Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

An Excursion to Maxinkuckee - 1872

Having heard considerable of Maxinkuckee, the renowned summer resort of the Plymouth peopler; we determined, in company with special friends, to pay it a transient visit, for the prupose of seeing it and the intermediate country between the later and Plymoutn, and enjoying a boat ride upon the placid surface of Lake Maxinkuckee.

It is superfluous to say that we all enjoyed our ride on land very much; but our ride upon the lake a great deal better.

The country along our way between the two places is a good farming country; and as we approach Maxinkuckee the land is well timered. The pricipal varities are Oak, Walnut, Ash and Poplar.

Immediately aroun Maxinkuckee, the country is rough and hilly. The village is situated about one eighth of a mile from the Lake and twelvel miles from Plymouth.

Thye village itself is of very little importance, proseein a good country stroe, a flouting and saw mill, a smith and shoe shop, a hotel, the latter of which had good accommodations and a very gentlemanly Physican.

The Lake is about five miles long and three miles wide. The water is very clear, and the bottom covered with rocks and gravel.

A great mant fish amd some very fine ones are caught in it eavery season. The margin of Lake presents a beautiful scenery.

The village of Marmont with its towering Church spire on the opposite side, the farm houses that dot its border, the high bluffs that surround it, and the trees, which are at this time covered with beutiful foliage, all contribute to make the view charming and delightful.

We have been credibly informed that there are severl springs of undoubted mineral virtues in the vicinity of th village. If this is the case, the place will doubless in the future, make one of the best resorts in Indiana for those who desire pleasure and health.

All that is necessary now to develope the resources of Lake Maxinkuckee, and the surrounding county is to have rail road facilities. We understant that one of the dierectors of the Chicago, Continental, and Balitmore R. R. rsides in Marmont, and is endeavoring to make the latter a point of the projected line.

A small stea boat can be easily built that could run upon the Lake between Maxinkuckee and Marmont for the purpose of carrung passengers and frieght; thereby giving the former equal faclitites with the latter. This arrangement would contrubute still more to make the Lake a favooorite resport for those whyo enjoy a ride upon its surface.

Tourist - The Weekly Republican (Plymouth, Ind.) 11 Jul 1872, Thursday