Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Culver & Its Newspapers Nov 1967-Present  

Nov. 1967 - Exactly 41 years to the day that Miles R. Robinson acquired the paper the Independent News Company of Walkerton, St. Joseph, Indiana, purchased the Culver Citizen from John A. Cleveland

The Thursday issue on 9 November 1967 proclaimed: "The Culver Citizen is sold to Walkerton based printing Firm". It also proclaimed that Robert E Urbin president of the Independent-News Co., Inc., is now the editor handling the mechanical end of the publication from The Walkerton plant.
The 9 Nov. 1967 issue also proclaimed no employees at the time and the prices of the newspaper -

The Citizen offices were to soon be re-relocated to 103 S. Main Street Culver .

1969 - Jan 8 - Robert E . Urbin, Editor; Mrs. Ruth Mackey, Assistant Editor; Mrs Eleanor Osborn, Assistant Editor. till March 27, 1969

1971 - Feb 23 - Robert E . Urbin, Editor; Mrs. Ruth Mackey, Assistant Editor

The late 1960s and 1970s proved a tumultuous time both in America and in the history of the ownership of the Citizen and the look of the Citizen changed slightly. The length of the paper varied. In the late 1960s the paper numbered ten pages, but by the early 1970s it had been cut by two pages. And the days it was published were changed with the different ownerships.


The Culver Citizens Corporation brought the paper’s plant back to Culver in 1973, only to sell it in 1974. Robert E. Urbin who was publisher for the Independent News Company and assumed editorship of the Culver Citizen. These were hard times for the Citizen - as it was often only a smeared four-page tabloid.

1973 - May 10 - New Office Manager At Culver Citizen
    Mrs. Clarence William Epley III , 413 North Slate Street, Culver, is the new office manager of the Culver Citizen office, 103 S. Main Street. Becky is from Franklin, Indiana, where she graduated from Franklin Community High School and attended Franklin College where she majored in journalism and political science.

    Becky will be glad to help you when you enter our office either with advertising, submiting news, local tid-bits, subscribing to the paper, etc. She is open to suggestions as to what you would like to see and read in your local paper, Mrs. Epley replaces Mrs. Ron Mackey who had this position for over five years.

Zoss - Owner's July 19, 1973
New Owners With This Issue
    The Culver Citizen, the newspaper of a locality encompassing over twenty communities with a total
    population of over 10,000 persons, appears under new management with this issue.

    The Culver Citizen Corporation has purchased all of the assets of The CITIZEN from the Independent-News Co., Inc., of Walkerton, Indiana.

    Bernadette and Tom Zoss
    The new publishing company is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Zoss, who have recently moved to Culver.

    The newspaper will continue to be published in Culver every Thursday. Circulation and coverage of local news and society will be expanded. Correspondents from smaller surrounding communities will be added to the newspaper staff in the next few weeks.

    New Printing Method With this issue The CITIZEN will be printed by photo offset method. This printing method allow clearer, more readable reproduction of type, and easier printing of photographs. This will allow more pictures to appear on a regular basis in the publication.

    The type for The CITIZEN will now be set locally on new computerized photo typesetting equipment. A new deadline machine has also been added to guarantee the best possible service to bothadvertisers and subscribers

    No Change in Prices

    Despite these extensive changes, no change will be made in the subscription price for the newspaper, which presently stands at only $4.00 per year for residents Marshall County, Indiana . Advertising rates will remain the same.

    Editor of The CITIZEN will be Bernadette Zoss, of Ambridge, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Zoss holds an A.B. in English from Indiana University, Bloomington, and has just completed one year at the Law School of the University of Notre Dame.

    President of the Culver Citizen Corporation, and general manager of the newspaper is Thomas Zoss, who has left law practice as an Associate of a South Bend law firm to move to Culver.

    Help Requested

    Local citizens who have suggestions, or wish one of the staff to call or telephone for news or social information are encouraged to call or write.

    All businesses, churches and social groups will be contacted individually in the next few weeks so that the new staff can meet the community.

