Storm Does Damage
"The Big WInd" of a week ago Tuesday afternoon was one of the
worst which has visited this section in many years.
It cam at 5'clock from the northwest bring a mass of dust which
resembled a sandstorn on the desert. It blew steadily for nearly
half an hour, accoumpanied by a deluge of raim, but the damage
was doen in the first force of th blow.
All of the runwaus of the east side of the Medbourn Ice house in
town went down, carrying a large number of heavy castings, and the
big tower from which the ice-carruing machiner is operated was
canted over at a sharp angle. The damage is $3,550 to $4,000.
The new barn, 34 X 70, on Henry Zechiel's farm just west of town,
was completely wrecked, going down in a heap. The workmen bad
finished putting on the roof about half an hour previously. The
building was worth $1,500 and will have to be rebuilt.
Moses Menser's farm barn, 24 X 60, likewise collasped, burying
five horses and a calf. Strange to say these animals, with the
exception of one hose, were uninjured. The horse has several
broken ribs and may have to be killed.
A portion of the roof on Cass DIllon's bar, north of town, was
blown off, and WIlbur Brown's windmill was wrecked.
Other damage was done in the country which our correspoondents
will doubtless report.
In town a great many trees were blown down. Some of them
were large maples. The strees were full of broke limbs. Many
small structures on private premises were toppled over
The academy grounds suffered in the loss of more than twenty
trees, some of them being large oak.
Thousands of b ushels of fruit were blown from the trees, wheat
shocks were scattered, and corn was laid flat. Much of the
corn will probably straighten up.
Immediately after the blow the Peerless, one of Finney's launches
and an academy cutter scouted the lake, but notwithstanding there
were may small boats out when the storm was approaching, all
reached shore in saftey, though some of them had a struggle.
The Telephone service was badly crippled. All of the tole lines,
nearly all of the rural lines and one-thrid of the local phones
were out of service. - July 17 1913