Shall Hawk's Lake Become A "Stink Hole" or Not?
Community Aroused Over Horrible Pollition Problem
By Robert K. Kyle
Culver Citizen
The town of Culver and property owners adjacent to Hawk's Lake - also known as Lost Lake and Little Lake - face a most critical situation.
Whether this small lake, which is across the railroad tracks at the outlet of Lake Maxinkuckee, it to be a sink hole or nor it the question.
Nearly everyone agrees that waste from the town's $2500,000 sewage disposal plant, built in 1952, is causing the trouble but thus far no one has taken
the necessary millitant leadership to correct the serious p ultion problem.
Sewage Disposal Plant Criticized
This leads many of the town's utility customers ($2.45 per month for 30 years, basic charge) to believe that the sewage disposal plant isn't worth a
continenual,and that instead of correction the big lake pollution it has merely compounded and transferred it to the little lake.
Fish Die by Thousands
Poperty va ules around Lost Lake are seriously affected the water level has dropped two feet, not due to pollution but to the drout's and lack of a much
needed and talked about dam down stream.
Aquatic plants have been killed, the fish have died by the thousbands, the stench not of dead fish but human sewage at times is terrible and silt is
entering this shallow body of water through fa ulty plant engineeringn or operation, or both.
The State Board of Health should enter the nusiance case but thus far a half-baked attempt by the district man, analyzing the water and finding it
heavily loaded with minerals and acids, looking wise and departing.
Many Complaints Lodged
Someone got irate enough to...(Continued pge. 10)
Mr. Kyle did not mince any words about what he felt by what is written above.