Early Maps of the Area
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1819 - Map of Indiana prepared by John Melish Surveys furnisheb by Burr Bradley Entered according to Act of congress |
1822 - Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of Indiana the map stated The northern part of the state is still occupied by Indians
and has been very imerfectly explored.
NOTE: the Northern part was inhabited by the Kickapoo Indians... |
indiana_map_1827- Map of the States of Ohio, Indiana & Illinois and part of Michigan Territory from the Latest Autthoritirs - - D. H.
Vance Del., Philad. Published by A Finley indiana_map_1827, J. H. Young, Sc.
NOTE: was mostly labled "Pottowatomies" with
"Kickapoo" in the very southwest northern area near the Illinois border and Allen county had been established. |
Map of State of Indiana Exhibiting the Lands ceded by the Indiana Tribes to the United States by C. C.
Royce ; Govt. Print. Off. Washington DC 1881 |
Map Illustrating the Pioneer Periods in Indiana - Charles N. Thompson
S = Date of first white settler
O = Date of Organization as a county
C - Date whenfirst count co__d
L = Date of first Land entry
1836 - Tanner's Universal Atals Entered according to Act of congress in the year 1833, by H. H. Stnner in the Clerks Office
of the Eastern district of Pennsylvanna; Philadelphia, Published by H. S. Tanner, Engraved by J. Knight
NOTE: Marsall county did not yet exist - and is labeled Putawatomi and Miamis |
1845 - Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1842 by Sidney B. Morsse and Samuel Breese in the Clerks Office of the
Southern District of New York
Note: Culver was listed as Geneva and the spelling of L. Maxineukkee |
</td> |
1850 - Indiana 1850 Railroad Map - By. Col. Thomas A. Morris Civil Engineer, 1850 - - Entered according to Act of Congress in
the year 1850 by Col. T. A. Morris in the Clerks office of the District Court of the United States, for the SOuthern District
of New York office |
1856 - Indiana Published by J. H. Colton & Co. Nor. 172 William St. New York - - Entered accordingt to Act of Congress in the
year 1855 by J. H. Cotton & Co. in the Clerks Office of the District Court of the United States, for the SOuthern District
of New York
NOTE: the spelling of L. Muxincukkee |
1858 Indiana Johnson's Map of Indiana Showing the Rail Roads and Townships COmpiled from the latest and Best Authorities
Published by A. J. Johsnon, 111 Broadway, New York and Pl. Wyckoff Chicago, Illinois, 1858
NOTE: Culver was listed as Union Village the spelling of L. Maxincukkee |
1866 - A Diagram of the State of Indiana - - Department of the Interior General Land Office, Oct. 2nd 1866, Jos. S. Wilson
Commissioner; The Major & KNapp Eng. Mfg. & Lith. Co. 71 Broadway, NY.
NOTE: The completed railroad in northern Marshall county |
1880 - County and Township Map of the States of OHio and Indiana Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1879 by S.
Augustus Mitchell in the Office of the Librarian, of Congress at Washington
NOTE: That Culver is still listed as Union Village; and Marmont is also listed but is down in the soutweastern corner of Lake
1886 - Colton's Indiana Published by G. W. & C. B. Colton & Co. No. 182 William St New York
NOTE Spelling L. Muxmeakkee |
1900 Railroand Map of Indiana Prepared under the direction of and presented by the State Board of Tax commissioners Wm B Burford, Lith, Indianapolis |