Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

East Shore Lane Neighborhood Association Inc.  

In the summer of 1928, saw the formation of the East Shore Lane Neighborhood Association and a group of property owners, on the east shore of Lake Maxinkuckee near Culver gathered to hear one of their neighbors, H. H. Rice, announce that he had purchased the field behind their cottages.

He proposed to straighten and improve the primitive lane which served as access from the east shore road and when completed Mr. Rice deeded the small strip left over from the old lane to each property ownerand deed the lane to a property owner's association. .

The lane was blacked topped in 1931 and is maintained by the association. .

In 1949 upon the death of her husband Mrs. Rice deeded the field to the association and it was turned into a wooded nature preserve, under the guidance of Dr. Troy Babcock and Don Trone.

The stone pillars to the entrance of the private drive still stands as sentinels to this day just off the curve at St. Rd. 117. Maple tree were planted in 1929 to line the lane. The gate at the entrance is closed once a year for 24 hours to protect the status "private drive".

1928 - Apr 25 - Corners Being Rounded At East Side Lane Road
    A much needed improvement is being made by the county raos force at two corners on the road around the east side of the lake.

    A "S" corner is being made out of the two right angle turns where the East Side Lane joins the main highway and the corner where the Lane comes out to the highway beyond the Heywood Cottage is also being rounded.

    These improvements will add much to the joy of driving on this road, both from the veiwpoint of saftey and a smoother road.

1928 - Sep 28 - The newly formed East Shore Lane Neighborhood Association has taken out incorporation papers will begin a long-felt improvement by graveling a part of the road along the cottages on East Shore Lane.

    Indianapolis, Nov. 26. - (By I.N.S.) - A number of residents on the east bank of Lake Maxinkuckee in Union township, Marshall county, incorporated the East Shore Lane Neighborhood Ass'n. here today for the purpose of subdividing and selling real estate and owning and operating playgrounds and parks.

    The organization is not for pecuniary profits and no capital stock was listed. The main ' office will be maintained at Culver.

    The board of directors was given as Harvey Shafer of Culver, William Baker of Chicago, Grace P. Johnson, of Indianapolis, Herbert H. Rice, of Detroit, Michigan and Paul H. Davis, of Chicago.- News-Sentinel, Tuesday, - November 27, 1928

Later Mr. Rice deeded each property owner the small strip of land left over from the old lane.

1928, Seep. 26 - New Road to be Built by East Shore Lane Group
    A long-felt improvement is to be made by graveling a part of the road a long the cottages on East Shor Lane.

    This strectch of road had always been very rough and quite narrow and during wet weather was almost a continour mire.

    A group of cottages along this raod has formed the East SHore Lane Neighborhood Association and taken out incorporation papers.

    There are about sixteen in the association, and the elected H. G. Shafer, president; William Baker, cie, President; and Mrs. Wilbur Johnson, secretary-treasurer.

    The association will start theri raod at the corner of the East Side raod and has secured a 30 foot right-of-way to go straight ahead with a fourteen foot gravel road.

    It is planned to start the grading, laying of tile and drains and other preliminary work at once.

    The road will extend from the corner to and including the Paul Davis cottage.

    THe association is to be commended on its progressive move.

1932 - Jan 14 - The board (of commisioners) completed the vacation of certain property along Lake Maxinkuckee for the building of the Rice Road which runs along at the reat of a number of cottages by the lake.

The original stone pillars still mark the entrance from State Road 117 and maple trees planted in 1929 still line the lane. The lake association now has about 30 members, all served by the original private lane and its extensions. the association elects officers and directors annually at a meeting held traditionally in the outgoing president's home.

To protect the private status of the lane, the entrance is marked and the gate is closed one a year for 24 hours. The association, which blacked topped the lane in 1931, maintains the roadway, and provides street lights.

In 1949, following Mr. Rice's death, his widow gave the orginial field to the association. Under the guidence of Dr. Troy Babcock and Don Trone, the field was turned into a wooded nature preserve.

In the tradition established in 1928, the lane welcomes new homes and families. While some homes have been owned by the same families for many generations, Mrs. Don Trone is the only remaining orginial property owner and member. - Peter D. Trone.


