Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Rev Harvey Harsh  

We Have with us today....

Seven years ago on March 2nd Rev. Harvey E. Harsh came to Culver as a pastor of the Grace and Zion Reformed Churches, and during that time has not only built up these chruches but ahd contributed much to the religious life of the communityand county.

He was born in Stark county, Ohio and attended school in one of those ttraditional little red school houses. His high school work was t Minerva, O., he received his A.B. degree at Heidelburg college, Tiffin, O., and his B.D. at Central Theoological SIminary, Dayton, O.

His first charge was t Dayton, from where he came to Culver.

Rev, Harsh has been elected to a number of offfices during these past seven years: president of the Culver-Union Towhsip COuncil of Churches; president of the Marshall COunty Ministerial Association; president of the Fort Wayne Classes of the Reformed and Evanelical church; dean of a simial school in the towhip; camp director for four years of camp Mack, Milford Ind. of the Reformed church; on the educational committee of the Fort Wayne Clesses for sice year; on the Marshall County Council of Christian Education for siz years; delegat from this council at the International Council at COlumbus, Ohio, last year and in 1937 repesented the Fort Wayne Classes at the first national council of this denomination at Lakeside, O.

The annual Easter drama that has become a tradition here was developed by Rev. Harsh, and has became the finest of its type to be presented in this part of the state. From this has come into actuality the Maxinickuckee Drama GUild, of which he is the director.

On May 19th, Rev. Harsh will observe the 10th anniversary of his ordination.