Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Dead Fish - 1920

1920 - Jun 29 - Dead Maxinkuckee Fish Imperil Public Health

    Residents and cottagers around Culver and Lake Maxinkuckee appealed to the state board of health for relief because of the offensive odor caused by an unusually large number of fish that are dying in the lake.

    Dr. Harty, secretary of the state board, is quoted as saying that steps will be taken to remove the contamination. - Bremen Enquirer (Indiana)

1920 - Jul 28 = Ancient and Fish-like Smell
    According to a statement by Dr. Harty, secretary of the state board of health, steps will be taken by the state board to remove the contamination in Lake Maxinkuckee.

    Residents around the lake have appealed to the board for relief, because of the offensive odor caused from the unusual number of dead fish that are daily appearing on the surface of the lake. Presumably this is a recurrence of the disease which assailed the fish last year, and which will take one or two seasons to entirely eradicate - Citizen

1920 - Aug 4 - No Dead Fish
    Inquiry among th fisherman and some of the cottagers fail to get an cofirmation of the story in last week's Citizen that dead fish were so numerous as to be a nuisance.

    In any body of water there are always a few dead fish, but so far as Lake Maxinkuckee is concerned there is not foundation for the report.

    The item was taken from a Plymouth Paper.

    The basis fro the report was the presence of Dr. Harty, secretary of the state board of helath, who was called to pronounce upon the character of a green scum which gathered along a portion of the east shore and which gave out an offensive odor.

    This however has all disappeared. - Citizen