    The CITIZEN will be distributed free to all area readers for a few weeks to better acquaint the area with these changes

The Citizen office was first located at 307 N. Main Street in the basement of the Zoss residence, untill relocated several months later to 114 S. Main Street

Thomas W. Zoss "Tom" and wife Bernadette Zoss assumed control and the Culver Citizen got a new lease on life.

They acquired new computerized equipment, increased circulation, added a clean new image, new features of which
one was "Lakewater" or "It must be Lake Water" by Robert "Bob" Kyle [who had been a newswriter for the Indianapolis Star.

John Houghton wrote a column "I Remember".

Thomas Warner Zoss had purchased or was the editor of the Culver Citizen and it was housed at 110 S. Main St and the 1975 The 1975 telephone directory gives: the Culver Citizen 307 N Main 842-2297.
    Esther Powers Wampler Miller sold the house at 307 N. Main to the Zoss's it is said. Someone else states that Tom Zoss while he was editor of the paper that Zoss used the basement to layout the newspaper in wood frames.

In August 1973 the Culver Citizen Corporation adopted the block format, in which stories are in paragraph style rather than running the length of the page in a single column. While the Independent News Company ran the journal, personal notices, other than weddings a and obituaries, were not published. In 1973 the “Locals” column reappeared, only to disappear again before the paper ceased publication.

It's Here! It's Here!

YES 'IT'S HERE. A new CompuWriter Jr. arrived at the CITIZEN office late last week via Mayflower Van Lines.

With the help of driver Tom Bwgdorf, and installation engineer Alarik U. Wuolle, from the Compugraphic Corporation, the CITIZEN is now equipped to provide readers and advertisers with high-quality photo typesetting.

Here, Bernadette Zoss, editor, breathes a sigh of relief only moments after the truck drove by the CITIZEN office headed for the wrong address - Sep 20, 1973 - Culver Citizen

1973 - Sept 27 - A bi weekly page called "Deadline" appeared in the Culver Citizen produced by the Culver Community High School journalism class
    As time drew near for our first publication, we the staff looked at each other wondering how time had managed to slip up on us so quickly. The last week has been one of fighting over typewriters, last minute interviews, rewritings. changes and lots of fun! We hope our readers enjoy reading DEADLINE as much as we enjoyed creating it.

    We want this to be an interesting and relevant school paper. In order to do this we need students who are willing to express their viewpoints and share their creativity.

    DEADliNE is for the students and should be written by them. If you have any short articles. poems. or news; that you would like published please bring it to Room 305 anytime during the day or, if more convenient, give it to a member ofthe staff.

    We hope to get a paper out every two weeks and feel that this can and will be the best school paper we can put together

October 1974

The Zoss's parting words....

    It is with both reluctance and great relief that the announcement was made this week of the change in ownership or our newspaper, The Culver Citizen.

    The rclucance comes from the knowledge that we will no longer be able to publish the newspaper we believe to have performed a service to our comnnmity. It has been an exciting 18 months for us, to be a part of the revitalization of this newspaper. During that period the circulation increased to nearly four times the level on the date of purchase and the sales increased acordingly. The community also grew during that time, and I believe that the identity the community gained from having its own active newspaper helped support that growth.

    However as with all changes there were problems during our tenure as owners of the paper. We saw a spontatneous out pouring of support from the community for the Citizen and this support in subscriptions, in advertising and in friendship is the real reason for the growth of our publication . In many cases, this support came in spite of our inability to cover the whole town.

    We have had the best wishes of most of the community, and even in those instances when we expericnced occasional ill will. I believe it resulted from our lack of formal journalism training, and our inefficiency in areas where newspapers should be efficient.

    And this is the area where Bernadette and I feel relief. We know the new owners are eager to continue to serve this community. They are a part of Culver's history, and have been leading citizens for years, although in a silent and humble way.

    Culver will have as of this week the best of all possible silllations: locally owned and produced newspaper, operated by a group that has the resources and personnel to guarantee the Citizen's continued growth and to be the finest newspaper possible,both technically and journalisticlly.

