Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Phillip R. McLane

Phillip McLane Dies After Long Illness

Phillip McLane, age 52, died at his home Sunday afternood after an illness of more than three years.

He had lived here since a small boyr, being first engaged with his father in the livery stable business, and later operating a taxi line ofhis own.

He was a member of the fire department for a number of years.

Surviving him are the widow, Mrs. Goldie Thompson McLane; a sister, Mrs. Marian Keen of Lydick Ind.; a brother Charles of Culver; and many other relatives and firends.

Funeral services werhe hel this afternoon at the Easterday Chapel, Rev. V. B. Servies of Kentland and Rev. Richard Pengilly officiating.

Interment was in the local cemtery - AUg 3, 1938

Phillip R. McLane Was born on February 15, 1886 in Miami county, Indiana and departed this life at his home in Culver on July 31, 1938, at the age of 52 years, 5 months and 16 days.

He came to Culver with his parents when 12 years of age, and was married to MIss Golda Thompson on June 30, 1908.

Thier little daughter Jean preceeded him in death at the age of 6 years.

SInce motor cars first came into use Phillip has, bu radiating good will and friendship, been the very successul operstor of a persoonaly conducted taxi service.

He was an active member of the Culver Volunteer Fire Company from 1914 until 1935 when his physical condition made it impossible for him to answer calls

Phillip's love for wife and home and his friendly and cheery disposition to all will be a pleasant memory to his beloved wife, brother, sister and other relatives and friends

How sweet to sleep where all is peace
Where sorrow cannot reach the breast,
Where all life's idle throbings cease
An pain is lulled to rest.