Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

THE NEW FIRE ALARM , Feb 11, 1904

Culver Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 has placed a tapper on the town clock bell to be used as alarm in case of fire. A rope on the outside makes it pos-sible for any one to sound the alarm. The fire company has divided the town into fire wards a follows:

First Ward—All between street running east and west past Foss bakery to north city limits.

Second Ward—All between Foss' bakery and Cook Bros.' corner.

Third Ward All between Cook Bros.- corner and northern boundary of the Assembly grounds.

Fourth Ward—All south of the northern boundary of the Assembly grounds.

In sounding the alarm for fire the bell should be rung rapidly for about a minute, then stop and slowly tap the ward in which the fire is located, giving one tap for Ward No. 1, two taps for Ward No. 2, etc.

This fire alarm is also used in calling the fire company together at all its meetings. To do this bell will be rung at intervals, with three taps in quick succession. Two bells will be rung on each meeting night. Monton Foss is bell-man, and you will always find him at the rope when in town. In case of fire it is the privilege of anyone to sound the alarm. If the above rules are adhered to and the bell properly manipulated, a long felt want in our community will filled.

The fire company should be commended for taking this expense up on themselves, and now, what shall be used in fighting the fires that may visit our fair city, and by their; ravaging fiery tongues, swallow, before our very eyes, that which is near and dear to us. Something should be done at once. Who will Start it?