Hand Family of Marshall County Indiana & Culver Family of St. Louis, Missouri
1 William J. Hand m. Sabrina Chapman
2 Parmelia Hand m. John W. Cleveland
+3 Emily Jane Hand b. 9 Sep. 1840 [Oct 1842] b. 23 Jun 1922; m 1st Henry Harrison Culver ; m 2nd Horace Bell
4 Henry N. Hand
+5 Mary A. Hand b. ? d. Feb. 1870 m. Alfred Allen
6 Elmer Hand
+7 William E./Edwin W. Hand b. 29 Sep 1852; d. 3 Dec 1924 m Lucy Brown
Second Generation
3 Emily Jane Hand 'Jennie' b. 9 Sep. 1840 [Oct 1842] Wolf Creek, Marshall, Indiana d. 23 Jun 1922

Berkely, Alalmeda, California m. 1st Sept. 1864 Wolf Creek. Marshall, Indiana;
Henry Harrison Culver
9 Aug. 1840 London, Madison, Ohio - 26 September 1897

St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri son of John Milton and Lydia Elma (Howard) Culver .
On March 2, 1875 Henry Harrison, Lucius L. and Wallace W. Culver incorporated the Southern Calendar
Clock Co. in St. Louis, Missouri
She m 2nd Oct 1909 Culver , Marshall, Indiana Horace Bell b. 11 December 1830 New Albany, Floyd, Indiana d. 29 Jun. 1918 Berkeley, Alalmeda, California
buried Rosedale Cemetery Los Angeles, California m. 1st. Georgia Herrick Daughter of Albert and Virginia C. Herrick. He served as a State Ranger "in
the period of Pacification of Southern California." 1853-1855; with General William Walker during war between Costa Rica and Nicaragua 1856 earning rank
of Major Commandant; under Juarez in Mexico 1859 and in 1861 first member of the 6th Indiana Regiment. He was a rlagre property owner in Los Angeles,
Calforina. An author and Attorney. son of David W. and Elizabeth (Wright) Bell.
October 28, 1909 The marriage of Mrs. Emily J. Culver and Major Horace Bell took place at the Culver cottage
Sunday morning. - Culver Citizen
In the 1870 census they were found in Kansas city, Jackson, Missouri; Emily was listed as Jennie E. With Henry H. listed as stove dealer besides his
family was Anna Culver 26 born Ohio keeps house.
Listed above them were Chas E. & Geo. H. Brown and L. L. & William Culver all in one household as stove dealers. Below them was Lydia E. Culver 62 yrs.
and William W. 13 clerk.
Emily J. is on the 1900 census residing Franklin Ave. St. Louis, Missouri and as having 9 children and 6 still alive. Children as follows were still at
home: Bertram, manfr. stoves; Ida L.; and Knight K., manfr stoves still living at home.
Most of the Culver family is buried in the Bellefontaine cemetery in St. Louis, Missouri. Below is the view of the main monument at a distance and the icon
presents a closer view

This monument has the inscriptions of Henry Harrison and Emily Jane (Hand) on it. The headstone icon is photo only just click on and you can view the
photo. There are several photos with dates not yet connected but are to be in the Culver plot:
Infant Culver 1895

