Harry Folrath Cottage
A possible location
for cottage besed on facts and clues
1905 - aug 24 - Mr. and Mrs. E . C. Webster and daughters RUth and Margaret; W.
T. Britton; Earl Webster; C. P. Watts; W. E. SMith of Monticello, Ill. and H. O.
Folrath Decatur, Ill. are taking their annual outing on their grounds on the West
side. - Citizen
1907 - AUg 22 - Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Webster and daughters Ruth and Margaret, Mrs. and Mrs.
Peter Fallrath, Mrs. Nancy Tolliver, Miss Jennie Britton, Miss Etta Sockriter of
Monticello, Ill. and Harry FUlrath of Decatur, Ill. are now having a house-warming
at Dr. Webster's new cottage on the West side. - Citizen
1908, Jan 9 The year in building... E. C. Webster $500...
Mentions ot the "webster and Folrath cottage" up to 19120 in the
1910 - Another Long Point Fire The Hornung Cottage Destroyed... Propmpt
help is all that saved the Webster Cottage on the next lot...
Decatur Man's Lake Maxinkuckee House
Harry Folrath Has Cozy Cottage at Popular Indiana Resort |
On the beach of beutiful Lake Maxinkuckee, about thirty-three miles north of
Logansport, Ind., there was recently completed a handsome little cottage for
Harry Folrath and E. C. Webster of Cerro Gordo.
Several years ago on Mr. Folrath's first trip to the lake he was so delighted
withhis outing there that he decided to by a tract of land and buld a cottage.
His brother-in-law, Mr. Webster, who had also spent pleasant days on the lake,
joined him in the idea and became parto owner of the cottage.
The dwelling is a complete little house of a modified colonial style. There are
four rooms, with all conveniences. The cottage is not over one hundred feet from
the edge of the lake and is situated on an elevation that gives one sitting on
the front porch a fine view over the water.
Lake Maxinkuckee is named after an old Indiana chief, who used to camp on its
banks and the place is known all over the northern part of Indiana as one of
the fineset summer resorts in the state.
The Culver Military Academy is situated near the lake, which aids in drawing
The lake itself is about four miles long and three miles wide, but it is not its
size that makes it such an enjoyable place to spend the summer. It is the clear,
beautiful water and the surroundings that brings the large crown of excursionists
to its waters every summer.
It is said that one can walk 600 yards out into the lake before the water will come
to his shoulders. The deepes point in the lake is one hindred feet. The water is as
clear as crystal and one can see fish swimming as it in an aquarium.
Mr. Folrath and Mr. Webster expect to leave for their cottage late in August and
remain several weeks. - July 14 1907 - Herald and Review, Decature, Illinois
Harry O. Folrath Birth Sep 27 1873 Cerro Gordo, Piatt county, Illinois Death Aug
1918 Battle Creek Calhoun county, Micigan Burial Cerro Gordo Cemetery Cerrro
Gordo Piatt County Illinois
Harry O. Folrath, junior member of the firm of Folrath & Folrath, died
Thursday in a sanitarium at Battle Creek, Mich, of neurosis.
His brother, D. B. Folrath received the message Thursday morning and left
at noon to bring the body to Decatur.
The funeral service probably will be conducted in Dactur and burial be in
Cerro Gordo.
Altough Mr. Folrath had been in poor health for five months, and had not been
actively engaged in business since the first of March, news of his death was a
surprise to the family, as well as his friends.
His health had not been good since he was snowbound in Chicago in the extremely
cold weather last January and became ill with tonsilitis. A nervous breakdown
came in the spring and he went to a snaitarium in Indianapolis in March where he
spent amonth.
His health did not improve so he returned to Decatur and spent several months here
and in Monticella.
He was feeling better when D. B. Folrath was planning to go on a fishing trip to
Houghton Lake, Mich., and decided to go with him.
They made the trip to Detroit by rai and went by boat to Port Huron. Here Mr.
Folrath was taken sick again and the left immediaately for Battle Creek. He had
been there about five weeks.
In a letter recieved from him about a week ago he said that he was not recovering
as rapidly as he had hoped but he expected to pull through all right. That was the
last word received until the telegram Thursday.
His twin brother, Harley O. Forath, Wabash agent, at Cerro Gordo, his borther Walter
of Chicago and D. B. Folrath spent their vactions with him so that he was not alone
any of the time he was at Battler Creek. His brother Henry of Monticello had also
planned to spend his vacation with him, but this was merely because they wanted to be
with him and not because he was considered dangerously ill. Walter Folrath was with
him when he died.
Mr. Folrath was 43 years old. He was born in Cerro Gordo, but had lived in Decatur
22 years.
He had been in the shoe business in Ceroo Gordo five or six years before coming here.
He was never married, but lived with his brother, D. B. Florath, since he was fourtteen
years old and been associated with him as a partner for the last ten years.
He and his nephew, Tom Folrath, have been buyers for the store for the last five years.
Two years ago he was elected president of the Decature Shoe Retailer's association.
Mr. Folrath was an ardent Mason and never failed to attend the lodge meetings, if possible.
He was a member of the Mason lodge, AF & AM, and has held practically all the high offices
in it.
He leaves one sister: Mrs. E. C. Webster of Monticello and five brothers. They are
Harley O. Folrath, Cerro Gordo; Walter Folrath, Chicago; Ed Folrath in training in an
army camp; Henry Folrath, Montecillo and D. B. Folrath Decatur Aug 23 1918 Decatur
Hearald (Illinois)
Edwin C. Webster Monticello Piatt county Illinois Birth Jul 31 1864 Monticello
Piatt county Illinois Death Jul 14 1947 Hurial Monticello Cemetery Monticello
Piatt county Illinois married 25 Mar 1899 Piatt county Illinoid Madge B. Folrath
born 21 May 1867 Cerro Gordo, Illinois died 9 Feb 1926 Monticello Piatt county
Illinois Burial Monticello Cemetery Monticello Piatt county Illinois daughter of
Peter Folrath and Margaret Davis
Edwin C. Webster, 82, lifelong resident of Monticello, died Monday, July 14,
1947 at Kirby Hospital where he had b een a patient for several months.
Services were held at the Mackey Funeral Homer with burial in Monticello
Mr. Webster was born July 31, 1864 in Monticello son of William C. Wbester (1830-
1916) and Mary (Dyer) Webster (1834-1870).
He was married to Maude Folrath who died February 11, 1924.
Surviving are two daughters: Mrs. Ruth Nichols, Decatur and Mrs. Margaret Summers,
Monticello; a sister Mrs. Lillie Bond of Washington D.C.; a half-brother Earl
Webster, Decatur; and a half-sister, Mrs. Pauline Wohlfarth, Cahmpaign.
Edwin was a retired salesman for McKesson Drug co. of Peoria for more than 25
years - Piatt County Republican July 17 1947