Marmont Herald and Culver Citizen Index
There is a hint of an attempt of a newspaper much earlier:
The Maxinkuckee Monitor, a new paper which has just been established at
Marmont, this county, with Amos Hunt as publisher, comes to us this weel. It is
well supplied with local news and advertising, and is a credit to that place -
Bremen Enquire - June18, 1887
Oct 1 -1887 The Maxinkuckee Monitor, which has been published at Marmont the past
three months, has been discontinued The editor announced that he may return
in the spring and resume publication- - Logansport Pharos-
Another neswpaper attempt was made with -
"The Maxinkuckee Chatterer"
The Chatterer. -
H. S Wyllie, Editor and Proprietor.
Pictured is issue
No. 2 - Jun 29, 1901 - a Saturday - thus 1st issue would of
been June 22. How long it lasted.... |
Another newspaper mentioned is the Maxinkuckee Monitor
The Maxinkuckee Monitor, a new paper which has just been established at
Marmont, this county, with Amos Hunt as publsiher, comes to us this week.
It is well supplied with local news and advertising, and is a credit to
that place - Jun 18 1887 Bremen Inquirer
The Maxinkuckee Monitor, published at Marmont, Ind., adorns out exchange
table. It is newm bright and mewsy and booms the popular pleasure resort,
Lake Maxinkuckee. Amos Z. Hunt son of Z. Hunt of the Camden Expositor, edits
it - Idaville Observer
Culver Citizen Publications
Founded: 1894
Marmont Harold - 1894-1895
Culver City Herald - 1896-190`3
Culver Citizen 1903 -
for birief period in the 1980's was combined the the Argos Newspaper
West Main Street between Jefferson and Madison Streets (1894– );
117 S. Main St. - upstairs
200 East Washington Street (1922, 1953);
105 S. Main St. Culver (1967-?)
601– 603 Roosevelt Road, Walkerton (1972); P.O. Box 90, Culver (1973);
307 N. Main (1973)
114 S. Main 1974=1990
107 South Main Street (1991-)
Culver (1993);
118 N. Main St. Culver (200_-2007)
110 N Main - south store front
In trouble times during the 1980's this comment was made:
The Herald/Citizen has been a part of the Culver community for more than half its life;
at its best it was a leader in the town's affairs and even at its worst it held us
together by providing something for us to complain about. What more could we ask? - John
The History of the Marmont Herald - Culver Citizen had been broke down into 5 sections so
that it can be added to and coreeceted more easlily - as on piece it was getting somewhat
unruly, news articles and boigraphies/obits have also been moved off the pages.
History of the Culver Citizen
Souvenir booklet of the Lake and area:
Change of Ownership, 1949
Photo Gallery 1949
Change of Ownership, 1953
It was
Once True In Culver
Culver Citizen
Profiles Index
Citizen Sold - 1967
Indiana Press
Editors & Owners
George E. Nearpass
Arlene J. (WILDER) Nix-Omans
Chester W. "Chet" Cleveland
John A. Cleveland
John Henry "Hank" Koontz
Arthur B. Holt
Charles Maull Jr.
Robert Rust
Miles R. Robinson
Frank Cherry Leitnaker
Federick A Karst
Vintage Ads: