Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Commercial District of downtown Culver Sources  

Part 4

Carlisle, John C. “Murals completed half-century ago,” in Marshall County Life, March 21, 1992.

Corwin, Edwin R. One Township’s Yesterdays. Culver : Culver Citizen, 1934.

Evermann, Barton Warren, and Howard Walton Clark. Lake Maxinkuckee: A Physical and Biological Survey. Vol. I and II. Indianapolis: Indiana Department of Conservation, 1920.

Hartman, R.B.D., Centennial Historian and Archivist, Culver Military Academy. Letters, 29 November, 1994, and 12 December, 1994.

History of Culver Military Academy, 1894-1956. Vol. I.

History of Indiana. Special Addition for Marshall Countv. Madison, Wisconsin: Brant, F uller and Company, 1890.

Holland, T. Holland’s History of Marshall County, Indiana. Chicago: Western Publishing Company, 1876.

Indiana Department of Natural Resources. Marshall County Interim Report. Indianapolis: Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana, 1990.

Indiana Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs. Women of History in Marshall County, Indiana. Plymouth, 1976.

Kosiusko and Marshall County, Indiana, Pocket Business Directory. Scranton, Pennsylvania: U.S. Vest Pocket Directory Company, 1905.

Mather, Charles C. History of Culver Military Academy, 1894-1956. Vol. I. Culver , 1959.

Maxinkuckee Yacht Club, 1993 Yearbook.

McDonald, Daniel. A Twentieth Century history ,ry of Marshall County Indiana. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1908.

McDonald, Daniel. History of Marshall, Indiana. 1836-1880. Chicago: Kingman Bros., 1881.

National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet Section No. 9 Page 2 Culver Commercial Historic District

Nolan, Bea (Culver resident). Interview, Culver , Indiana, December 12, 1994.

Official Souvenir Program and History of Marshall county, Indiana. Plymouth: Marshall County Historical Society, 1936.

Roeder, Mark. A History of Culver and Lake Maxinkuckee. Culver : Maxinkuckee Press, 1993.

Sanborn Map Company, Fire Insurance Maps for 1906, 1914, 1924.

“Souvenir Addition of the Culver City Herald,” 1898.

Standard Atlas of Marshall County Indiana. Chicago: George A. Ogle and Company, 1908.

Standard Atlas of Marshall County, Indiana. Chicago: George A. Ogle and Company, 1922.

Swindell, Minnie H. The Story of Marshall County. 1923.

Taylor, Robert M., Jr., et al. Indiana: A New Historical Guide. Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Society, 1989.

Terre Haute and Logansport Railroad, “Lake Maxinkuckee, A Resort for Health and Pleasure in Northern Indiana,” 1885.

Thomas, John Hardin, “The Academies of Indiana,” Indiana Magazine of History, December 1914.

U. S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries, Map of Lake Maxinkuckee, 1901.