Culver Park Assembly Bulletin - 1889
1887 - Henry H. Culver decided to open a Chautauqua camp similar to the one operated by the
Methodist Church in New York State..
By 1886 he owned more than 300 acres. In 1886 the Culver 's built a large home near their cabin
and named it the Homestead.
It is said that Mr. Culver was interviewed ten years later and to use Mr. Culver's own language
"I spent the whole summer, by the side of the lake. I fished nearly all the day, and lived in a tent.
When fall came I was a different man, It had such a glorious effect on my health that I determined
to acquire property here. I bought ninety-eight acres on the northeast corner of the lake. The
following year I bought 208 acres at the north end of the lake. A good deal of this land was low
and damp. I employed a number of men to ditch and drain it, and before it was done I had put
twenty-two miles of drainpipe in the 300 acres. It reclaimed the land and I started to have it farmed.
On a part I raised corn, and part of it I voted to meadow for hay. In 1889 I built a tabernacle, a
hotel, and some cottages , and arranged for a big series of religious meetings. I secured T. DeWitt
Talmage, of New York; Rev. Sam Jones, of Georgia, and Dr. John Matthews, of St. Louis, and had great
crowds to hear them. I had revival meetings and lectures for the whole of that summer, but since that time there
have been no public meetings of any consequence."
He built a three story hotel, tabernacle of 5,400 square feet [where the Main Barracks sits today],
and several cottages and there was also tenting place..
1889 - Apr 25
The Tabernacle to be constructed by Mr Culver at Lake Maxinkuckee this summer
will cost about $3,000.
The contract has been let to Plymouth parties, and when completed it will be
utilized by D. Talmage, and the two Sams, Small and Jones, the latter having
been engaged for several weeks
It is the intention of Mr. Culver, if possible to make the lake more populas than ever as as
The tabernacle:
This 5,400 square foot building served as the Tabernacle for the ill-fated Chautauqua. Became
the first gymnasium in 1894 for
Culver Military Academy and after
a new gymnasium was built in 1902, it was converted into a new Mess Hall. In 1912, it was moved to
the northeast and used for storage. It burned in 1915.
It was known as the Culver Park Assembly on the Aubeenaubee Bay. After two
money-losing seasons, he closed it down after the 1889 summer season.
1890 - Apr. 14 - Mr. H. H. Culver, of St. Louis announces that, owing to
failing health, he will not open Culver park assembly at Lake Maxinkuckee
this season. - Logansport Pharos-Tribune.
1890 - Apr 21 - Mr. Culver has changed his mind and will hold the second
annual meeting at Culver Park Assmebly at Maxinkuckee beginning July 17th and
continuing three weeks. An improved program will be carried out. Sam Jones
will be among the speakers. - Logansport Reporter
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