Two cottages Burn
Summer Homes of Dr. Scoville and Walter Knapp
Dectroyed by Fire Monday Forenoon
The cottages belonging to Dr. Scoville of Terre Haute and Walter Knapp of Westfield, Ill.; on Long
Point were burned Monday forenoon
The fire was communicated to the buildings from leaves which Dr. Scoville was burning on his lot.
The two cottages are 10 or 12 feet apart.
The Knapp cottage caught fire first and burned so rapidly that none of the contents could be
removed. This proved to be also the case with the Scoville cottage
The efforts of the small force of helpers first on the ground were directed toward stamping out
the fire in the leaves which was spreading rapidly and to throwing water on the side of the
Knapp building next to Monniger's large cottage. The latter was considerable scorched
The Culver fire department, in response to a call from Chadwick's rallied a crowd of ten ment and
went to the fire in a wagon lent indispensable assistance as the first relay of helpers was completely
THe Knapp cottage contained fice or six rooms, and the loss is thought to be in the neighborhood
of $1,800. The Scoville cottage contained four rooms, and the loss is estimated at about $1,200.
Both propertyies are insured - Knapp for $700 in Walter's agency.
Had the fire occurred during the night or when there was wind the whole row of 16 or 18
cottages between the Arlington and Chadwick's would probably have been cleaned out.
The ground is a mass of leaves, in some places more than a foot deep, and dry to the bottom.
This of itself is a source of danger as shown by the fact that the fire caught across the highway
and ran to the railroad.
Another call in the afternoon announcing that the fire had brooken out again in the leaves sent
another bucnh of fellows to the Point.
The embankment was all a blaze , but Ferrier's ice house men were already there, as was the case
in the morning, and had the blaze under control.
The loss from this fire was a portion of the board walk down the embankment, a small summer
house and a good many shade trees in front of the Monniger's.
The loss of trees on the Scoville and Knapp lots is serious.
Dr. Scoville has blistered ears and lips and burns on the face as painful evidence of his close
contact with the fire.
1910 May 12 - The Scovell, Knapp and Hornung cottages , destroyed by fire this spring are being re-built