History of Marshall County Indiana Sesquicentenial 1836 - 1986 (Taylor Publishing Co., 1986, Publication # 357 of 1422) Marshall County Historical Society pg. 32

H. H. Rice and Edith B. Rice bought farmland from Marvin T, Loudon and Clara L. Loudon which was evetually used to relocate East Shore Lane and give Rice Woods to the East Shore Lane Association, dated October 4, 1927. The description for this pracel is found in the Aug. 12 1959 Citizen when the notice of sale of Real Estate was publish for Tallman G. Loudon
    ...AND ALSO EXCEPT the following described real estate, sold by Marvin T. Loudon and wife, to Herbert H. Rice and wife, described as:
      That portion of Lot Two (2), in Section Number Twenty-seven (27), Township Number thirty-two (32) North Range One (1) East of the Second Prinicipal Meridan, bounded on the south by Center Line Section Twenty-seven (27), Township Thirty-two (32) NOrth, Range, One (1) Ea Publice Highway, on the North by said Highway; and on the West by the Alley of th East Boundary of the st, on the East by "VanShoiack's Subdivisions

Subsequenly, Rice by quit claim deed acquired all the properties in the attached plat, on January 5, 1932, recorded the plat on the same date. Rice then by quit claim reconveyed the properties to their original owners with the addition of the land made possible by moving the Lane to the east. 1939 Lake Group Holds Business Session
    The East Shore Lane Neighborhood Association, which maintains the upkeep and beautification of the Lane, held its 11th annual meeting Saturday, September 2, with F. M. Ward, vice president presiding.

    As the community suffered loss by death during the year the president of the association H. M. Rice, the following resolution was presented by a committee composted of Mrs. WIlbur Johnson, Charles Berry and Paul Krauss.

      Whereas, since the last annualmeeting of this association we have sustained through death the loss of one of our most distinguished and beloved members, Mr. Herbert H. Rice of Detriot, Mich., and also of out fine community at Lake Maxinkuckee. He was pre-eminent as a notable executive in the great business enterprises of this industrial age - in industry, in commerce, in finance - a student and a master of the great problems of modern transportation. He was esteemed and loved for his fine cultural and intellectual endowments, for his infailing attachment and affection for his family and friends, and for the humanitarian activities devised, suggested, and motivated by him for the help and metterment of his community anf fellow man.

      And whereas, we of this little colony of urs upon the verdant shores of beautiful Maxinkuckee, were privileged to know him and his fine social qualities as neighbors and friends ande were so frequently the beneficiaries of his kindly and intelligent interest and quidence and of the unfailling benevolence of his sympathies in his indefatigiable efforts to make our enviorment a better place in which to live and rear the children who will follow his and our passing generation.

      Therefore, be it Resolved by the members of this East SHore Lane Associaiton at Lake Maxinkuckee in annual meeting, this second day of September 1939, that he hereby express our deep consciouness of great loss in the passing of our truly fine fellow citizen and devoted friend, Mr. Rice, and that we extend to his family this expression of out sorrow and sympathy, and that the resolution ne spread of record upon the minuted of the association, and that a copy thereof be transmitted by the Secretary to his bereaved family.

    The association named for its officers for the ensuing year the following: President, Dr. Carol Rice; 1st vice pres.F. M. Ward; Wnd vice pres.C. H. Wilkinson; treasurer, Paul H. Krauss, Jr.; and secretart Mr. Ruth P. Johson.

    A road committee was appointed to look after cleaningand drainage of the ditch and upkeep of the Lane with D. M. Trone, chairman and Wilbur E. Ford, vice chariman. - Sept 6, 1939 - Citizen

In 1948 Rice's widow and daughter gave the additional land east of the relocated Lane to the East Shore Lane Neighborhood Association,(ESLNA)

East Shore Lane Now "The Great White Way"

Private Lake Road Brightly Lighted

The East Shore Lane Neihborhood Aeessociation, Incorporates, a non-profit organization of 19 Lake Maxinkuckee permanent and summer residents, recently completed the installation of brilliam street lights the entire distance of the private road. which begins as State Road 117 veers left just before reaching the Peirce C. Ward propert at 2270 East Shore Lane.

Lights On All Night

The 8-foot high lamp posts places at frequent intervals, are 600 candle power units. The lights remain on from dusk until daylbreak

Robert L Haig, affable Culver merchant and business man, who , like Jack Benny, is celebrating his 29th brithday today, is the progressive president of the association

Other officers of the Association are: Ronald Gales, vice-president; Mrs. Troy L> Babcock, secetary; and Dwight G Wildermuth, treasurer. - 30 Dec 1959

The area known or referred to as Rice's Woods all or part of it could of been originally, It is bound by East Shore Lane the road so labled on the west to the east by St. Rd. 117 and on the south by the road or lan labled "Private Drive".

Parcels held under the name of "East Shore Lane Neighborhood Assocation Inc, James Sturman, Trustee are:

6A - LOT 2 W RD E 30' EX RICE SUB -

.30A PRT LOT 3 COM INTER N LN S1/2 CEN LN The Old Bide-a-Wee Hotel -