Baby Culver 1895

Dorothy Alice Culver 20 June 1899 - 1 Dec 1902

Helen Harrison Culver 15 June 1905 - 10 May 1906

+8 8 Walter Llewellyn (Lucius) Culver Sr. b. Oct. 1867
d. 1947;
9 Wallace W. Culver b. 1868 Kentucky d. 9 Dec 1878 buried Bellefontaine Cemetery
10 Lewellen Culver b. Sep 1869 Missouri listed as 8/12
+11 Henry Harrison Culver, Jr. b. 17 Dec. 1870 d. 22 Jan 1912;
m. Minnie Letetia Taylor
+12 Edwin Raymond Culver b. January 25, 1872 d. October 2, 1930
m. Alice Ward
+13 Bertram Beach Culver b. 14 Jun 1875 d. 10 Dec. 1959; m. Edna
L. Lammert
+14 Ida Lucille Culver b. 15 Jan 1877 d. 4 Nov. 1943 m. George P.
+15 Knight K. Culver b. 21 Feb. 1878 m. Laura M. [-?-]
15a Wayman Culver b. 18 Mar 1881 d. 2/3 Feb. 1883
St. Louis, St. Louis Missouri buried 6 Feb. 1883 aet 10 mos died of conv ulsions.
she maried 2nd Horace Bell - October 28, 1909 The marriage of Mrs. Emily J. Culver and Major Horace Bell took place at the
Culver cottage Sunday morning
5 Mary A. Hand b. ? d. Feb. 1870 m. 29 Mar. 1866 Marshall county, Indiana Alfred Allen was born circa 1839 in Indiana the son of Ira Allen
and Nancy Yelton Alfred Allen appeared as the head of a household in the 1870 Census of Marshall County, Indiana. Also living in the
household were Alice E. Allen, age 1 and William Allen, age 2 months. Alfred reported owning real estate worth $1300 and personal property
worth $677.6. Alfred Allen married 2nd Malinda Baldwin on 13 August 1874 in Marshall County, Indiana. and by 2nd marriage he had: Fannie
L. Allen b. c 1875 and Lyman B. Allen b. c 1878
16 unnamed infant daughter Allen b. 1867, d. 7 Aug 1867
17 Alice E. Allen b. c 1868
18 William A. Allen b. Feb 1870
7 William E./Edwin W. Hand b. 29 Sep 1852 Greene twp., Marshall, Indiana d. 3 Dec 1924 buried Maple Grove Cemetery near Argos,
Marshall, In.
WILLIAM E. HAND. Both by marriage and direct association, different members of the Hand family have had a
strong influence upon the progress of the Culver Military Academy, and in this connection the name of William
E. Hand is to be especially noted.
A prominent merchant of Culver , he is a native of Green township, Marshall county, and all his usef ul life has
been passed as a resident within the borders of the county, faithf ully devoted to the furtherance of her best
interests. He was born in the township named on the 29th of September 1852, and is the fifth child in the
family of which William J. Hand was the father.
The elder Mr. Hand was a native of Canandaigua, New York, leaving his home in the East for Green Township, in
1843. For many years he resided on a farm adjoining that of Thomas McDonald, the father of Daniel McDonald,
the editor of this work. There he raised his family, and was actively concerned in progressive movements,
whether they related to agric ulture or civic matters. His standing as a farmer was indicated by his service for
some time as president of the Marshall County Agric ultural Society; his Republicanism was both stanch and
liberal, and his death in his ninetieth year was a real loss to the community. His marriage to Sabrina Chapman,
a New York lady, occurred in Cleveland, Ohio, and res ulted in the birth of the following children: Parmelia,
formerly Mrs. John W. Cleveland, of Plymouth, Indiana, now deceased; Emila Jane, who married H. H. Culver ,
founder of the Culver Military Academy, a sketch of whom is published on other pages of this work; Henry N.,
deceased, who was a soldier of the Civil war; Mary, who married Alfred Allen, and died at the age of
twenty-four years; Elmer, who also passed away at the age of twenty-four, and William E. Hand, of this
After attending the public schools of Green Township, Marshall county, Mr. Hand completed the reg ular course at
the high school of Plymouth, Indiana, and about five years on his father's estate and then for twenty-one
years was associated with the development and management of the Culver farm, following which he removed to
Culver and entered the grocery business, which he has continued to the present.
Mr. Hand is a lifelong Republican, a member of the Culver lodge of the Knights of Pythias, and is identified
with the Christian church; of which he has been a deacon for many years.
His marriage occurred December 25, 1872, to Lucy Brown, daughter of Charles and Lucy (Connor) Brown, who came
from the Empire state as early settlers of Marshall County. Mrs. Hand was born in Walnut Township, that
county, and has been a lifelong resident of the same. Mr. and Mrs. Hand are the parents of the following
children: Walter M., business manager of the Culver Military Academy, and Maude M., wife of William E. Cook, at
present manager of the grocery business conducted by his father-in-law. - Vol 2 Pg.469-470 HISTORY OF
His death was found recorded Culver Citizen - 3 Dec. 1924
W. E Hand, Age, 73, Died this morning
To Be buried here
- - to Flordia Where he was Struck by a car two weeks ago
W. E. Hand, age 73, _ _ injuries he received when he was knocked down, dragged and run over by an automobile
in that city. Local arrangement have not been completed but the body will be brought to Culver for services
and burial.
Mr. and Mrs Hand left for Flordia last fall after they sold the grocery store. He has been in ill health all
year and until the accident -. Mr. and Mrs. hand started to cross one of the main streets of the southern city.
They waited at the __ until a large car passed but stepped in front of another ar which _ did not see. Mr.
Hand was able to push Mrs. Hand from the track_ the car but her was struck. He - picked up in an unconscious
condition and rushed to a hospital were he has remained until his death. At one time, he was thought to be
improving, but his age has made an almost losing fight from the start.
Mr. Hand was a well was a well known figure in Marshall county, having lived here his life time of
seventy-three years. He was a native of Green Township, Marshall county, and - his useful life had been passed
as a resident within the borders of this county, fathf ully devoted to the furtherance of her best interest. He
was born in Union Township, September 29, 1852, and is the - child in the family in which William J. Hand was
the father. The Hand family came here from New York to Green Township in 1843. He was the brother of Mrs. H.
H. Culver whose husband was the founder of the Culver Military Academy.
After attending the public school of Green Township, Mr. Hand graduated from the Plymouth High School, and for
twenty-one years was associated with the development of the Culver farm, following which he moved to Culver
and entered into the grocery business.
Mr. Hand was a like long Republican, a member of the Culver lodge of Knights of Pythias, and a member of the
Reformed church of Culver . He was twice married. He is survived by his widow and his son, Walter M.,
quartermaster of the Culver Military Academy, and Mrs. Wm. E. Cook of South bend.
Mr Hand has a host of friend in the community who will mourn his departure. He was lover by all who knew him
m. 25 Dec 1872 Lucy Brown b. 17 Nov 1850 d: Walnut twp., Marshall, Indiana buried: Maple Grove Cemetery, near Argos,
Marshall, Indiana
+19 Walter Merwin Hand Sr. b 5 Feb 1874 d. 14 J ul 1947; m. Emma Blanche Barber
20 Viola S. Hand b. 6 Mar. 1876 d. Oct 10, 1876, aet 7m 4d buried Maple Grove Cemetery near Argos,Marshall, In.
21 Maude M. Hand b. Jun 1879; m, 5 Apr 1903 William E. Cook
Hand family Part 1 ~ ~
Hand family Part 2 ~ ~
Hand family Part 3 ~ ~