I hope to connect everything from the 1876 plat map forward but that will take time and much more research - in hopes of making an accurate history and genealogy of the lake and along the way gathering pictures, maps, stories, myths, legends, biographies, obitauries etc. to enhance it.

None of these listings are eteched in stone - it is probably just a partial listing from sources during this time period - and based on known facts of 1922, on the plat map - everything may change if I can ever get the use of some of the abstracts it they still exist or cottagers step forth with corrected data.

The 1953 to the present listing are from what Lake Directories I could get hold of, the GIS and newspaper articles.

I have started to split into separate pages for each cottage now as with more data - biography or tidbits found about the people and cottages the main listing page was getting to karge and un-managable - the main link is either on the number only or on the cottage name; other interesting links about a person and cottage is also included as found.

The label as "non lakefront" is not meat to offend anyone - nor is it meant that it does not SIT ON the lake BUT COULD to have lake access property or an easement agreement to the lake, I have not delved into that aspect - the meaning is that the house/cottage and or property it means that there is a road and/or alley or another proeprty between it and the lake.

1953 to present will be found here

Culver Educational Foundation Properties

own of Culver Properties

Controversy of Davies Street

Washington Street Viaduct /Tressel
Early Land Owners  James F. D. Lanier's Land Patents from U. S. Government and William Thompson's Land Patent from U. S. Government. There are actual photocopies of these land patents.  
Cottage Roster - 1953-?  
Cottager Lists   Lists for those years from various sources  
First Plat Maps of Area   Early Maps showing the Indian Reservations.
Plat Maps   Plat map of the Lake   
Broken Down Plat Maps   Broken Down Plat maps of the Lake; the 1900 has the sections broke down an enlarged to show detail - only a few cottagers listed - but some interesting facts,  
Sanborn Fire Maps     Fire insurance maps are the most detailed historical records of the urban landscape. From 1790 to 1961, nearly every U.S. town and Shown on these maps, sometimes in great detail, are virtually every building, man-made structure and business standing at the time the survey was made.    
Forgotten cottages   These are the properties bought up by Culver Military Academy in the late 1920's and early 1930's to protect them from encrouchment. Between the town Park and the Plamer Hotel (Culver Inn)
cottages Unknown Fairview

Pine Tree
These are the properties. Trying to Find location. Or some history has been given
cottages known
Underwood Cottage
These are the properties. The history has been given

1896 - Shows Indian paths & much more

1910 - Postal Mapbr>
1927 East ShoreDrive;. improved

Satellite Map  

Old Clubs Map  

Early Maps of the Area

Brochure Map - 1970-80's

Town of Culver 1970s_1980-s,

Birdseye view 1980's  

1981 Plat map of Lake

1980-90's_ Lake Aerial View

1995 - Map of Town of Culver

Aerial Views 2005  

Cottagers from 1834-1922 are take from the plat maps mainly and they are incomplete. The 1900 list is from the Biological Survey book; the 1930 was a published list in the Culver Citizen. The 1903 I am compiling from the Lake News Columns. The 1952 was from the telephone directory. The 1953 to present has been taken from the lake directories and supplementing with the telephone directory and other various sources.