Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

It was Once True In Culver  

2 May 1949 - pg. 14

A persual of the Citizen files reveals many interesting facts concerning the old home town. Perhaps some day some one will pick up the current issues and comment in a "Believe it or Not" fashion, but before that happens we want to glean a few items from past issues and here they are -

July 13, 1894: The Steam [Steamer] Peerless meets all trains; carried passengers to all hotels on the lake and gives special attention to excursions.

The Nusbaum Myers & Co., advertising gingham for 5 ¢ a yard, shirts from 29 ¢ up, outings 5 ¢ and up, specuao on sugar 5 ¢ lb.

September 24, 1897: Now is the time to take a good hot bath. Stop at the Exchange Barber Shop, under the Culver City Drug Store.

The Vandalia Line Timetable shows four passenger trains northbound and three southbound.

N. Gandy carried quite an add stating that he had first class horses, bew buggies, and norses boarded by day or week.

March 20, 1896; Kiefer & Whitcomb wide awake gentlemen who conducted the Bay View Hotel last season, have leased the Lake View Hotel.

A special Nussbaum and Meyer Ad reveals that Baking Powder was 10 ¢ per pound; corn 8 ¢ a can; butter and eggs, 10 ¢ ; apricots 15 ¢ a can; all tobacco 8 ¢ a cut.

Van Shoiack advises in an ad "Invest $1.00 - 1 lb. coffee 15 ¢ .; 3 lbs. rice 25 ¢ ; Fox crackers 25 ¢ ; 2 lbs. raisins 10 ¢; rolled oats 10 ¢ ; 1 lb pepper 15 ¢ .

Sept. 7, 1900: The contract for the builing an up-to-date brick school building to be known as the Kaley District was let to the D. H. Smith & Co. It will be the fourth brick school house in Union township.

Culver Markets: Eggs 12 ¢ ; Hen turkeys 6 ce
nts; butter 15 ¢ ; wheat 75 ¢ ; corn 35 ¢.

May 1903; It is announced that Capt Crook has launched the "Doxie", and that he is prepared to accomodate all early cottagers or persons deciding to go points around the lake.

W. S. Wiseman, postmasters, adverties a schedule stating the the post office will be open from 9 to 10 a.m. on Sunday and delivery wo uld be close at 8:30 p.m.

Fred W. Cook, blacksmith, advertises "I shoe against inteferers, knee knockers, forgers, or general repairing done promptly".

Porter & Co. advertized a special sale - 150 soft hats at $1.99; 100 stiff hats at $1.50; Gowns - Mother Hubbard Bishop and Slipover styles at 45 ¢ .

The Sample Store must had had an inkling of the Porter sale for the carried a special Sale add - Ladies sample shirt waits slightly mussed at 39 ¢ , screen doors compete 65 ¢ .

June 18, 1903; The editor comments that the Vandalia railroad pay car arrived on Friday and made the hearts of the company's employees here f ull of gladness and their pockets f ull of chink.

J uly 19013: Keen Brothers state they are putting out pictures that are equal to the work of the best city galleries.

Between four and five thousand people were here July 12, 1903 with fifteen cars from Terre Haute alone.

June 1904: The Vandalia Line World's Fair rates to St. Louis is $6.65 for seven days.

The professional directory, listed: B. W. S. Wiseman, M. D.; E. E. Parker, physician and surgeon; Dr. N. S. Norris, dentist; N. J. Fairchild Livestick and general auctioneer.

Cook Bros. announced the most complete line of corn c ultivators ever in Culver , walking and riding cultivators, pivot ax and pivot gangs, at prices from $12 to $28.

Nov. 1904: J. Saine & Son advertises the third annual Cut Price Sale. All-Wool Flannels per yard 21 ¢ ; Good heavy skirting 38 ¢ ; pins per pkg. 1 cent; King's thread, 2 spools for 5 ¢ ; 9 bars Lenox soap 25 ¢ ; a half peck of good matches for 7 ¢ ; a good b ulk coffee for 10 ¢ .

Feb. 1905 Young people southwest of Culver met at the Kaley school house, Dist. No. 8 and organized a debating society. The following officers were elected: Wesley Kaley, president; Claude Newman, vice-president; John Newman, secretary; secretary for lierart program, Jerome Zechiel. The first debate was Resolved - That there is more pleasure in living with a good natured dirty housekeeper than with an ill-natured clean housekeeper.

May 25, 1905: One of the steamers will call at the Maxinkuckee Landing, Thursday evening for the purpose of taking on passengers who wish to attend the commencement exercises at the Assembly Hall, Culver .