It was sold in 1974 to the Wabash Plain Dealer Company which is a part of the Nixon Newspaper empire and The Nixon Newspaper Inc. maintained the high quality of the Culver Citizen until the temporary end.

Citizen Changes Hands

Peggy Grahm, New Citizen Editor

The Wabash Plain Dealer Company. Inc. has purchased the controlling stock in the Culver Cititen Corporation. and assumed control of The Culver Citizen on Oct. 1, 1974.

The 80 year old weekly newspaper has been published by by Tom and Bernadette Zoss, in recent months, during a period which included i large incrreases in circulation and a converson to offset printing. The new owner is published by Joe Nixon. a long time Culver resident who has lived on the East Shore.

Joining him in managing a growing family of meswpapers are his sons Don and Joe Jr. both whom attended the Culver Military Academy. Other newspapers in the Nixon group include the nearby Pulaski County Journal and the revived Winamac Republican, the North Judson News and the Wabash Plain Dealer. New editor of the Citiizen will be Peggy Graham , who is now working at the Main St. offices of the Citizen. She will permanently relocate to Culver when suitable accomodations can be found .

Graham has studied journalism at lndiana State University and has ectensive training and work experience in the electronic and print media.

Graham plans no changes in policy or deadlines in the near future, and the Citizen will continue to operate from the new office at 114 S. Main St. Some local help may be used to increase the office staffand the typesetting will continue to be produced on the Citizen's own computer in Culver.

Bernadette and Tom Zoss will remain in the office for several weeks~ during the transition of management to assist the new editor in meeting the community and learning the operation of the Culver newspapper.

Founded on July 13 1894 the Culver Citizen celebrated its 80th birthday this year.

A brief history of the Nixon Newspaper Inc.:
    The Nixon Newspapers Inc. was founded by Don Morrison Nixon

    He had the founded the Terre Haute Saturday Spectator with John C. Rutherford in 1904. And at his death he had acquired seven newspapers. He could best be described in one word: "crusader." Throughout his 40-year journalistic career, Don Nixon battled political corruption and special interests detrimental to the public good.

    Joseph Henry Nixon and his step-mother Eugenia Hubbard Nixon carried it on the newspaper business.

    Joseph Henry Nixon was retired vice-president in 1989 and the company was in Peru, Miami county, Indiana under President John Nixon.

    A listing and micro film copies are found at the Indiana State Library web site as follows:
      Culver City Herald 1896 - 1903 May 1896 to Apr 1903
      Culver Citizen 1903 - 1920 May 1903 to Nov 1920
      Culver Citizen 1922 - 1969 Mar 1922 to 1969
      Culver Citizen 1972 - 1974 1972 to Dec. 18, 1974

    NOVEMBER 13, 1974 - Nicoson Joins Citizen Staff

      Citizen Editor Peg Graham has anounced the employment of Bob Nicoson as managing editor of the weekly newspaper. The Citizen was recently chased by the Wabash Plain Dealer Company, Inc., and longtime Culver resident Joe Nixon.

      Nicoson a 1972 graduatel of Indiana State University, Terre Haute, has had extensive experience in print journalism as well as the electronic media and retail advertising.

      He was last employed by The Root Store Company, a Terre Haute based department store chain, as a member of their advertising and promotions staff.

      During his four-year college stint, Nicoson was editor-in-chief of The Indiana Statesman, the University's daily newspaper, and was awarded the Outs tanding Freshman Journalist and the Wabash Valley Press Club Awards. In 1972 he was honored as a £ian list for the Alan C. Ranking Outstanding Senior Award. He was also a member of several honorary s ocieties and Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. According to Graham, Nicoson's primary duties will include advertising, reporting and photography. The new managing editor and his wife, Debbie, also an ISU graduate, located in Culver this weew

    1975 May 14 - Bob Nicoson, editor Wayne Rees, advertising manager 1975 - Nov 19 - Plainfield-bound - Nicoson resigns post
      Bob Nicoson, editor of the Citizen since January, has accepted a position with The Plainfield Messenger, Plainfield.

