Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

A Popular Indiana Resort

Beautiful Lake Maxinkuckee and Its Great Attractions in the Summer

Unwillingness of the Indianas to Depart from the Love Lingeing-Place

Indianapolis People Who HAve Cottages There

On the map Lake Maxinkuckee has about the outline of a fat Saddle Rock Oyster, and the sectin line show it to be two and a half miles long and one and a half wide in the its widest parts.

Few, if any, Maxinkuckians are disposed to accept these dimesnsions. When asked as to the size of the lake they usually give its width as not less than two miles, and the length as nothing less than three and a half. They are not singular in this.

All lake dwellers magnify the body of water upon which they live. Maxinkuckee or rather, thous not spelled so, Maxcukukee - is the Indiana name of this gem, and signifies "beautiful water" which indicates that the red man was apt in expression, for there is certainly no more beautiful body of water of its size in AMerica.

Along back in the '30's when the Indians were remoced from Marshall and surrounding counties to locations further west, many of these about the beautiful lake refused to go and were taken away by force. Quite a number hid themselves, and for yeears lingered about the lake.

It was full of fish and its borders abounded in game while mink, otter and beaver where there to afford profit to the red trapper, who coul barter their plets for poweder and lead.

The lake out in its middle is sixty feet or more in depth, and from its peculiar location and appearance comes the geologic theory that it was formed in the glacial age, that a hugh iceburg had become lodged there and had turned round and round until it produced a deep holeof cup-like shape.

There are many springs in the lake, as well as a number of fine large springs on the shore.

In the last two years people at the lake have bored to put down driven wells with the result of finding spouting wells, furnishing a head of water of from twelve to eighteen feet. These make beautiful fountains and furnish an abundant supply of delightfully cold water.

The water craft on the lask is something astonishing. Of row-boats, for the most part of rapid, clinker chape, there is no end. There are a score or more of sailing-boats, some of which are very fine.

W. O. DeVay has a little steamer that will carry twenty-five or thrity people; the "W. R. McKeen", Mr. Lord, master, will carry forty or more and the "Welcome" a new steamter, owned by Captain Morris, will acoomodate eighty or a hundred.

The Maxinkuckites are as enthusiastic about the spring water that abounds there as Floridians are about climat. The water is a fine chalybeate, being impregnated with iron and magnesia. It is very stimulating, and is considered a great blood-purifier.

A singlular thing about the lake is the circle of rising ground or little hills. Some distance back of the lake the ground is level, in many places is low and marshy, while it looks as if nearly all the little hills in the country had come up and circled about the lake to furnish lovely and beautiful sites for cottages.

Within the last five years the summer population of Maxinkuckee has increased greatly and Indianapolis is represented by more than a hindred cottages. The Plymouth Club-house stands at the north end of the lake, with a number of cottages of Plymouth people nearby, among them those of Mr. Corbin, Mr. Hill and Mr. McDonald, the last named editor of the Plymouth Democrat, being a most ancient admirer of Macenkuckee and perhaps entitled more than any one to the credit of having made its beauties known to the world.

Next comes a little hotel called the Palmer house, then the cottage of Mr. Culver, of St Louis Mr. Culver is the largest property owner on the northeast side of the lake. His cottage is worth $8,000 or more, is very handsome, and is built not as a mere summer house, but so that it need be, it can be occupied all the year round.

Below this comes the cottages of the majority of Indianapolis lake dwellers. First is "Hilarity Hill", occupied by Messrs Koehne, Kiefer and others; the comes the cottages of Otto Stechhan, Willis C. Vajen, the Peru club-house, the Bay View house, headquarters for the Robert Park people; Mr. Miller of Peru; Mrs. B. B. F. Peirce of Crawfordsville; Mrs. Ed Wheeler, of Plymouth; the Highland View House, kept by Mrs. Heller, of Indianapolis; the cottages of Mr. Marmon, J. B. Dill, J. H. Vajen; then the cottages of a number of Terre Haute people, Joseph Strong, Mr. Green, Mr. Martin; the branch store of Parker & Wyse, natives; then comes a strip of building lots, 1,100 feet ownded by Willis Vajen; next the cottages of Mathias A. Maus, R. P. Daggett, and Chalmers Brown of Indianapolis; then the Haylcon Club room and boat house of H. B. Scott, of Detriot, Mich., and below the cottage of H. Fulton, of Indianapolis.

Maxinkuckee is but thirty-two miles from Logansport, and a number of residents of that city have cottages upon the lake, among them Messrs Snyder, Purcell, and Wilson, Geo. Forgy and Frank Rice.

W. O. DeVay, Harry Adams, Martin Rice, W. B. Buford, John F. Wallick, Rev. J. A. Rondthaler, McGilhard and Darke all of Indianapolis, have cottages. Mrs. R. L. McQuat has an old-fashioned, picturesque white house that attract much attention. Dr. P. H. Jameson and John M. Judah have a cottage and usually spend the summer months at the lake.

"686-844_e_shore_vonnegut_row_schnull/schnull_family.htm" target=new>Henry Schull has a fine piece of ground, and will probably build for next summer.

On the west side of the lake, at what is known as Rochester Point, are a number of cottages and the Arlington Hotel, kept by Mr. Knapp, a very popular man. Mr. McSheehy of the Logansport Chronicle, has a cottage at ROcherster Point.

Maxinkuckee has grown in favor among Indianpolitians by reason of the facility and dispatch with which it may be reached, the new branch of the Vandalia making the trip a plesant one of little more than four hours.

Marmont is the name of the station on the Bandalia. This is a picturesque village, neat and clean. The grounds about the railroad station attract notice from the way in which they are adorned and the way in which they are cared for. - Jun 26, 1887 Indianapolis Journal