A Charming Indiana Watering-place
- Its History and Popularity -
Pretty Girls and Cool Breezes
(Correspondence of th Courier-Journal)
MAX-IN-KUCK-EE, Ind., July 23 - ...
In Marshall county lying like abrillant diamond set in emerald, away up in the hills.
You reach this sylvan lake, so bright and sparkling over the L. P. and C. railroad, whcich
runs through the garden of the state - every mile in thorough cultivation and improved to
the very best advantage. The whole face of the earth smiles like a garden as if enjoying the
elements of wealth and prosperity that areso lavishly scatteredaround.
This road is very popular, and today the crowded trains are evidence of this fact. It runs
through seven or eight county seats, besides numerous smaller towns and villages, in each of
which are seen the aspiring smoke-stacks of manufacturing establishments, the display of
machinery, massive brick buildings, and the general signs of industrial prosperity. The
purchase of this road by Jay Gould is said to be a fixed fact, thus establishing its
excellence andsuperiority, because has never taken hold of any useless ot non-paying stock.
At Argos, as ubckassucakand unromantic a spot as ever theeye restedon, you leave the train
andjump aboard oneof thecomfortable hacks or spring wagons awaiting and ride over to Lake
Max-in-kuck-ee, over whose silver bosom the white sails of numerouspleasure boat are consistantly
The lake is about four or finve miles long by three in width; its waters so limpid and clear that
one can see a quarter of a dollar on the bottom twenty feet below the surface.
On the north and northeast the wooded hills slope to the water's edge, presenting as fair a
prospect as the eye ever rested on. Many cottages are scatteredover these hills, while numerous
club-houses on the lake edge help to diversify the scene and amke a charming picture.
In fron of the Bay View club-house a pier has been built out into the lake , with a T at the
end and protected by awnings, for the use of the bathers. This is a favorite starting place for
boats engaged in racing, many of which are rowed by beautiful girls, whoseparents own cottahes on
the green slope of the hills.
These club-houses are owned by hospitable gentlemen from Indianapolis and other places, who come
here to spend the summer far remote from the heat, the cares and the business of crowded cities.
There are now about 700 people congregated here, all on the keen lookout for the pleasures of the
doles for _tents, roaming and roving under the shade of the classic beach, rowing and sailing over
the silvery wavesm or fishing for the bass and the wall-eyed pike. These wall-eyed fish are bold,
brazen, staring fellows, game to the backbone, and delicious when served for breakfast or dinner.
The original name of this lake, in the Pottawattamie language, was Nick-in-Kucke-ee, and was much
beloved by the aboriginal inhabitants. In fact, when the chief, Max-in-kuck-ee, sold the land to the
white, the remnant of the tribe, about 500, were so attached to the lovely lake and its surroundings
that each man, woman,and child fled to the bushand were hunted down like wild beasts, tied hand foot and
driven away by soldiers of the United States army to the reservation beyong the Mississippi.
There was weeping and wailing on the shores of Max-in-kuck-ee when the little band of home-sick,
heart-brokem patriots left forever these lovely places. It was as sad as the expulsion of the
Acadians from the shores of Minas. Many a touching story is told of Pottawattamies, Evangelines, and
Gabriels, their ruthless separationsand wanderings, wailings and despairings, heart-broken lamentations
and fearful revenges.
THis all happened about forty or fifty years ago, and now, when you catcha glimpse of a beautiful
young girl reclining on a fern covered, mossy bank, or see a maiden as fair as Calypsi skimming the
waves in her lightcanoe, you can, with only a slight stretch of the imagination, fancy her to be an
Indian girl on her native soil.
Ah Max-in-kuck-ee, on thy fair bosom and along thy silver-sanded shores have been heard the wails and
woes of anguish where now the soundsof music by moonlight, the silvery ripple of laughter from loving
and love-making hearts ravish the ear. It is sad to look upon this fair lake, reposing inthe mellow
amber twilight, an then turn back fifty years and see that little band, the remnant of a nation, bound
hand and foot and bodily borne away forever from their homes and household gods.
Ahm Penates, Lares! wgere was your protection for you idolators and yourpunishments for you
iconoclasters? It is worth a ride of 300 miles to visit this lovely lake, whose waters, so glad and
riants in the amber rays of the setting sun, seem to woo and welcome you. But each tiny wavelet that
breaks its little heart uponthe sandy shore seems to utter a moan of sadness like the last faint gush of
a broken heart.
Max-in-kuck-ee is now all gay and hilarious with summer delights. Hundredsof pretty girls and gallant
beaux throng the verdant shores. Every young lady, to be au fait, must have her little fairy boat, which
she dexterously guides with her own oars, having learned to paddle herown canoe with man's ease and skill.
AMong the many.
Pretty and Piquants Girls
Here at present, I hope to be pardoned for mentioning Miss Boggs, a charming blonde with brown hair;
the Misses Vaheb, especially Miss Fannie; Miss Deds Jameson and twenty more as fair, or fairer, than can be
found at any other place in the land.
The bathing costumes of the younf ladies are all tasteful and modest, and very unlike some of those natural
costumes you see in the East. These young ladies must be commanded for their good taste.
Miss Effie McQuatt is spoken of here as the best rower on the lake, as she is also one of the most beautiful
girls. Some of the boats owned by the ladies are specimens of naval beauty. The boatowned my Mrs. Judah,
with silver-plated oar-locks, is a thing of beaity as fair as Aprodite's shell in Cytherean waters. Mrs.
Wiggins has a nice little craft of black and gold, while many others are too pretty and saucy to look at.
The scene on fete nights in most beautiful and fairy-like when every boat is out on the lake dressed
with flowers and Chinese many-colored lamps, floating to the music of Gondolier's songs, keeping tune with the
candance of dipping oars and the merry laughter of young and happy hearts. Every night after the rowers and
sailors are all returned dancing and music by the stationed band are kept up till a late hour, and the next
day, and the mext, and so on is but the repetition of these happy senes.
If you should ever witness the shores of the lovely Max-in-kuckee you will go again, and be as loth to
leave as the heart-brokern Pottawattamies fifty years ago - Pan-Handle. - Courier-Journal, Louisville
Kenucky, Jul 27, 1881