Tho stated as being of of Scotch descent it have been proven they were of Puriain descent the following give information
on the immigrant ancestor:
My wife, Kathy Culver Nickell, is a Culver , and shares the same Puritan ancestry as Henry Harrison Culver . I wanted to share a
synopsis of Kathy’s and Henry Harrison’s common ancestor.
Both Kathy and Henry Harrison Culver descend from Puritan Edward Culver (c1610-1685). Edward was probably born in Middlesex,
England near London. Edward the Puritan was sponsored by John Winthrop, Jr., and arrived in Massachusetts in 1635. Edward
was a member of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and was the 68th on the list of 124 colonists who signed the Dedham (MA)
Covenant in 1636. Edward was a millwright and wheelwright by trade.
Edward Culver served in several of the earliest Pequot Indian wars of New England. Edward was a noted Indian scout and enjoyed
good relations with the Indians. According to Valerie Dyer Giorgi's "Colver-Culver Family Genealogy," Edward was sent by Major John
Mason to enlist the aid of warriors from Chief Uncas of the Mohegans. Edward must have been successf ul as Uncas provided about
150 men.
Edward Culver married Ann Ellis on September 19, 1638 with the Rev. John Allyn performing the ceremony. Edward's father-in-law
John Ellis was also a signer of the Dedham Covenant. In recognition of his service in the Pequot Wars, Edward received land grants
from the British Crown in 1652 and 1654, including what is now New London, CT. In 1645, Edward and Ann moved to Roxbury MA,
then Edward constructed a Grist Mill for Governor Winthrop, Jr. in 1650. Edward and Ann moved again in 1653, this time to Pequot
(present day New London, CT), where Edward again built another grist mill about 1654. That grist mill at the head of the cove of
New London remained in daily use until 1897. Records also show that Edward became embroiled in legal disputes with the Winthrops
over property boundaries affecting ownership of one of the grist mills. It appears that Edward was unsuccessf ul in his legal disputes
with the powerf ul Winthrops.
Edward Culver and Ann Ellis had the following children: