How the Pretty Little Indiana Lake Got It's Name
A Season of Great Properity at the Resort -
Comfimed of Present and Old Times -
Talk of Railway Excursions
(Special Correspondence Indianapolis News)
Maxinkuckee, Ind. - September 8 - The approaching clos of the season finds the
beautiful little resot, winding up a summer the mostsuccessful, from every
material point of view, it has ever had.
There has been only one vacant cottageat the lake and the owner of that had
twenty-seven applicants for it before the middle of July.
A number of new cottages were opened this year, and the hosteteamess made
so much money that their owners are lyingawake of nights, trying to
determine how to invest their surplus.
As for the railroad, it must have made nearly enoug to cancel itsalleged
indebtedness to the State. In short, there has been a "go-ness" from
start to finish in this year's doings, that has been a joy to behold.
The social featuresof life here were never before so attractive. Never
before have thene been so many pretty girls and so many nice-looking,
well-behaved youngmen. The truth is, that social lifeat Maxinkuckee is
changing - has changed.
I should say - and neveragain will a young man, be ducked in the lake for
wearing a white shirt, or a pretty girl be looked down upon because she
choosed to wear something more stunning than a blue serge gown and a natty
sailor hat.
Thise days hace gone forever, and gowns of the most approved decollete
style are now as pentiful at the hotel hop or a private function here,
the attendance, considered, as a Newport or Saratoga.
Such sights as might have been seen any Wednesday or Saturday nights this
year would have seteditor Dan McDonald, the acknowledged father of the lake,
starl mad, twnetyyears ago. As it is, McDoanld seldom trusts himself to the
lake now. He says the place has outgrown him. It should not be forgotten
however, that his ready pen was the first to p oint out its beauties and
its healthfulness, and when he dies, there should be a monument to his
memory somewhere on these lovely shores.
Orgin of the Name
Ther is a curious lot of contradictins as to the origin and meaning og
McDonald, I believe holds that it is an Indian word, and signifies
"gravelly bottom", or something of that sort, and in this he is
corroorated by Major McFedden, of Logansport, who was here when the
first white settler arrived, and no one knows how long before.
Others hold a directly opposite thory, and insist that an Indian, who
lost a moccasin in the lake, declared that ih had got stuck, in the mud,
and that Maxinkuckee, is simply an Indiana corription of "Moccasin-Muddy".
This theory falss flat for want of mud, because it mus be admitted that in
the ten miles circumference of this natural bowl of pure spring wather there
isn't mud enough to fasten a moccasin in.
The most reasonable accounting for the name I have heard, and a very pretty
tale it is was given me this summer by the great-grandson of a half-breed
Pottawattomie Indian, while I was floating down the dear little Tippicanoe
river on a fishing trip.
In 1770 there was a soldier in the Brittish army in Boston named Mike McNuckee.
His sympathy was with the suffering coloniate, but he was a soldier of the crown.
A good many other good Irishmen were in the same fix. Mike's time expired in '74
amd he declined to re-enlist. The ostensible reason was that he would not fight
under the same flag with the hireling Hessians, with with who family had some cold
steel differences in Ireland, but the truth was that honest Mike wanted, when the
real fighting should begin, to be on our side. A few years later, he was a soldier
in the Continental army, and a good, one too. He carried the flag with a cheer over
the breastowrks at Trenton and lightened the horrors of the dreadful winter at Valley
Forge by a cheerfulness and rollicking humor that there were an inspitation to his
famishing comrades. The end of the war saw Mike a captain. He had been commemed by
Washington in general orders for conspicuous bavery. He was a magnnificent specimen
of physical manhood, and kind and courteous as he was brave.
A Love Story
On returning to Boston the vitorious offices were feted, perhaps not so much as they
deserved, but certainly as much as their grateful countryman could afford. Atone of
these welcome home, Captain McNuckee met the lovely daughter of his colonel, and fell
in love with her at first sight. His Irish assurance whispered to his palpaitating
heart that his feelings were reco[rocated. Perhaps they were. Stranger things than that
have happened. He saw the lady next day and the mext and on the third received an
invitation to her marriage with a prominent young minister. From that instant he was a
changed man. Life was never bright again for the gallant vaptain. He would not trust
himself to see the lady, and rsolved to leave Boston at once. Not even a promised
nomination for alderman could keep him. THis last may seem incrdible, but it must be
remembered that it occurred moret than s undred years ago.
He decided to lead the life of a hermit, and et his face to the unbroken wilderness of
the West. He had plenty of time on his hands, and an eye for the beautiful in nature.
Over the mountains he spen, across the rivers, and through the swamps, staying a little
while here and a little while there, but not satisfied anywhere. A last this wandering
footsteps brought him to the placid shores of this lovely little lake. He he built a cabin,
"just big enough to put Queen Mab in" fish and game were abundant, and for thirty years he
lived witout seeing a human face, except for the reflection of his own in the clear water of
the lake. Then the Indians, - disturbed by advancing civilization, one day invaded his
sacred preserves on their westward retreat. In a spirit of honesty the offerdto buy his lake,
and he sold it to them cheap. It has been unkindly and untruthfully said that, being an
Irishman, he had nouse for so much water. What he reallywanted was solitude. The night before
he left the Indians made him a merry feast, and it was resolved then and there that the lake
should from, thenceforth and forever bear his name. It was solemnly christend "Mike-Mac-Nuckee"
The poor unlettered Indians had a hard time trying to twist their tongues around this purely
Cletic patronymic, and "Maxinkuckee" was the best that they could do.
I regret to any that no one ever knew what became of the gallant captain after he left the lake.
Local Improvements
The Culver Academy is a feature of Maxinkuckee now, and adds very much to the attractiveness. A few
yeas ago a bungling turned the sewage of the academy into the lake. The Maxinkuckee Association, with
Dr. Hurty at its back, made a raid on the academy authorities and got a promise that the thing would
be c hanged. The pipes have never been taken up, however, and an eminrnt physician of Terre Haute whose
family have b een here all summer, declared this week that some sewage at least was still going into the
lake. If this proves to be true, and it is now being investigated. The Maxinkuckee Association, which
is composed of cottage and hotel owners, will at once apply to the court for relief. It is
inconceivable that such a blunder, shouldhave been made in the first place and it is to be hoped it
is not being persisted in. Dr. Hurity, is whom the health and pleasure-seekers here have the utmost
confidencem has the matter in charge.
There is talk of the Nickel-Plate road extending its line in here nextyear, and now and then a rumor
that the Erie will also come it. The first would have to build a span about four miles. They would strike
the lakeon opposite sides. - Harry DeVitte - Sep 9 1899, Indianapolis News
This article also appeared in the South Bend Tribune (Indiana) Sept 11, 1899 excepting the las section
"Local Improvements?