      ... He will assume his duties at Plainfield Monday, Nov. 24

      Since his stint with the Citizen, the weekly paper has increased in circulation and advertising nearly 40 per cent. He began his association with the paper Nov. 11, 1974 as assistant editor under Peggy Graham Dickey...

      Mike Clifton, Leiters Ford, has been named the next Citizen editor by Don Nixon, publisher. Clifton has been associated with Nixon Newspapers the past year and has had a number of photographs published in the Citizen

    Mike Clifton was editor and

    1975 Dec 10 - Bob Nicoson, editor Wayne Rees, advertising manager

    1976 Publication ceases

    as of 13 October 1976 Jeri Jayne was editor and the newsstand issue price was twenty cents.

    The Wednesday, 29 December 1976 issue of the Culver Citizen was to be the last issue of the Culver Citizen, as the publishers announced the demise of the paper after 82 years of publication.

    The Culver news for the next two years was carried by the weekly TV Plus, a sister publication.


    In Novemeber of 1977 The Tribune-News Company of South Whitley, Indiana contacted the previous owners about the possiblity of purchashing the rights to the paper and the subscription list to the defunct weekly Culver Citizen, an agreement was reached

    March 1978

    In January 1978 Arlene Nix who had been with the paper previously secured office space at Hansens Resturant and Sport Shop on Lakeshore Drive.

    The Culver Citizen Office opened officially on February 28th

    On 2 March 1978 the Culver Citizen resumed publication under the ownership of the Tribune-News Company. Arlene Nix became the editor. Cost of a news stand issue was fifteen cents!

    <"img src="culver_citizen/1978_kyle_nix.jpg"> Arlene Nix & Robert "Bob" Kyle a long time journalist and a featured column writer for the Citzen "It Must be Lakewater" look over the 1st edition of the recently re-established Culver Citizen.
    J. David Tranter was the new owner and publisher and revived the operation.

    He also published the Argos newspaper as found in the History of Marshall County Indiana Sescquicentennial 1836-1986 (1986) pg. 9:
      Argos has been without a local newspaper since December 29, 1983 when the Agros Tribune ceased publication because of low circulation.

      A succussor to the Argos Reflector which was established in 1881, the Tribune was formed by J. David Tranter and its first issue appeared on August 18, 1979.

      In July of 1982, the paper had been purchased by William Mitchell
    and shared news stories of the two communities in each paper. J. David Tranter, revived the operation and continued to run the weekly for a decade.
    1980 Shirley Snider, managing editor

    July 1982

    By this time the Culver Citizen and moved to quarters on at 116 N. North Main Street until sometime around 1986. They were in the south half which was subdivided down into several office areas and was on the very southside nest tp the J & J''s Dime Store.

    Tranter sold the renewed publication to William "Bill" Mitchell of Milford, Illinois, in July of 1982, and he moved his family to Culver to take over publication of the Culver Citizen. During this time Bill Mitchel wrote a editorial colum called "Bill's Ballyhoo".

    Tho no owner or editor is listed - it does support the location of the office for at least part of 1985.
    This time period saw the citizen moving around into various buildings -

    one being 106 N. Main St. during 1986-1987

    Editorship of the paper for this time period is not accounted for as yet.

    October 1989 - Sep 1998

    Frederick and Judy Karst took ownership of the newspaper which was still housed at 110 S. Main St (sic 114 S. Main) Frederick Karst was the publisher and Judy Karst was the editor and in Oct. 1991 they moved it across the street (107 S Main) and remained there until they sold it in 1998.

    They updated the look and style of the paper for the new decade to come. Fred Karst was publisher and Judy Karst was editor.

    They expanded their publication duties in the summer of 1991 to include the Marshall County Life, which proved to be short-lived. Below is a picture of probably the combined papers staff and probably reviewing the first issue of it. Pictured left to right are: (front row seated) [-?-], [-?- Boys], Fred Karst and Harry Mc Farland; (back row standing) [-?-], Judy Campbell, [-?-], [-?-] and Judy Karst. The picture was probably taken at the Citizen office at 107 S. Main St. Culver

    During the time period Harvey Farari wrote an occasional column for the paper on a weekly basis.

    They won several awards in state and regional journalism for their reporting in the pages of the paper.

    May 1998 -2003

    In May 1998 the Karsts sold the Citizen to Community Newspapers, Inc., a holding company for several area newspapers, including the Plymouth Pilot and the Knox Leader.

    Maggie Nixon served as the paper's editor in 1998.


    In 2003 The ownership of the paper changed to Community Newspaper Holdings to Horizon Publications.
    It is a part of the Plymouth Pilot News owned by Horizon Publications Inc. Horizon Publications was formed in 1999 as a community newspaper company with the objective to acquire and operate community publications in the U.S. and Canada.

    The present editor of the Culver Citizen is Kelly Masson.

    The officials as of 4 January 2007 are: Rick Kreps, Publisher; Jerry L. Bingle, General Manager; Maggie Nixon, Managing Editor; Deanna L. Grenert, Citizen Editor; Ron Haramia, Sports Editor; Greg Hildebrand, Production/IT Manager; Cindy Stockton, Marketing Manager; and James Radican Circ ulation Manager.

    Todays news stand price is 50 cents per copy; and mail rates are $21 for Indiana and $26 for out-of-state.

    2007 Jeffery P. Kenny becomes Editor

    2009 Jan 1 - ... The economic base in a community like Culver shifted in such a way that a paper like the Citizen couldn’t be easily sustained entirely “in house,” as it were. Rather than losing our paper, instead it was made part of a larger newspaper group that was able to manage it, economically and otherwise. No longer, though, was a fully staffed downtown office possible (and that, of course, goes back several years now). Nor, for that matter, was it necessary. Technology allows me to do on a computer what once took large tables and other equipment, lots of paper, layout sheets, scissors, paste, and possibly several people. I (Jeffery P. Kenney) might joke about being the reporter, photographer, staff writer, editor, and layout man all in one, but the truth is, technology really makes all of that quite feasible....

    So hopefully we’ll take in stride the news that many have evidently heard by rumor and “on the street” by now, which is that the Culver Citizen will no longer be functioning from its North Main Street office

    Convenient contact info for Culver Citizen

    The Culver Citizen is offering new ways to contact the newspaper.

    Drop-off boxes for your community news are located at: the Culver -Union Township Public Library, 107 N. Main St.; and the Culver Coffee Company, 634 E. Lake Shore Dr.. These drop-off boxes will be accessible during the locations' normal business hours.

    News drop-off no longer will be accepted at The Culver Citizen's former storefront location on North Main Street.

    News can be sent by e-mail to: citizen@culcom. net

    News can be mailed to: The Culver Citzen, c/o The Pilot News, P.O. Box 220, Plymouth, IN 46563.

    News can be faxed to: 574-936-3844. News telephone contact: 574-216-0075.

    Advertising contact: 574-936-3101 or 800-933-0356.

    Newspaper Delivery and Subscription contact: 574-936-3101 or 800-933-0356.

    We want your community news and photos! Please contact us!

    Current Culver Citizen Banner - 2010:

    2011 January - The Culver Citizen went Facebook, also to keep up with the times. the frst posting being on February 8, 2011

    201_ - The Antiquarian and Historical Society partners with the Citizen in order to bring the AHS news to alll and and bring the Culver Citizen as a subscription to its members

    2016 - July - Jeffery P. Kenny Leaves Editor

    2016 - July/Aug. 5 2018- Beth Pare - becomes editor

    Aug. 5 2018- Jamie Fluery becomes Editor

    2021/2 - The Culver Citizen became a bi-weekly

    1894 - May 1903 ~~~ 1923 - 1953 ~~~ 1953 - 1967 ~~~ 1967 - ? ~~~